Friday, January 31, 2025


Lorraine called at 7:15 am--AAGH! I listened to her usual array of complaints, inane ideas about what an evil place the world is, and how everybody she meets is an idiot. Now I'm beginning to wonder if I should ever have befriended her. Oh, well, I'll try to avoid. 

After breakfast, I accepted my Domestic Goddess role and spent virtually the whole day on chores. Food prep was the prominent one: I chopped two pounds of onions with my trusty Chop Wizard, then did a pound with the mandolin. Divided and stowed most in the freezer, reserving the rest for stewed (actually, mine are roasted) tomatoes. Quartered the tomatoes, added the onions, olive oil, vinegar, garlic, and Italian seasoning and popped all in the oven. I zested and juiced the five lemons given me by "Upstairs Mike." Tucked the results individually in the freezer and now I'm set for both turkey stir-fry and lemon squares, as well as whatever else. 

I then turned my attention to the six pounds of chicken thighs I had bought at WinCo and followed the best recipe I've ever found. You brush them with melted butter, season (I used my favorite, Italian seasoning), then cover with foil and roast for an hour in a slow (300 degree) oven. After, you remove the file, raise the temp to 425 and keep them in for another twenty minutes or so. Oh, mama, are they good. 

Also did a color wash; rearranged my warm outer clothes drawer (wool scarfs, coat hoods, gloves, etc.); and took the trash to the dumpster.

I called my cousin, Sally, and we talked, both about everyday things and David's death. I still don't know if they know what actually caused it, and I didn't want to ask. Sally said the memorial service will be in March. Possibly, I can get to it--I would like to, but will decide later.

I happened to see these Russian dancers on Facebook and found them so spectacular, I posted here:

Thursday, January 30, 2025


Did a few chores in the morning, then took myself across the street to Nails L'Elegance for a long- overdue pedicure. The place was all decorated for the New Year--Year of the Wood Snake--which is, of course, celebrated across Asia. Kathy and the others are Vietnamese and were in colorful costumes: 

Trotted home and got ready for Ellen to come at noon. We chatted for a bit, then went over to CVS for something she needed to pick up. Had lunch at Hill Street Cafe, then it was off to WinCo and boy, did I stock the larder. Got lots of produce, chicken thighs, plus chicken livers, which I love, as well as mushrooms, acorn squash, strawberries, salmon, a six-pack of IPA, and more. As I told Ellen, it would have taken me three trips to get that much via bus and with my cart, so I really appreciated it. Even more, I appreciated the fact that my dear girl invited me to go to her place on Sunday and, in fact, every Sunday, unless I have other plans. Happily looking forward to starting next week off with that.

After El left, I sliced the strawberries, added a little Stevia, and put them in the freezer in three small containers to enjoy later. Cooked the liver and mushrooms for dinner, along with leftover potatoes and peppers, for a good meal. Today, I plan to prepare the chicken, reserving one for tonight's dinner and the rest for later. 

Happily, I slept well last night.

Financial note: Called Maureen at Groendyke (homeowners insurance) and found I have a $2500 deductible, so sent a check for $800 to Ernest Fey & Son for the plumbing repair. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2025


Did a color wash during breakfast, ate, then pulled together the little verse for Duane and his gal (and her father). Wrapped it, made lunch, and walked to the P.O. to send, after which I bused to town.

It was very quiet, which I had expected, considering it was a week day and chilly, but I enjoyed it. Bought some Valentine cards and a few other small items, then enjoyed lunch, as ever, across from the mission. 

Got home at 4:00 and ran into Vickie outside her apartment. She invited me in and we chatted for a bit. She was happily excited because re her cancer, she got an appointment with a new--I'm not sure what the title is, but her insurance won't cover it. The person is in the medical field, so I'm not sure why it wouldn't be covered, but maybe it's one of those unproven theory things...

Speaking of: I got a text from Jeanne Painter with a video of a doctor saying essentially that all medicines are crap. Jeanne said her mother was on cholesterol medication and it caused her to get Alzheimer's and die at 83. Oh-k-a-y... I guess I'll toss my meds and live to be--83...?

I called Roy Sanchez, the former student of Jim's, to whom I had given Jim's contact info. There was no answer, so I left a message asking him to call. I'd like to know if he contacted Jim or went to see him.

Looking forward to a day with Ellen today; she said she'll be over about noon, then we'll go shopping and to lunch.

Darn, I hadn't been bothered with RLS for months, but last night, it came back with a vengeance; had a very restless night and even got up to play a laptop game. I finally dropped off, but probably got no more than five hours. 

Financial Note: Early on, I got the news that the pipe repair at my house in Jersey would cost $800; the plumber will send an invoice. I want to call my homeowners insurance broker to find out if it's covered. Report from Mike, who fixed it previously: "Freezing destroyed the valve put in a few weeks ago. I was capped with a solid pipe cap, which should be good until spring. It's odd that the sprinkler control box is off, but water flows full stream even off. Seems as if the valve that is supposed to shut off must be broken."

Tuesday, January 28, 2025


Ellen called early to ask if I wanted her to come over on Wednesday (now tomorrow) and we could grocery shop, go to lunch, and hang out. Of course, I was delighted to accept. My choice where we go could be WinCo, then maybe lunch at Aloha on the beach. 

Suzanne stopped in to show me pictures of her recent trip to San Diego. As she said, it's too bad we went a week apart to the same area; otherwise, we could have gone together. However,  it was nice she could see her baby great-nephew, Huxley, who's three months old and coming into a brave new world 😁.

Went to CVS for the OTC eye vitamins the doctor recommended. I was amazed at the price: forty bucks, but my OTC benefit covered all but fifteen and change. These are capsules to be taken in the morning and at night, so I just slipped them in with my other meds. Stopped at Von's for veggies, rice cakes, and a bunch of other stuff. 

Called Lorraine to see if she wanted to meet me in the middle where I planned to take my lunch and she did. I took my check to the office and was dismayed to find the gathering room was locked. Kim told me the new owners would not allow residents to go in without the now mandatory $350.00 daily fee. Can't I even take my lunch in there once in while? Sure, for three-fifty a pop. The new owners want to attract those arranging business meetings, I understand. Oh, well, I can still eat in the middle...

