Saturday, November 05, 2022


Went to Von's for ingredients to make "creamy egg salad," a recipe I found on the Internet looking for soft foods. I was thinking Diane could join Jim and me today, but as it turned out, she emailed that she was having some unpleasant after effects of her dental procedure, so we'll have to put it off. I made it anyway and then made my signature ice cream. This time, I decided agains strawberry and made half chocolate swirl and half caramel.

Packed my lunch and walked over the footbridge to the place on Telephone Road near the Hill Street Cafe. Ate, then stopped into the library. I hadn't intended to stay, but sat down to read and stayed for an hour. I took the book out, notwithstanding I have about nine tenths of the Stephen King book to go. I just couldn't When Breath Becomes Air,  written by a young neurosurgeon in training, Paul Kalanithi, who devloped lung cancer in his thirties. It's heart-breaking, but it's also a riveting story. He was a wonderful writer and his ideas and thoughts about life and death and what it means to be human are enthralling.

As I was leaving the library, my niece, Joan, called me. She is writing a book about the family and asked if I'd send her back a letter my father wrote to older sister, Joan's mother. I was surprised when she said she thought it was the original, but of course, it isn't. After an hour of digging, I found it--a copy and a poor copy at that. I can't imagine why she'd ever send me the original, anyway, and am surprised she wasn't sure it was a copy.

Called Ellen to tell her I need my Dudley House costume for next Sunday, the 13th, at Olivas Adobe historic site. We decided that, since the buses don'r run on Veterans Day when she's off, I'll go on Saturday. 

Weight report: No, we didn't have T.O.P.S., but I still weighed in at home. I was thrilled to see 127.4, a loss of 3.4. My new regime is working, I'm happy to note, but at this point, I don't want to write about it. 


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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...