Tuesday, January 28, 2025


Ellen called early to ask if I wanted her to come over on Wednesday (now tomorrow) and we could grocery shop, go to lunch, and hang out. Of course, I was delighted to accept. My choice where we go could be WinCo, then maybe lunch at Aloha on the beach. 

Suzanne stopped in to show me pictures of her recent trip to San Diego. As she said, it's too bad we went a week apart to the same area; otherwise, we could have gone together. However,  it was nice she could see her baby great-nephew, Huxley, who's three months old and coming into a brave new world 😁.

Went to CVS for the OTC eye vitamins the doctor recommended. I was amazed at the price: forty bucks, but my OTC benefit covered all but fifteen and change. These are capsules to be taken in the morning and at night, so I just slipped them in with my other meds. Stopped at Von's for veggies, rice cakes, and a bunch of other stuff. 

Called Lorraine to see if she wanted to meet me in the middle where I planned to take my lunch and she did. I took my check to the office and was dismayed to find the gathering room was locked. Kim told me the new owners would not allow residents to go in without the now mandatory $350.00 daily fee. Can't I even take my lunch in there once in while? Sure, for three-fifty a pop. The new owners want to attract those arranging business meetings, I understand. Oh, well, I can still eat in the middle...

...which Lorraine and I did at 1:30. Actually, I did--she lunches much earlier, but sat down with me to talk. In truth, Lorraine is one of those acquaintances with whom I have little in common. I can never decide if I consider her an okay companion or more of a bore and a pest. However, I like to have a variety of friends; I have black, gay, old, young, and in-between types, so I'll give her the benefit of the doubt.

I spent some time on the little verse I wrote as a thank-you to Duane, Anita, and Ray. It spells our their names and here it is:

D amn, you three are all so cute,

U pper class there's no denying,

A nd your actions are a hoot; 

N o, I really am not lying,

E ven so, you're not as sweet

A s Trigger boy, for he's a treat,

N ot to mention little Buddy;

I am just a fuddy-duddy

T rying hard to now convey

A ll the thanks I want to say:

R eally had a super time

A t your place--to me,

Y ou're PRIME!

             Love, Wrong Way Rosemary

The name? Ray jokingly dubbed me that because of my getting on the wrong train. The verse could be better, but I guess it's okay. I'm including with it a little pickleball Christmas ornament (they both play), and I'll send it off and hope they enjoy it. 

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 Down a tad (.02) to 127.2 at home and a tad more at T.O.P.S. (.07) to 128. Meeting was so-so, consisting of each of us reading a paragraph ...