...which Lorraine and I did at 1:30. Actually, I did--she lunches much earlier, but sat down with me to talk. In truth, Lorraine is one of those acquaintances with whom I have little in common. I can never decide if I consider her an okay companion or more of a bore and a pest. However, I like to have a variety of friends; I have black, gay, old, young, and in-between types, so I'll give her the benefit of the doubt.

I spent some time on the little verse I wrote as a thank-you to Duane, Anita, and Ray. It spells our their names and here it is:

D amn, you three are all so cute,

U pper class there's no denying,

A nd your actions are a hoot; 

N o, I really am not lying,

E ven so, you're not as sweet

A s Trigger boy, for he's a treat,

N ot to mention little Buddy;

I am just a fuddy-duddy

T rying hard to now convey

A ll the thanks I want to say:

R eally had a super time

A t your place--to me,

Y ou're PRIME!

             Love, Wrong Way Rosemary

The name? Ray jokingly dubbed me that because of my getting on the wrong train. The verse could be better, but I guess it's okay. I'm including with it a little pickleball Christmas ornament (they both play), and I'll send it off and hope they enjoy it. 

Monday, January 27, 2025


Glory be, it rained!  We hadn't had any since last March and, although this wasn't a downpour, it actually got the grass and sidewalk wet. It stopped after a few hours, but I hope it helped with the fires.

Did the usual Sunday things and a few chores, then went outside to wait for the Access Van. I had asked for a 5:00 arrival at Ellen's in Ojai, but there were some snags and I didn't get there until about 5:30. No matter, we chatted while El rode her exercise bike, then she served lunch. She had made a ground turkey meatloaf and there was a choice of "hot by itself" or "warm on a sandwich." I opted for the latter with the excellent coarse bread from The Farmer And the Cook. Accompanied by mixed vegetables and an IPA, it was yum. Greg had been invited, but had just gotten back from Santa Barbara and decided not. He asked if I wanted to go with him to Bart's Books, as I often have, but the Access Van was picking me up, so I said another time.

We then played a cutthroat game of gin rummy, which was a close battle. We had a great time, as we all have the same sense of humor. I don't even know who won, as the Access Van came before we reached a score of 500. Anyway, it was great fun.

As for Ellen's nice house in Ojai, it's actually owned by two sisters, identical twins, named Gwennie and Cessie. You have to be really on your toes when you visit, as they rule the roost. Here's Gwennie in a contemplative mood:

Access Van dropped me off at 6:00 and I called my neighbor, Lorraine, to see if she wanted to meet at the clubhouse today for lunch today (well, I'll bring lunch, but she eats much earlier). She said yes and I'll call her when I'm ready.

Sunday, January 26, 2025


I got a fair amount of chores done after gallivanting for so long: Changed the bed washed the sheets and re-made; filed the mountain of papers I've been neglecting; washed, cored, and quartered three pounds of apples, put them in the slow cooker with cinnamon, and now have a nice batch of chunky applesauce.

I took my lunch outside to the middle to eat, but didn't stay long, as it was a little chilly. After, I treated myself by watching Chinatown, one of my top five movies, on my new DVD player. Called my cousin, Sally, to see how she was holding up after David's death, but there was no answer. I'll wait awhile to call again.

Got word from Little Egg that there was a sprinkler leak problem at my house. I called my long-time friend and neighbor, Susan Geldart to ask for the name of a plumber. Her husband, Walter, provided two names, but I may not have to use them. I was saddened to hear the the husband of a mutual friend of ours, Gary, had broken his hip, there were complications, and he died in Presbyterian Hospital in Philly. I must send a note of condolence to Julie. 

More from my trip to Encinitas:
Here's Ani's Dad, Ray, ninety years old and a master ship builder.

He built the Titanic!

Above is one I like a lot--a copper bottom sail boat. 

In the small house in which he lives, Ray has sailing ships here, there and everywhere. There are many at Duane's, also.

One more thing regarding my trip: Ani (Anita), who's very introspective, told me of an exercise her therapist suggested: Without pondering, name three things that most influence your life. I can't remember what her things were, but I told her these for mine: Ventnor/twin (being one)/family. Hmm...maybe they're all one...

Saturday, January 25, 2025


Weight: I gained but even so, I was pleased because it was a miniscule amount: Home, I was up .08 to 129.2; at T.O.P.S., up 0.2 to 129.4--still in  my comfort zone, but barely.  We had the usual meandering meeting--only five of us, but it went okay. Next week, Lennie won't be here, as she's taking her granddaughter to NYC for some Broadway shows--lucky them!

Home at 10:00, had breakfast, and almost immediately set off for town. Stopped in a few shops, but didn't buy anything, then met Noreen at 1:00. We sat outside in the lovely sunshine and talked and talked, as ever. I wasn't at all hungry, so just had onion rings and an IPA. 

Noreen is about as big a fan of Trump as my daughter, Ellen, meaning they both think he's the devil incarnate and N. was very vehement about it. Okay, he's a bad person, lower than a rat's heinie,* but in  my estimation, they all are. The system is corrupt and the higher up you go, the more they stink. Anyway, we had an enjoyable time. While we were there, Ellen's friend, JoAnn, saw us and came up to say hello with her little pooch. 

We said goodbye after several hours and bused home. Got in at 5:00 and had a text from Ellen about the rain predicted for tomorrow. She had invited me over and I don't want to miss, so will call the Access Van to take me there and back. El promised she'd ask Greg over too, and we'd play Blockus and gin rummy--YAY!

*I made that up, I'm proud to say.

Friday, January 24, 2025


I kept my 11:00 dentist appointment and was out of there in a half-hour. Took the bus home and Ellen got here before noon; we chatted a bit, then it was off to Target for paper towels, apples, tomatoes, and coffee. By the time we finished, it was after 2:00 and we went to the Rincon for a late lunch. We chose off the Happy Hour menu--amazingly inexpensive, considering the other restaurants I frequent. I had a cheeseburger with salad, plus a good IPA and, with tip, it was only a tad over twenty bucks--amazing.

