Sunday, October 28, 2007

Notwithstanding the driving rain, I drove into the big city yesterday (Manahawkin, 8 miles away) to get groceries. Ran a number of other less-than-interesting errands, too. I had no sooner gotten home than the sun came out--never fails.
Amy Z. came over to deliver my Avon. I don't use cosmetics every day, but may tomorrow when I pick up Mary Ann Van O. for lunch. Her Bart also has emphysema, but not the other problems Pat has. We like to compare notes every once in a while, although, in truth, we don't have much else in common.
Pat has a derm appointment in the morning tomorrow, and one with the podiatrist on Tuesday. After that, Leslie and I plan to see "Why Did I Get Married?" (her choice). Wednesday, I go up to New Egypt to see Joely's school Halloween parade and will see little Tristan, too--yay!
Ellen called last night--a deviation from her usual Sunday--and so did Mike on the web cam. We got a fleeting glimpse and chat with Vivian, until she zipped away off to her own pursuits.
Today, I'll join Alison and entourage for a hike at Brendan Byrne State Park. It shouldn't be more than a mile or two, considering two of the participants are three and four.
Later: Yep, I did it. Blog Buddy Pat was right (see her comment on yesterday's post). Sans Susan, I completed the mile and a half morning walk both days. Yesterday, sloshed through the rain holding an umbrella, today listened to the good ol' fifties songs on my portable CD player.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...