Monday, January 13, 2025


I found Jim!

Here's how it happened: I knew he had been taken to see Granny's Care Home in Oxnard, but the social worker at Victorian Care Center had told me he hadn't been "accepted" there, presumably because he couldn't pay for it. For that reason, I hadn't called there, but yesterday morning, thought I'd give it a try. To my surprise, I was told yes, they did have a resident by that name and what's more, I asked to speak to him and was connected immediately. He actually said he was glad to hear from me and he sounded pretty good (for Jim, that is). He even replied "good" when I asked how the food was. We chatted for a few minutes and I told him I'd be in to visit him when I have a chance. I knew he had exhausted his Medicare-paid hundred days at Victoria, so I guess, as Suzanne suggested, he was given another shot at it. Also, I know there's a difference between a skilled nursing center, which Victoria is, and simply a nursing home, which I believe is Granny's Home Care. (I don't believe in capital punishment, but I'll make an exception for the perp who named the place.)

Left for Hill Street and met Diane at noon. Unfortunately, a disaster occurred when I tried to  open my IPA: the pull-tab broke off and I was left with no way to get to  my brewski. This was serious, so what to do? Luckily, Hill Street Cafe is right next to the library and I went there and threw myself on their mercy. Happily, the very pleasant and friendly manager came to my rescue and opened it. He also poured it into a plastic glass with a tight-fitting lid, so I had no problem walking the short distance back to our spot with it.

After that, Diane and settled into our usual sharing and comparing. As we almost always do, we discussed family, our childhoods, and what's right and wrong with the world. Said so long about 3:00 and I walked home, first deviating to Von's for shredded cheese and wheat crackers. 

I decided to make lemon squares to the covered dish tomorrow, so got out most of the ingredients, plus the cookie sheet I'll use for the base, measuring cups and spoons, and so on. I'll make them today, as I won't have time tomorrow since I'm meeting my new friend, Esther, for lunch.

Also decided I don't want to miss cousin Sally's ninetieth on Saturday. I'll get back to Duane, then plan which train to take and so on. 

Soaring Spirits dinner tonight. 

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