Wednesday, November 09, 2022


Wonder  of wonders, I got Wordle in two yesterday. Put it on Facebook (only on twos, do I list it) and got congratulatory comments from Duane, Ari, and others.


🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 (word was "spell")

More Wonder of Wonders: It rained and a little more vigorously than the usual California mist. That was okay, I guess, but now I've had enough. 

Got texts from Duane and Ari regarding Greg's toenails, plus unrelated ones from Jeanne Painter, telling about, and sending me pictures of, her grandson's wedding on the beach at LBI. She added a old pic of her and Muckie when they were kids, along with other children, but I can't seem to get any of them to come up here. Still having problems with Google, which I hope Ellen will fix on Saturday.

Julie and Regina picked me up at 11:30 and off we went to the the Ventura Women's Club meeting and luncheon. The speaker, Mary somebody, sat at our table; after lunch, she spoke on a charity called "Step Up," which helps needy children five and under. That's certainly a worthy cause, but to be honest, this organization just isn't interesting to me; seems a little boring. As far as I can see, it consists  exclusively of white, affluent, older women with not a black, Latina, or Asian face to be seen. I was also put off--as I was when I attended before--by the prayer offered at the beginning. It was a thank you for the food and so on, no problem there, but the woman giving it ended with "in Christ's name." That suggests there are no members of the Jewish, Muslim, or other non-Christian persuasion, let alone non-believers. For that matter, since this is not a religious group, why include a prayer at all? (Regina mentioned that she's Buddhist, although brought up R.C.) 

Interestingly, though, I was greeted by several people I know, including Shirley Lorraine (that's her full name), who writes for The Breeze and, I found, is also the president of the club. I mentioned her here before because she had also entered the Cowboy Poetry Contest I won and she attended and reviewed the Area 22 show.  Anyway, she greeted me with a hug, as did Kathleen Somebody, as well as Somebody Somebody, both on the Dudley House board. Lunch was okay and, happily, we left before the business meeting, which Julie said would be a real bore--long-winded committee reports. 

I was pleased that Mike sent pictures when he met Patrick, Natsue, and Koushin for dinner in Tokyo, although I was disappointed that they either had masks on, or K. was making silly faces. He's nine, but isn't much shorter than his parents. 

Walked over to Von's for milk and got my Atorvastatin at CVS.  Much as I dislike rain, it's kind of cozy to be inside, snug and warm while it comes down. Going to WinCo with Suzanne at 9:00 this morning. A week from today, I'll be on my way, going back east, and I'm very excited, to say the least! (Well, that sure as hell doesn't scan! 😜)                                                                                                                                                                       

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