Friday, October 19, 2007

After WW, I had a busy and productive day doing...what? Can barely remember, except for grocery shopping, doing wash, and getting Patrick's overalls shipped off (to the tune of $46 for postage).
Got an unexpected gift from Susan yesterday: a spice-flavored candle in a ceramic pumpkin. Lit it at dinner last night and really like it. Coincidentally, I had bought both of us a tee-shirt with a taped-mouth jack-o-lantern ("Here's your treat/Now shut it.") and gave it to her this morning. She was delighted and put it on immediately, so we walked our walk dressed alike, to the amusement of the neighbors we meet up with every day.
Got an invitation from Judy for her and Roman's tree-lighting party for December 8 and will be glad to attend. Cleaners are coming today. Other than that, there's a lull in my life. Think I'll finish up a few hanging projects, then see if I can scare up some excitement...

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...