Friday, November 11, 2022

Thursday And Concern For A Friend*

I again called Jim at about 9:00 am and again, he didn't pick up. As he hadn't Wednesday evening either, I got a little worried. I resolved to try again later. 

Met Diane at 11:30 for lunch at the Urbane. We exchanged clothes--I gifted her with my fur-trimmed sweater and another top and she gave me a nifty black and white top with touches of red. We talked and talked and talked on a wide variety of topics. By the time we parted, it was almost two.

Walked to WinCo from there to get the things I forgot on Wednesday. Bused home and blanched my five-dollar cauliflower, then prepared the dressing I like. I was about to pop it in the oven when the doorbell rang. It was Vickie, who just came in to report on Mary. I asked her to sit down and we talked for a bit, then I expressed concern about Jim. I knew he had some current worries and I was afraid he might...well, I was afraid. Good Neighbor Vickie than proposed that we go over to his place and try to see if he's there. I first called him again and, as before, no answer.

We got in her car, drove to his place, rang the bell, knocked on the door, and otherwise to see if he was home--no response. We were about to leave when one of Jim's neighbors--an old man with a cane--walked up and said he hadn't seen Jim lately, either. Now I was really worried, until...  

...Jim came up the walk. I had called him later than usual in the evening and he had been in bed with the door closed. Since he had only a landline, he didn't hear the ring. As for the morning, he was in class and when I last called, he had walked to Trader Joe's at the mall.  Remarkably, he invited us in and we sat for ten minutes or so and chatted. I invited him for lunch today and he accepted. 

Didn't get home and my cauliflower dinner until almost 7:00, but that was okay; I'm relieved that my friend is all right. 

* I'm thinking that labelling these posts simply with the days of the week is boring. I'm going to deviate from the formula and maybe experiment with other constructs. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...