Monday, October 15, 2007

The Tricky Tray was a great success! Clearly, everybody had a wonderful time and what's more, we raised $800+. This is $200 above last year, and we'll donate much of it to various causes.
At 9:30, Ray and Barb went with me to the clubhouse to help set up and we found Amy and others already there. The tables were arranged in a jiffy, the guys left, then the major work started. Amy and I had already labelled all the items and cups at home and she and I, Barb, and several other helpers put them on the tables.
We were all amazed at how many there were: about 90, and most were really nice. Although they were supposed to be valued at $10, we were sure many were worth more than that. We then put the cups with corresponding numbers next to the items. This sounds simpler than it is, but there were a few snafus and it took us until 11:30 to finish up. I then arranged the five door prizes on a small table. I had put some in elegant, gold and burgandy gift bags from Singapore and wrapped the others in gold paper with glittery trim. I added gold "streamers" and the whole display looked very attractive and festive.
Finally finished, we hurried home. I jumped in the shower, made Pat's lunch, dressed (with my belt--yes!), then high-tailed it back to the clubhouse. The refreshment committee was already there, and had set out cakes and cookies, all homemade, and had fresh coffee brewing. Soon, members started coming in.
The meeting started at 1:30 and just about the entire membership seemed to be there, I'd say at least 70 or 80 women. They bought their blocks of tickets, then walked around the tables to drop them in the same-numbered cups next to the things they wanted.
When everybody had finished distributing their tickets and were sitting down, I started the "auction." I supplied a running commentary for each item, Amy took a ticket out of the cups and handed it to me, I announced the number, and Anne took the item to the winner. Of course, a lot of fun ensued, with excitement, laughs, and screams of delight from the winners, as well as mock protests from those who didn't get anything. I then called out the numbers for the door prizes, and the winners came up and selected.
It was so nice to hear the compliments to Amy and me for our work--not to mention the remarks about how good I look (hey, I'm just repeating what people said) with the weight loss.
After cleaning up, we left about 4:00, and I changed, did a load of wash, and made dinner. Enjoyed D.D. Ellen's Sunday evening phone call as always and we talked for a good hour. Watched "60 Minutes" as long as I could stay up--until about 8:45--then went to bed, read, and slept like a log.
Nothing today except Pat's doctor's appointment in the morning. I hope to relax after that and may go over to Hamilton Mall. If I do, will stop at Santori's for feta cheese and my veggie fix.


iloveac said...

The 'Tricky Tray' sounds like major fun. I can hear you now describing the items with beautiful words. You are gifted with the art of language.
I thought you were going to take some 'down time''s schedule...Pat's appt....Hamilton Mall....Santori's...sounds pretty full to me.

Betty''s Page said...

I wish I had been at the "Tray Thing". It sounds like it was a blast.
I am having a colonoscopy in the morning. I am having it in the hospital but, I won"t stay unless, I start to bleed or they have to remove a node.
I am bummed out because I can't get my Blog to work.. I can't write into it. Do you have any ideas on how I find a way to actually put in a new blog?

Mimi said...

The only thing I can suggest is for you to go to Blogspot, that I use, or Vox, that Pat R. uses and just start another one. Will call you this afternoon; will repeat this via e-mail.


At nine, I called the Access Van to take me to Ellen's retirement party today and was horrified to learn they don't go to her school...