Home to visit a bit more and to discuss Mom's possible future. I'm not in complete agreement with my children's ideas, but we have a kind of a tentative understanding. El invited me to come to her place on Sunday and I'm looking forward to that. 

After we said goodbye, I sat down at this laptop to start off my chronicle of daily events. To my great annoyance, I could only read the blog, not post on it. After trying my best to remedy the situaiton, I packed it up, put it in my cart, and walked over to UBreakIFix. Bryce did, indeed, get me into it in a second and I hope that won't change. 

Called Noreen after dinner on the off chance she could meet for lunch today. Happily, she can and I'll see her at Dargan's at 1:00. 


Duane put a lovely tribute to his late brother, David, on Facebook. Here's the picture he posted with it:

Thursday, January 23, 2025


 A see-saw day, both good and very un-good.

We got to Santa Barbara and Villa Alamar about 10:30 and found Betty in the activities room along with other residents. Michelle, one of the activities leaders, was leading a kind of bingo game, matching up small pictures. Only one or two of the ten residents could do it, but Michelle was adept at helping them. After, I sat with Betty after she was wheeled to the dining room for lunch. She ate well--by herself--and I enjoyed seeing her do that. What I didn't enjoy was a phone call I got from cousin Sally's son, Duane, while I was there. 

He called to tell me sad and sudden news from Encinitas: his brother, David, had been found dead a few hours before. I was stunned speechless. I had chatted with David at the parties a few days ago and had met him before. David had some kind of slow-learner problem and went to special classes in school. I always thought he had Asperger's Syndrome, as he was very reclusive, had little sense of humor, and was unsocial in the extreme. However, he did have a job (stocking shelves at Ralph's supermarket), drove a car, and lived in his own apartment. Duane told me he had been dropped off at home, but was called later and there was no answer. At this point, they have no idea why he had died or how. He was only in his middle fifties and seemingly, was in reasonably good health. Here is David during Sally's birthday dinner:

Left Betty and met Carolyn at a German restaurant in town. Had a good lunch with good German beer, plus an enormous German pretzel, which we happily shared (fork is for perspective re size):
Dropped Carolyn off and drove back to Ventura. Unfortunately, there seems now to be another fire (or fires) in Oxnard and smoke was in the air. 

Today, I'll go to the dentist to get that filling, then will be picked up by Ellen. We'll do lunch, I guess, and as for anything else, I'm game.
More from the party days--from left, seated, Jim, a friend of Duane's and David. Standing, Cooper.
At head of table, Duane, to his left, Evette, Tristan, Kendra (back turned) and Evette's husband.
At table, Doreen and her husband, Alan. I had been next to him, but got up to take the picture. On my left, at other head of table, was Sally. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2025


Yesterday, Tuesday, I went to Oxnard to visit Jim. He's in Granny's Care Home and there are only six residents. He was clean and neat, although still, of course, terribly thin. He seemed glad to see me and we chatted for about a half hour. Unfortunately, he was in a wheel chair and said he no longer walks.  It's run by the owners, Victor and Celeste--I think it's a franchise--and they were very nice. I asked if I could see the place and Victor gave me a little tour. You wouldn't think it was a care facility from the outside; it looks simply like a modest, middle-class home and I like that for Jim. When I saw his room, I liked it even more. It's very small--maybe was meant to be the nursery--but nice and homey with a flowered quilt on the bed and a white bureau. Victor mentioned Jim's fragility, but thinks he's dong fairly well. I agree, although Jim seems even more vague than he had. 

Home and went to Von's after lunch. Phone rang later and it was a man who said he was looking for Jim. I told him to identify himself and he said he was Roy S., a former student of Jim's years ago. Now I remember Jim mentioning him and saying they were friends. I told Roy where Jim was, said I had just seen him, and gave him the information about Granny's care. He gave me his number and I'll talk to him soon. 

After dinner, my upstairs neighbor, Leah, came down to give me some banana pudding she had made and had texted me about (it was delish and yes, I know it should be "about which she had texted me," but I don't care!).  She came in for a bit and we chatted. Leah is from Pittsburgh, just turned 33, and is a pathologist assistant (not sure of the title) with the county coroner's office--she actually helps in carving people up. She regaled me with some stories--harrowing, but hilarious. 

Today, it's off to Santa Barbara to see Betty, then lunch with Carolyn. 



I just don't have the time or mental energy to tell about my time away in close detail, so I'll simply post a few pictures and sketch things out. Here are Sally and her family: five of her six children, her soon-to-be grandson in-law, Cooper, and Tigger, Ani's bow-wow: 

Directly below are Sally's grandsons, Chandler and Tristan, both terrifically engaging young men. Chandler is a meteorologist and Tristan a chef. Chandler was born female, but transitioned several years ago, which was clearly the right thing to do. 
Under them is Cooper, granddaughter Kendra fiancée. They will be married first in Switzerland, where her mother and other grandparents are, then in this country. Cooper doesn't look 90, does he?

Below are Ani, Sally, and Ani's dad, Ray, all acting silly after cutting the birthday cake. It's cheesecake, as Sally had requested.

The foyer is much larger and more impressive than the picture shows:
Ray makes stunningly beautiful and true-to-life model ships; this is just one of them:
Two of Sally's daughter with a picture of Sally and her first husband, Jim Nash, who was killed in an accident when Sal was pregnant with their second child. With her second husband, Ron, she had four more. 

Maybe more tomorrow.  

Tuesday, January 21, 2025


Looking the wrong way (which is appropriate for me, considering my original train trip to Encinitas), I got into Ventura yesterday at 1:03 and was picked up and taken home. Stopped into Suzanne's to see if any packages had arrived and chatted with her for a few. Unpacked and, although I was pretty tired, called Gayle to ask if she'd pick me up for dinner with Soaring Spirits. She would and she did, along with new member Kathy. There were ten of us and we had a good time, as ever. Vera took me home, then resuming my old routine, I watched Frasier for an hour. Fell into bed and had a good deep sleep until the alarm rang at 7:00.

