Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Monday And A Trip To The Past

Got to Ventnor about 11:00, saw the Rosborough Avenue house. Nobody there and we couldn't get to the one on Washington Avenue, as road work was being done. Wanted to visit the Historical Society place at the library, but it wasn't open; in fact, it won't be until tomorrow and that's when I leave. That was disappointing, especially as I had donated items several years ago. 

Up to the boardwalk and a walk to the Atlantic City Line. There and back is about is three total, I guess, and it was sunny, but whew, chilly and windy. Here are the two of us--the Atlantic Ocean and me--on the Ventnor pier yesterday:

After that, it was lunch at Jo-Jo's Diner in Absecon (Pomona? Cologne? Not sure). I had a nice, greasy cheeseburger (I don't buy red meat, only indulge when I'm out) and it was so good. Ordinarily, I'd order a cold beer to go with it, but this being pokey New Jersey, that was out, so I had a coke.    

Stopped after at Laurel Memorial and visited Pat's grave* and that of Betty's husband and son. (I didn't remember the locations and a nice young man in the office led me to them.) 

After a full day, got in after 4:00. An hour later dinner, then gin rummy, and it was off to bed. Up at 5:00 to spend the last full day of my visit to God's Country (ha! I say that to Californians!).  

*This picture is from an earlier visit several years ago; I'm having some technical problem with my phone too long and involved to go into. Will include other pics when they're straightened out. 

1 comment:

iloveac said...

You and my ocean look great in that shot. You might want to blow it up...the blue sky and the waves the way I like to see them are a perfect surround for your happy face. Have a good trip back to the other coast. So sorry you couldn't get into your house or down Washington Ave.


Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...