Friday, January 24, 2025


I kept my 11:00 dentist appointment and was out of there in a half-hour. Took the bus home and Ellen got here before noon; we chatted a bit, then it was off to Target for paper towels, apples, tomatoes, and coffee. By the time we finished, it was after 2:00 and we went to the Rincon for a late lunch. We chose off the Happy Hour menu--amazingly inexpensive, considering the other restaurants I frequent. I had a cheeseburger with salad, plus a good IPA and, with tip, it was only a tad over twenty bucks--amazing.

Home to visit a bit more and to discuss Mom's possible future. I'm not in complete agreement with my children's ideas, but we have a kind of a tentative understanding. El invited me to come to her place on Sunday and I'm looking forward to that. 

After we said goodbye, I sat down at this laptop to start off my chronicle of daily events. To my great annoyance, I could only read the blog, not post on it. After trying my best to remedy the situaiton, I packed it up, put it in my cart, and walked over to UBreakIFix. Bryce did, indeed, get me into it in a second and I hope that won't change. 

Called Noreen after dinner on the off chance she could meet for lunch today. Happily, she can and I'll see her at Dargan's at 1:00. 


Duane put a lovely tribute to his late brother, David, on Facebook. Here's the picture he posted with it:

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 Down a tad (.02) to 127.2 at home and a tad more at T.O.P.S. (.07) to 128. Meeting was so-so, consisting of each of us reading a paragraph ...