That was yesterday, Monday. The plan for today to take my laptop and printer over to UBreakItWefix this morning, then go to see Jim. Tomorrow, we go to Santa Barbara. I was sorry to have to call Noreen and, yet again, have to cancel our lunch date, but she was okay with it and we'll catch up later. 

As for my trip, it was fabulous. I have lots of pictures and, of course, a narrative, but unfortunately, I don't think I can sort them out now.  U:nfortunately, I had failed the bring the charging or wiring for the laptop and it died, so I couldn't write as I went along. I'm just going to have to sort it out later.  

In the meantime, he-e-e-r-r-e-e's Sally!


Saturday, January 18, 2025


 A day unlike any other--and not in a good way....

The Access Van picked me up at 8:15 and got me to the train station at in plenty of time for the 9:38 train. I was a little surprised when it came in early, but a worker got off and, to be sure, I asked if it stopped at Solana Beach. He said yes, so I boarded. I was on business class and was offered coffee and a roll by the same man. Sure thing and I settled in to enjoy it and the scenery. We rolled into Carpinteria and I got a tad concerned--a conductor came through and I asked if we were going in the direction of San Diego... No. I had gotten on the wrong train.

Long  story short: I got off at Santa Barbara, told the station master my problem, he refunded my $122.00 and charged me only twenty bucks to go coach. I called niece Carolyn, she picked up and took me home for lunch, then took me back to the station for the 1:45 train. Got to Salona Beach at 7:15 and Duane picked me up. Together with his lady, Ani, and her father, who is staying with them, and Duane's daughter, Jasmine, 23, we visited over cranberry wine. 

We are all staying there, so you'd think five people would be a crowd, but no. Duane's house is so gigantic, we each had a room and our own bath. I slept pretty well, but not perfectly. 

Friday, January 17, 2025


Busy day. Got my train tickets for Encinitas on line. Finished most of my packing and tidied up a bit. After that, it was a walk to BOA to get some cash for my trip. I also asked about my safety deposit box. I had lost the key and was told there was a $150 (!)  charge to get a new one or have it opened. Wanting to be sure, I asked them to check and was told that, after all, I had no safety deposit box at Bank of America. Hmm...could it be a different bank? Will check.* 

Walked home the long way over the footbridge, then went to CVS. I wanted to get the eye vitamins the doctor had recommended, but didn't find them. Will look elsewhere. Stopped at Von's and got a number of frozen food items. I like to have them on hand, as I don't always feel like cooking. Had one--a small cheese, mushroom, and spinach pizza--for dinner, along with broccoli. Before that, it was the hot tub (I didn't go in) before it got too chilly.

Practiced a bit on my new cane and today, I'm off to my cousin's in Encinitas on the train--what an adventure!

*Actually, I'm quite sure I closed out the safety deposit box--that's why I have important papers in my brief case. Okay, that's a relief.

Thursday, January 16, 2025


Did some packing, plus minor other chores. The SCAN Uber came for me at 1:30 and I got to Miramar Eye early. I was in for mere then an hour, mostly waiting for Dr. T. I didn't care, though, as the news was good: My eyes haven't worsened to a great degree, although I knew the right had for a time. 

Decided to walk to the transit center from there, as I needed exercise and it's not much more than a mile. As I passed Zak Dental, I noticed it was dark and there was a sign on the door. It said they were closed because of a power outage. This has been happening all over Ventura for several days, as the electric company shuts down parts that could be problematic. Darn, I hope it doesn't happen here. 

Bused home, stopping first at the computer place to ask if there was any way I could avoid leaving the laptop for three days. Tyler, the manger, said yes and we agreed I'd bring it on Tuesday and it should be done that day. That means I'll have to postpone lunch with Noreen; I'll call her today. Called Zak to change my appointment from today to next Tuesday.   

Must still finish packing, get my train tickets, and call the Access Van to take me to the train station pick me up on Monday.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025


An interesting day, enhanced by a new friend: Esther and I had intended to meet in town for lunch, but she called me about 10:00 to offer to pick me up. Sure thing. And how about we go to Wood Ranch, which is much closer than Rice By Mama? Hey, fine by me, and that's what we did. 

I had a wonderful time with Esther. She's 79,  a former nun (Immaculate Mary), now married (to Jerome, who's Jewish), and with two daughters, one of whom is gay. She told me much, much more of her life story and here's an account of one of the most fascinating parts:

This brought back to me the turmoil that resulted from Vatican II, a generation before. In fact, my favorite teacher at Holy Spirit, Sister Gabriel, left the convent, also.*  

It was 3:00 before we finally left (I had the Dudley House gathering later) and when she dropped me off, we hugged and vowed to see more of each other. As Suzanne and others kept urging, I actually gathered together a "rescue bag" with essentials in case the fire, which is still raging, comes this way (unlikely, I hope). Along with my brief case with important papers, I had it at the ready. 

I then prepared for the Dudley House covered dish. I had debated with myself whether to actually take it, but decided I would. I renamed it  (I wish I had thought of "failed lemon squares")** and made up a card to accompany it:

The Access Van picked me up at 5:30 and dropped me off at Dudley House much too early--I had to wait for Lynne to get there and unlock. However, it was only a few minutes, and I helped her set up.

There were about 25 there, almost in all the upper reaches of adulthood (😁) and, incredibly, a few older than I am. The speaker, Jill Dolan, is with the Ojai theatre and we sat together for a bit and chatted. As I do with people who interest me, I gave her my card. Did the same with Carole, who said we had met before, but I didn't remember. Jill gave a slide presentation on the history of some of the old trees in Plaza Park. To be perfectly honest, it wasn't Oscar caliber and I got restless sitting so long.  Anyway, it was finally over and I helped Lynne and others clean up, then was finally driven home to get in at the ungodly hour of 9:30! Didn't watch my usual TV, but went right to bed. Unfortunately, I had difficulty sleeping, possibly because I'm apprehensive about my eye doctor appointment this afternoon.

