Saturday, January 25, 2025


Weight: I gained but even so, I was pleased because it was a miniscule amount: Home, I was up .08 to 129.2; at T.O.P.S., up 0.2 to 129.4--still in  my comfort zone, but barely.  We had the usual meandering meeting--only five of us, but it went okay. Next week, Lennie won't be here, as she's taking her granddaughter to NYC for some Broadway shows--lucky them!

Home at 10:00, had breakfast, and almost immediately set off for town. Stopped in a few shops, but didn't buy anything, then met Noreen at 1:00. We sat outside in the lovely sunshine and talked and talked, as ever. I wasn't at all hungry, so just had onion rings and an IPA. 

Noreen is about as big a fan of Trump as my daughter, Ellen, meaning they both think he's the devil incarnate and N. was very vehement about it. Okay, he's a bad person, lower than a rat's heinie,* but in  my estimation, they all are. The system is corrupt and the higher up you go, the more they stink. Anyway, we had an enjoyable time. While we were there, Ellen's friend, JoAnn, saw us and came up to say hello with her little pooch. 

We said goodbye after several hours and bused home. Got in at 5:00 and had a text from Ellen about the rain predicted for tomorrow. She had invited me over and I don't want to miss, so will call the Access Van to take me there and back. El promised she'd ask Greg over too, and we'd play Blockus and gin rummy--YAY!

*I made that up, I'm proud to say.


Anonymous said...

No you didn’t make it up. I’ve heard it used many, many times when someone refers to their heinie. It’s a good word.

Mimi said...

I didn't mean I made up the word "heinie," just the "lower than" part. Well, he is lower than that, isn't he?


 Down a tad (.02) to 127.2 at home and a tad more at T.O.P.S. (.07) to 128. Meeting was so-so, consisting of each of us reading a paragraph ...