Thursday, August 29, 2019


So-o-o, a quick rundown of Wednesday: I did not one, but two loads of wash after breakfast, all my clothes that needed it and the bathroom rugs separately. I found a notice on my door to the effect that management would be in today between 9 and 5 to "inspect." That didn't' bother me, as they've done this before; they just check the outlets and so on. I assume that if you're dealing drugs or something, it might be a problem, but it's okay by me. Incidentally, Ellen called in between class and meetings to ask about it. One of her colleagues lives here and wondered why management would do this. I put her mind at ease--it's no problem.
In between the wash, I dry-mopped, then wet-mopped (with Bona) the hard floors and shined up the stainless steel double sinks. Dusted a bit, too, and the place looks pretty good. Nancy called twice, first to tell me Carolyn wasn't coming, then to say she was. We had a good talk otherwise, too.
After lunch, I showered, then left for The Blue Agave and my Happy Hour pals. I had the quesadillas, which were really good--I like them even better than their street tacos--and a Chief Peak. We had such a good time and talked so long, I actually had a second beer, unusual for me.
Caught the bus home and got in about 7:00. 

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Weight: home down a pound to 124.4; T.O.P.S., down .03 to 125.2, so okay. The meeting was the usual: therapy session and general chat for mo...