Earlier, I had knocked these boring chores off my list: Did a color wash; called Cheryl to tell her no T.O.P.S. for me this week; again called HEARX for an appointment; closed my account and SO-FI Bank and $34.20 is now mine--wow! 

*Anyone interested in my search for Sister Gabriel, please see the April 3, 2007 entry on this blog--eighteen years ago!  There are also several other entries about her after that date. 

** To my great surprise, a number of people raved about it and it was gone by the end of the evening.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025


Yesterday, I caught up on a pile of things, some of which I listed below just to keep track for myself. Other than that, I made lemon squares. This is kind of a pain of a recipe; it's tedious using the grater to get the lemon zest off the lemons, plus squeezing a number of them for the juice required. In addition, the recipe said to bake the crust part for 12 minutes until it gets slightly browned. I did that, took it out and after making the custard part, poured it on. Unfortunately, the crust wasn't actually completely done and the dish turned into a kind of lemon pudding. What I think I'll do is say that's what it is, and provide a silver server and small dishes. 

I took a break and had my lunch out in the middle area, which is partly sheltered from the fierce Santa Ana winds. Even then, it was pretty blowy. Went from there over to Von's for IPAs and Hallmark for a card for Sally. Called Noreen, chatted, and we made a lunch date for next Tuesday at Dargan's--I'm booked the rest of this week.

I remembered that my granddaughter, Vivian, had expressed interest in our family--not the ancestor ones, but just what includes my siblings, me, and subsequent offspring. Because he's the one who has provided most of them, I called him. He's doing okay at 92, but couldn't accurately name his children, grands, and great-grands, not to mention all those who married in, then married out via divorce. Okay, I asked to have Karen or Terry call me; they probably have a better handle on it.

Texted back and forth with Duane, my cousin's son and I'll take the train to Encinitas (4 1/2 hours), then stay over his and Ani's place that night and Saturday.  

Today: Lunch at Rice By Mama with my new friend, Esther, then the covered dish at 6:00.

Aside from the above:

1.) I Ordered Ramipril and two of my other medications from Express Scripts, and they'll be sent. 2.) Ordered the Werther's sugarless candy I like from Amazon; 3.) Called St. Mary's Cometary in for a reason I won't go into now; 4.) Tried to subscribe to Venmo, had a problem and will be getting a new debit card.;5.) Called the Access Van to pick me up to go to the covered dish at Dudley House tonight. 6.) Made arrangements to have my laptop and printer taken over to the computer place to see if they can fix it.

And whew!

Monday, January 13, 2025


I found Jim!

Here's how it happened: I knew he had been taken to see Granny's Care Home in Oxnard, but the social worker at Victorian Care Center had told me he hadn't been "accepted" there, presumably because he couldn't pay for it. For that reason, I hadn't called there, but yesterday morning, thought I'd give it a try. To my surprise, I was told yes, they did have a resident by that name and what's more, I asked to speak to him and was connected immediately. He actually said he was glad to hear from me and he sounded pretty good (for Jim, that is). He even replied "good" when I asked how the food was. We chatted for a few minutes and I told him I'd be in to visit him when I have a chance. I knew he had exhausted his Medicare-paid hundred days at Victoria, so I guess, as Suzanne suggested, he was given another shot at it. Also, I know there's a difference between a skilled nursing center, which Victoria is, and simply a nursing home, which I believe is Granny's Home Care. (I don't believe in capital punishment, but I'll make an exception for the perp who named the place.)

Left for Hill Street and met Diane at noon. Unfortunately, a disaster occurred when I tried to  open my IPA: the pull-tab broke off and I was left with no way to get to  my brewski. This was serious, so what to do? Luckily, Hill Street Cafe is right next to the library and I went there and threw myself on their mercy. Happily, the very pleasant and friendly manager came to my rescue and opened it. He also poured it into a plastic glass with a tight-fitting lid, so I had no problem walking the short distance back to our spot with it.

After that, Diane and settled into our usual sharing and comparing. As we almost always do, we discussed family, our childhoods, and what's right and wrong with the world. Said so long about 3:00 and I walked home, first deviating to Von's for shredded cheese and wheat crackers. 

I decided to make lemon squares to the covered dish tomorrow, so got out most of the ingredients, plus the cookie sheet I'll use for the base, measuring cups and spoons, and so on. I'll make them today, as I won't have time tomorrow since I'm meeting my new friend, Esther, for lunch.

Also decided I don't want to miss cousin Sally's ninetieth on Saturday. I'll get back to Duane, then plan which train to take and so on. 

Soaring Spirits dinner tonight. 

Sunday, January 12, 2025


Neat day. I took the 10, then the 16 to Ojai, then was picked up and transported to Ojai. We soon left for Santa Barbara on a spectacularly lovely day; driving the Pacific Coast Highway was a joy. The sky was blue, the ocean was calm as a lake, and the traffic was bearable.  Arrived in Santa Barbra and to the Petit Valantien. Interestingly, French food is served on week days, Ethiopian fare on weekends. Greg told us the owner is Ethiopian and her husband French, which--I guess--explained it. Greg has eaten here many times and often took his mother. 

It probably goes without saying that I had never had Ethiopian food before. The menu is limited, but we all liked it. I had the luncheon platter, which consists of an entree of beef, chicken, or fish, and two vegetables. It's funny that the kind of fish was listed in Ethiopian, but the English words under it were simply "sauté fish," not "sautéed," and it didn't say what kind of fish.  Anyway, it was good and we all enjoyed it.  Here are Greg and Ellen: 

Below: note the Ethiopian bread, which is both rolled and under the entree: 

Top is the rolled bread and see the kind of spongy texture under the meal. Anyway, it was yum.

We then drove to the harbor and walked the mile or so along it. While there, I got a call from my brother, Larry and his gang--three of his seven, that is. There were concerned about our safety and it was fun talking to them.

