Sunday, November 27, 2022


 Walked three in the nearby community of Crestwood. Lunched, then went to my house in Sunrise Bay. I had alerted Susan H., my tenant, and she greeted me at the door. We had some good conversation and she showed me through the house, which is very neat and clean. Susan and Cliff suffered the loss of the house they had intended to move to in Florida, so what they'll do now is up in the air. Cliff is 65 and anxious to retire, Susan younger. She's been at her job at the electric company for 40 years; Cliff is a lineman.

After, I stopped across the street to see Susan and Walter. Stayed to chat with them for a half hour or so. I then went across and a few doors down to see Leslie. However, Dennis was on the porch and said Leslie was not feeling well and was in bed. I just asked him to tell her I stopped by.

Went to Bordentown to see the boys and have dinner with them. After, we played that fun magnet game, then gin rummy. Left about 8:30 after a good, full day. 

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