Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Tuesday And An Angel

Heard from Little Egg Township about my mercantile license (which you have to have when you have your house rented, along with $50) having my late husband's name on it, in addition to mine. I called to say Pat had died 13 years ago and the very nice person said it wasn't a big deal, but she'd change it and she sent me a new one with just my name.

Got a message from management to the effect that fire extinguishers would be installed in all apartments in the coming week under the kitchen sink. No prob, I had just cleaned under there and I shifted the items to under a chair in the dining area. I sent the office an email saying I'd be away and giving the guys--or gals or gays or goofs or--okay, I'll stop--permission to come in.

Most of the rest of the day was all packing and preparing. I hope I have everything--I think I do, but it's remarkable how much I take, probably half of which I won't use. Can't seem to help myself.

A nice interlude: Vickie texted me about 4:00 to see if she could come over for a minute, as she had something for me. Sure, I was glad for the respite. She came and gave me a darling little pin--an "airplane angel" that, it says on the card, "may help all your flights be on time and free from turbulence."  (But it doesn't say anything about going down in flames. 😨) What a charming idea! Vickie stayed for a half hour or so and we had a good talk. I pinned the angel to my coat, but unfortunately, the tack thing that held it fell off and now I can't find it. Instead, I'll just keep it in my pocket. 

Ellen called to wish me a good trip. She has parent/teacher conferences this week and is pretty busy, but doing okay. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...