There were lots of people at the harbor enjoying the lovely weather and scenery. We stayed for two hours or so, then drove to Chaucer's books, where Ellen had a gift certificate waiting for me. We browsed for another hour, at least, and I bought three, all true crime, including one on Jeffrey Epstein (never in a million years would I believe he killed himself). 

From there to my place, and we spent some time on unpacking and demonstrating the use of my new canes.  I'm still resisting, but will try to get used to the idea. Said goodbye and I know I'll see my fam and Greg (I think of him as family, also) again soon. 

I got an text invitation for my cousin, Sally's, ninetieth birthday party next Saturday in San Diego. It was send by her son, Duane, and darn, I'd love to go, but am not sure if I can swing it, but I'm definitely leaning toward it. Told Duane I'd let him know on Monday. Coincidentally, Sally herself called me a few hours later to check if the fire was anywhere near. We chatted, but I didn't mention the party, as it's to be a surprise. 

Shortly before dinner, Jeanne Painter called, also asking about the fire. We had a long talk, as we frequently do, after I assured her we were safe and likely to remain so. 

Lib lunch with Diane today--can't wait to show her my red cane!

Saturday, January 11, 2025


 A full day and a good one, starting with my weight loss: 2.4 down to 128.4 at home and 2.0 to 129 at T.O.P.S.. That's in the upper reaches of my favored range, but hey, I'll take it. I told the others about Grouper and oddly, they had never heard of it and were surprised. Others will look into it. 

I texted Lora to see how she was doing in Prescott and she said okay, but busy. She added some pics, including this one, of part of her palatial kitchen:

Didn't get home until 10:30 or finish breakfast until after 11:00, but I was determined to fulfill some errands. Packed lunch and bused to at shop across from the mall to return pants and a top; bought another pair of slacks in navy blue.

Went from there to town where I stopped first at the library to look over their new selections.  Considering I'm working on six different books already, I'm wondering what kind of idiot I am. Just looked a few over, then went to the used books section and was surprised and pleased to see Lynne Weitzel, docent coordinator at Dudley House, who volunteers there in the used books section. We talked about the fact that the semi-annual Dudley House covered dish is coming up Tuesday. I had always taken Jim to this and Lynne had met him each time, but now I literally don't know where he is. Told Lynne I didn't think I could go, but she said if I could take the Access Van, she'd take me home. Great, I will.

I then strolled down Main--it was very quiet--and ate my lunch at my place across from the mission. On the bus home, I was pleased to get a text from Ellen, asking if I wanted to go with her and Greg to Santa Barbara today. The plan is to go to Chaucer's Book Store (Ellen had given me a gift certificate for there), then lunch, then walk the harbor or wherever. Great, I'm looking forward to it. 

In my way to my door, I ran into Lorraine, who came with me to drop off the grapefruit from her friend. I gave her three lemons, but I still have about eight more. Stopped at Suzanne's to tell her about the friends she and Lennie share. They are renting Lora' house here, which a big relief to her. 

Santa Barbara today with Ellen, Greg, and Chaucer's Books--YAY! 😊

Friday, January 10, 2025


In the morning, I walked to the Dollar Tree next to Smart 'n' Final Supermarket and got some minor household supplies. Once home, I made lunch and went out to the middle to enjoy it and stayed for some time.  Later, I decided on a conventional dinner: sea bass, sweet potatoes, Brussel sprouts, and homemade apple sauce. Tasted good. 

Watched some regular news programs about the fire, then strolled over (a few yards away) to knock on Vickie's door. By that time, it was close to 7:00, so I didn't think she'd be working.  She wasn't, invited me in, and we had a good, heart-to-heart chat.

Home, I called Noreen, who was still very apologetic about the mix-up with Paradise Pantry on Wednesday. We had a nice talk and agreed to make a lunch date shortly. Suzanne called to say she, too has been having with her kitchen faucet running slowly. We're both wondering is there's some problem with the pipes.

T.O.P.S. today and I'm hoping I shed some of the last week's poundage. Unfortunately, it doesn't feel like it, but time will tell. 


Finally, the mystery of why I got several checks from this outfit last month is solved. They're not from my health insurance, they're from T.O.P.S.: 


Dear Rosemary,

Happy New Year! As we reflect on 2024, one thing is clear: TOPS members love Grouper! Over 700 TOPS members joined Grouper last year and received benefit payments to support their health-focused and community activities. Now, it’s your turn to make 2025 the year you stay active, engaged, and connected with Grouper.

Here’s how Grouper works:

  • If you're 65+ with an eligible Medicare Advantage or Medicare Supplement plan, you qualify.
  • Once eligible, Grouper will send you a $50 annual check and $20 payments every three months for staying active with group activities, like attending TOPS meetings or connecting with friends.

It takes seconds to check your eligibility, and these benefits can help you stay on track with your goals for health and community connection this year.

Let 2025 be the year you prioritize your health and well-being with Grouper! Have questions? Call (883)-445-2400 or email

Wishing you a healthy and connected New Year,

Your Friends at TOPS

You’re receiving this email because you provided your email address when you signed up as a TOPS member. If you wish to unsubscribe, click the "unsubscribe" link below.

I don't understand their motivation, but if they want to add to the seventy bucks they already gave me, who am I to argue?

Thursday, January 09, 2025


 I shoudda stayed in bed!

Yes, it was a pretty lousy day. I was looking forward to seeing my dear friend, Noreen, for lunch and, to that end, I got ready for our 12:30 time early. Picked up my keys and the remote (for the gate opener), always in the bowl on the table next to the door. I keep all three on a kind of bracelet made for that purpose, which I find very convenient--but the remote was missing. Long story short, I searched everywhere I could think of, and didn't find them. Took everything out of my purse, checked around where they might have fallen, went out to where I had been talking to David on Tuesday, looked on the path that leads to the street, and so on--no luck. Went to the office to ask if anyone had turned on remote in, but nope. In fact, Kim told me the number on the back would identify which apartment it came from. I finally gave up and took the bus to town.

