Monday, August 26, 2019

Another Good One

Slept until 8:00 and no wonder, as I didn't get home until 11:00 and to bed until midnight. Was able to go out for romaine and blueberries. Had an early lunch, then left for production photos at Vineyard, as the call for at 2:30.
There was a whole bunch of waiting around while casts of other plays and the band were photographed. Also, one of our cast members was late, which meant our photos had to be postponed and I think they were rushed because we were so close to opening the doors.
Diane showed up about 3:30, as that's when the van dropped her off. She also came in the wrong door, so I just had her seated in an anteroom to wait; when the doors opened, Alex escorted her to a table, as cast members can't be seen before we go on.
When the doors opened, Diane was joined by Carolyn and Nancy--my Happy Hour buddies--and Sharon and Carolyn from T.O.P.S. were also there. I enjoyed talked to them after and they all loved the show.  Our "Welcome Home" went very well, but it was a long day, being there for five hours. However, I got home at 7:30 and now we have three days off. 
My niece recorded our part and, for better or worse--I cringe when I see myself on video--here it is:


iloveac said...

I copied the link and it took me to an auto racing YouTube.

iloveac said...

Meant your corrent name...Rosemary...was just on the phone with a Rosemarie.

Mimi said...

Pat, I corrected the link. BTW, the first one, the tire commercial that I accidentally put on was exciting to us in the show. Why? Because the second guy (the white guy one), is Mike Murphy, who is also in American Roadhouse. This was actually run on t.v.
Anyway, let me know how you like "Welcome Home."

iloveac said...

Rosemary. You were so good. I understood every word you spoke. Those 3 girls were no where near your level. They should be coached to modulate their voices. I thought Jennifer did well and the young man ?justin was also very good. I would think the Director would want you all the time or edit a role to use your talent. I would like to have seen it from the beginning to understand what was going on. Thank you for sharing this link.

Mimi said...

Actually, you did see it almost from the beginning, as it's very short. All that was skipped was my first line, when I say "I think he's a nice mix of both of you," in response to two preceding comments. Thanks for the compliment. I guess I just envision a better presentation.
As for the "three girls": Gwen is actually in her sixties and plays the grandmother of the baby; I'm the great-grand. This is the first time she's acted and true, she's a little limited. However, Ari (the main bitchy girl) has been in a number of productions and Amanda (second bitchy girl) a few. I thought they were pretty good and wasinterested in your reaction.


 What?? Who?? Okay, Jose and Panther were on the 10-16 bus I took to Ellen's. They got off at the transit center, though, because Jose i...