Wednesday, November 02, 2022


Met Diane at Urbane Café at 11:30. We both ordered salmon "bowls" and they were so good. Besides a generous piece of salmon, they include seasoned rice, sweet potato chunks, tofu, and spinach, all cooked to perfection and seasoned with a wonderful sauce. Plus they're very large portions--I couldn't finish all of mine, but Diane ate hers. However, I'm pretty sure that was her lunch and dinner combined. Naturally, we brought our own wine and beer.

We stayed until after 2:00, talking and talking and sharing some of our family backgrounds. I told her about Jay--with tears, of course--and she mentioned some problems in her siblings (she's the oldest of five). She told me an anecdote about when her mother was pregnant with her brother--who is seventeen years her junior--which almost floored me. I suggested she come to lunch on Saturday when Jim's there, as I'd like to give her some more tops; then I hope Jim will agree to drive her home. (She's having some dental surgery today, so I'll make soft food.) I had mentioned Pat R.'s lion costume and later, sent her Pat's pics with those feet and that fabulous mane--Diane loved it. 

I bused to town after and stopped in a few places; bought a desk organizer and a carafe. By the time I got home, it was 5:00. 

I was happy to hear from Julie, who's back from her (two-month long) trip to Austria and Germany. She called to ask if I wanted to go to the BCNN meeting today, then lunch. Sure thing and she'll pick me up at 9:00.


The following is just some "business" stuff I've been doing. I like to put it here in case I need to refer to it later.

Mailed ballot yesterday, resolved BOA two rent payments in August--watch for refund of one of them; suspended paper for when I'll be away; called Groendyke and told Maureen I'll take pics re letter; received the 2019 Anchor Benefit Filing Information from my tenant, Susan, but am not eligible for the rebate because I don't live in the house. Changed the automatic payment to Chase to reflect my new, considerably higher, mortgage amount starting next month. Still to do: Send Shannon scripts!

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...