Monday, November 14, 2022

Sunday, Olivas Adobe, and A Doll Adoption

The Access Van picked me up, all right, but dropped me at Olivas Adobe at 10:00, a full hour before I was due. Got acquainted with some of the other docents and volunteers and took a few pictures:

The paintings above are very large and so interesting, I thought.
The guy above is a actual historian and is also active in reenactments. 
Good ol' Shari, who with her husband, Ken, practically owns Dudley House.

The theme for the day was old-fashioned toys that the children of the Olivas Adobe era would have enjoyed. Of course, there were lots of wooden ones and dolls for the girls.  There were also some for sale.  So...I'm embarrassed to relate this: Donna, the woman who volunteered at the gift shop had some wonderful Spanish dancing dolls on display, which were also for sale. I could not--just couldn't resist these two, and I bought them:
Good grief, they're twenty inches high and spread out below, too. But look at her face! It's so full of exuberance and flirtatious life, I just had to  have her. And him? Well, I couldn't separate them, could I? 

As for the festival--or whatever it was--it was a complete bust. Besides our table, there were only four others and the most interesting were the wood carvers. The real problem was that there were almost no attendees, at all. I can't imagine where, if at all, they advertised it, but it sure wasn't effective. 

There was a possible plus for me, though: I met a guy named Dan Gregory--with his white facial hair, a dead ringer for Colonel Sanders--who is an actor and voice over performer. We chatted and exchanged cards, so who knows, maybe that will lead somewhere. Another plus was that Deanna took me home, so I was able to cancel the Access Van.

Just had time to change before I went next door to Suzanne's. Vickie came soon after and we had a good social session. I showed them my Dad's draft notice from 1918 and Vickie brought her "yearbook"--kind of a commemorative of her time in the military. (I refrained from pacifist remarks.) They then stopped over my place to see my dolls--both thought they were beautiful and I couldn't agree more.

Lunch with Julie today. 

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 Down a tad (.02) to 127.2 at home and a tad more at T.O.P.S. (.07) to 128. Meeting was so-so, consisting of each of us reading a paragraph ...