Noreen and I had agreed we'd meet at Paradise Pantry at 12:30, but if it was closed, we'd just go to another of the many restaurants nearby. I got there just about on time, but Noreen wasn't there. I sat nearby and called her several times, as well as texted--forgetting she doesn't do text because she doesn't have a cell phone, so obviously didn't get a response. I was worried that either 1.) she had fallen or otherwise met with an accident; or 2.) I had gotten the date, place, and/or time wrong. I stayed near the place until after 1:00, then just bused home. Just as I got to the transit center, Noreen called. She said she had been there, seen that Paradise Pantry was closed, so walked around town looking for another restaurant. She said she thought she'd run into me, but why she didn't remember our original plan to meet at Paradise Pantry, I don't know. She's ninety and I'm afraid she just forgot. Anyway, she apologized over and over, and I kept telling her it was okay (it was and is, although with anybody else, I might not be so forgiving). I told her we'll talk today and make another lunch date.  

I was frazzled by the time I got home at 3:00--no wonder, I hadn't had lunch yet. Made a sandwich, packed it up with an IPA, and called Lorraine to see if she'd meet in the middle. She would and she did and we had a pleasant visit. Suzanne happened to come by and she sat down with us for a bit. She and Lorraine talked about having things ready in case they have to evacuate (there are major fires here and there, but we seem not to be in danger) and twitted me for not being "prepared." If I thought there was a clear danger, I'd do it, but it's her and Lorraine's paranoia is not mine.  Mine is up in the air with any plane I get on, which is sure to crash, killing all aboard. It was 4:30 and dusk before I walked back in my door--can't wait for daylight saving time! 

Wednesday, January 08, 2025


Another action-packed day. (Actually, it entailed of bunch of mundane items.) Did a bleach wash, then tackled office-y chores to wit: Sent a note of condolence to the daughter of our former neighbor; left a note of thanks for the bag of lemons from Mike upstairs; talked to the office about the flow of the bathroom sink being improved; and Messaged a few FB cohorts on various topics.

Here was the topper: A few days ago, when I was having problems posting on this blog, I contacted I was made to understand I could "chat" (electronically communicate, that is) with a tech at no charge. I did, but just for a few minutes, but I didn't get a usable answer, so I ended the contact. A few days later, I was horrified to see on my bank account that a $55.00 charge to the outfit was being processed. Long story you-know-what, I called (several times) and after long waits got somebody who said no, they wouldn't refund, it was a subscription charge and I had the first month. I demanded to talk to somebody else. I was patched over and went all over the situation. I should be ashamed to record (but I'm not) that I pulled the age card and also gave the impression the amount was a terrible financial burden (it isn't). I was surprised myself when the guy agreed to refund me and sent a text and an email to confirm that. Hmm...maybe my acting skills aren't rusty, after all. 

Went over to Von's for yummy fresh salmon, then to CVS for some OTC items, all paid by my health insurance. Stopped at Hallmark to look at Christmas ornaments, which were touted as 75% off. Frankly, I think that's a scam. I bought a particular ornament for a particular person, but it isn't musical, it doesn't move, it's just a pressed, rather small piece. Yet, it had a price of $24.00 on it; 75% off meant it was $6.99. I find it impossible that the original price was twenty-four bucks--plus tax! Why did I buy it? Only because I know the theme will interests the person.

Had lunch, then waited outside for the Uber to take me to the dentist. The driver, a very nice guy named Tracey, was sent to the wrong entrance, as all the other drivers have been! This is just infuriating, considering how many times I've tried to correct the problem. However, I got there and was ushered in shortly.  This was just for a cleaning, but I was told I also should get a filling in one of my lower teeth. Besides Medicare and my regular health insurance, I have their insurance, for which I paid $500.00. I asked about a co-pay, figuring it would be 10 or 20 dollars, and was floored when I was told it would be two-hundred-and-sixty-eight bucks! That's a "saving" of more than a hundred, I was assured. Damn, I was furious and told them I'd think about it. Later, I decided I'd do it--after all, I can take it off my income tax--but it still makes me boil. 

Bused home and at the mail place, I ran into David and we stood there and talked for a good forty-five minutes. David owns three houses in North Carolina, and as we chatted, I found that for a nice, three-bedroom, two-bath place, he gets $1400 in rent. Good grief, that's roughly half of what I get for my house in Little Egg! Of course, it's all relative: In Ventura, if sold, both those places would fetch a million or more, no question.

Lorraine drove up while we were talking and slowed down to say hello. Her birthday is tomorrow and, eventually, I'll take her to lunch or something. She also called me when I got home and we chatted for a bit.

Called the Agency On Aging to try to track down Jim's whereabouts. The very pleasant and friendly woman to whom I spoke (I asked, but can't remember her name) didn't have that information, but suggested I call the hospital to see how he went when he was released. Was he picked up? Did he walk out on his own?  She also said I could call the police to see if they had done a wellness check. I'll do that today. One of the (many) problems is that Jim doesn't have a cell phone. Hope I can find him.

Tuesday, January 07, 2025


A lot of goings-on yesterday. I washed the sheets and changed the bed before breakfast and otherwise neatened up a little. Left for Telephone Road at 10:30, walking the mile and a bit to catch the 11 bus to the Barnes & Noble shopping center. Lunch with my Soaring Spirits sisters was enjoyable as ever; there were eleven of us, which included five men. I was concerned when my dear friend, our leader, Vera, told me she has a mass in her abdomen. I remember how fearful Vera was when she turned 48 last year; her mother died of breast cancer when she was 48. I was thrilled to hear the mass is benign and surgery will be scheduled soon to remove it.

After good food and good talk*, I said goodbye and bused to town. Strolled Main Street and stopped in several shops, but didn't buy anything. Bused back and at the mall/transit center, went to Target and bought seven grapefruit. Hey, I had that ten dollar gift card and they're only $1.49 each and what's more, they're the best grapefruit around. I've already halved and sectioned one, which I'll enjoy this morning and tomorrow. I admit I'm an addict!

