Monday, November 21, 2022


Spent most of the day in Bordentown. Back south, stopped at Stop 'n' Shop for salmon, beets, and other goodies. Good dinner, then gin rummy, then I was taught the first steps of who to play Backgammon. Seems like fun, but I have a lot more to learn.

During the day, Ellen called to say hello, Olivia ditto, and Bobbi to tell me she had had a problem with her pacemaker and had developed A-fib. She was in the hospital overnight and that, combined with the radiation she has to get overnight, is tough. Hope she'll be okay before too long.

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Well, things are looking up. I made a decision about the 29 1/2 show on the eighteent and: no, I'm not going to participate. I emailed d...