Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Monday with Julie, Jersey, and Jim

Went over to Von's in the morning for grapefruit, then spent some with packing--well, starting to pack, anyway. Also started the process of getting the apartment in reasonable shape. I hate coming back from a trip to a messy place or old food in the fridge  

Julie picked me up at 12:45 (much as I like Diane, her preference for an 11:30--or earlier--lunch is a bit of a drag) and off we went to Transmission Brewery. It's kind of a partner with Topper's Pizza, as they flank a  combined dining area. The idea is to order your pizza (or sandwich or salad bar) at Topper's, which will be brought to you, then pick up your beer at Transmission. The pizza was so good--not the usual kind, but a single serve, round, but with an unusual crust and whatever you want on top.  The beer? Sublime. Unfortunately, we were unable to sit on the high veranda or whatever it's called, which Lora had mentioned, because they were doing some sort of work on it. The street level had an interesting setup, too, though, and I'll get to the other another day.  

Julie was as reticent as usual, but I'm used to that. I asked if she's stop at the library, so I could drop two books back and the post office (overseas stamps for my Thanksgiving cards) and, as ever, she was nice enough to do that. 

Home, I moved my darling dancers to the hall; not sure if I'll keep them there, but they were a little too in-your-face on the coffee table. Hey, they're dancing on the A.C. boardwalk!

I watched the rest--I think--of The Watcher, then turned to a documentary adapted from The Good Nurse. I had read the book a few years ago and it's harrowing. It's a true story of a male nurse in and around Somerset, N.J. who killed a number of his patients. Geez, what with him and John List in Westfield, Jersey seems to abound in murderers. Maybe I should cancel my trip? 😨

And I'm off--TOMORROW!

Additional Note: Wonders will never cease. I got an voice mail from Jim, wishing me bon voyage and saying he'll miss me. That was so heartening. I called him back to thank him and we had a good talk. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...