Besides all that, I got a call about 7:00 am with the news that our former neighbor in Ewing, Cindy D., has died at only 64.  Cindy was more than a neighbor to us: She was the grandmother of my two great-grandsons, as her daughter, Jen, had been married to my grandson. I'll write Jen a note of condolence.

Also got a call from Esther Somebody, whom I had met at Dudley House when I was greeter for our Christmas Boutique in November; she took me home when the Access Van driver got confused and we decided we'd like to see more of each other after the holidays. Esther and I had a nice chat yesterday and made a date for next Tuesday, the 14th, for lunch at Rice By Mama, a Thai restaurant in town. Sounds good.

In addition, Stella texted me, inviting me to go with her today to a zoo somewhere with Senior Excursions of Ojai. Me, a zoo? Luckily, I have that dentist appointment, so had to decline. I called her and we caught up with each other. Her only child, Joshua, was here for two weeks in the beginning of December, but didn't stay for Christmas and went back to Spain where he lives. I suggested Stella and I talk next week about getting together. 

My nephew, Wes, and his wife, Heidi, sent me a late Christmas card, which I like so much:  

This shows their combined families: his three girls, her two, and her son, Teddy, as well as their son-in-law in the navy uniform. There's a little synopsis of each member of the family on the back. Wow, Betty would be so proud. 

* Interestingly--well, I thought it was interesting--my meal cost the same as the year I was born: $19.36. I have friends who would think that has great cosmic significance. 😜

Monday, January 06, 2025


 I was invited to Ojai, so bused there by noon. Ellen texted that she'd pick me up at Von's and drive me the rest of the way to her place, but I opted to walk. It's probably no more than a mile and a bit, and it was a pleasant day, so I enjoyed it.

After happy greetings, we sat down to chat, then opened our late-Christmas presents. I got some nice gifts, including a homemade ornament and "environmental straws." These are made of glass and, presumably, help save the environment.  

We then enjoyed Ellen's casual, but delicious, lunch: ham, turkey, and cheese fixings with whole grain bread, accompanied by avocado, olives, tomato slices, and  grapes. The best part was her homemade chicken non-noodle soup; instead of noodles, sliced zucchini is added, along with other vegetables. That may sound odd, but it was great. The soup was nicely seasoned with turmeric along with other herbs and spices. 

After, we drove to the meadows we had visited on Christmas. We walked to the bench where El swears we were sitting when she saw an alien ship. We took a lot of pictures, some of which I may post when I can sort them out. A number of people were walking the trail and we chatted with many.

By the time we got back to El's, it was 5:00 and I wanted to start home. She took me to the stop and waited with me until the 16 came. This is ideal, as the 16 becomes the 10 when it gets to the transit center and stops right in front of my place. I had mentioned I have Soaring Spirits lunch today and a dentist appointment on Wednesday. I also want to set up lunch with Noreen, so will see the Ojai contingent soon after. It was almost 7:00 before I got home, but that was okay 

Got a text from my nephew, Jim, thanking me for this picture I sent him: 

By the time we got back to El's, it was 5:00 and I wanted to start home. She took me to the stop and waited with me until the 16 came. This is ideal, as the 16 becomes the 10 when it gets to the transit center and stops right in front of my place. I had mentioned I have Soaring Spirits lunch today and a dentist appointment on Wednesday. I also want to set up lunch with Noreen, so will see the Ojai contingent soon after. It was almost 7:00 before I got home, but that was okay 

By the time we got back to El's, it was 5:00 and I wanted to start home. She took me to the stop and waited with me until the 16 came. This is ideal, as the 16 becomes the 10 when it gets to the transit center and stops right in front of my place. I had mentioned I have Soaring Spirits lunch today and a dentist appointment on Wednesday. I also want to set up lunch with Noreen, so will see the Ojai contingent soon after. It was almost 7:00 before I got home, but that was okay 

Got a text from my nephew, Jim, thanking me for this picture I sent him:

On the Ventnor beach, this is my Dad, along with Betty in front, Larry standing, and my dear brother, Frank, who's ninetieth birthday would have been two days ago. Note that Dad is fully dressed in his work clothes of suit and tie. Betty and I look about about two, which would be in 1938.

Jim, whose son will be an exchange student in Singapore, also asked for Mike's contact info. I sent him his work email address.

Sunday, January 05, 2025


I spent a lot of the day on house and grounds work: Dusted and mopped the hard floors, washed the area rugs, and cleaned the bathroom and the kitchen sink area. I noticed that the bathroom sink is now running slowly, as the kitchen had, so sent a maintenance request to management.  All that took from breakfast to 1:00, so I decided to take a break. Packed my lunch--tuna sandwich and diet Coke--and took it out to the middle. It wasn't very warm--phone said 64 degrees--but there was at least a mild sun and not much wind, so I enjoyed it.

After, I swept the patio, deadheaded the geraniums, and otherwise spruced up the outside a bit. However, it needs more and I'll get to that later. I also pulled out and discarded the sonar lights I had had in the garden. I noticed a while ago they no longer shone at night, so whatever solar thing was in them must have died. That's okay, as I've had them for several years; I may get more some day. Got a note from Ojai and will go there today.     

About 4:00 pm, I decided to start this blog entry and to my absolute, I again was unable. I could see and read the blog, but no matter what I tried, I couldn't get the post part up. I should hesitate to record it, but I must have turned the air blue reacting to failure for what seemed like hours. It suddenly occurred to me to go across to the UBreakIFix. I packed up the laptop, took the mouse and my password book, piled them in my cart, and went. The young man there, Brice, was able to bring it up in about ten minutes. I love dealing with the kids in that shop. All the ones I've consulted have been unfailingly courteous, competent, and friendly. I boggles my mind that they're in the same age group as--not my son, not my grandson, but my great-grandson. Anyway, Brice said there was no charge, so I gave him a twenty--little enough. 

Just felt like scrambled eggs for dinner. After, I showered and washed my hair. I was able to say up until 10:00 and slept--well, not well, but somewhat better than I had the night before. This has to do with the balance/diet routine I'm trying; will explain another day.


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...