Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Tuesday, The Flying Pig, And Irene Cara

A 3.4 mile walk in the morning and I returned some books. Lunch and stuff, then it was off to Rancocas. From there, to Bordentown, then dinner at The Flying Pig. I again had a hamburger and this time, a good Blue Moon to go with it. 

I won't elaborate further except to say how much fun it was to be out at a proper pub, filled with young people and light and laughter and music and the assurance that--what was that song Irene Cara sang? Oh, yes: "I'm Going To Live Forever."  I've always loved it and it made a believer out of me.

Irene Cara Fame! I'm gonna live forever 1983 - YouTube


Irene Cara, ‘Fame’ and ‘Flashdance’ Singer, Dies at 63

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Monday And A Trip To The Past

Got to Ventnor about 11:00, saw the Rosborough Avenue house. Nobody there and we couldn't get to the one on Washington Avenue, as road work was being done. Wanted to visit the Historical Society place at the library, but it wasn't open; in fact, it won't be until tomorrow and that's when I leave. That was disappointing, especially as I had donated items several years ago. 

Up to the boardwalk and a walk to the Atlantic City Line. There and back is about is three total, I guess, and it was sunny, but whew, chilly and windy. Here are the two of us--the Atlantic Ocean and me--on the Ventnor pier yesterday:

After that, it was lunch at Jo-Jo's Diner in Absecon (Pomona? Cologne? Not sure). I had a nice, greasy cheeseburger (I don't buy red meat, only indulge when I'm out) and it was so good. Ordinarily, I'd order a cold beer to go with it, but this being pokey New Jersey, that was out, so I had a coke.    

Stopped after at Laurel Memorial and visited Pat's grave* and that of Betty's husband and son. (I didn't remember the locations and a nice young man in the office led me to them.) 

After a full day, got in after 4:00. An hour later dinner, then gin rummy, and it was off to bed. Up at 5:00 to spend the last full day of my visit to God's Country (ha! I say that to Californians!).  

*This picture is from an earlier visit several years ago; I'm having some technical problem with my phone too long and involved to go into. Will include other pics when they're straightened out. 

Monday, November 28, 2022

Such A Nice Sunday

It rained, now a novelty for me, but it held off until about 11:00, which was good, as the daily walk was a good one. Went just a shade less than four miles, some of it in the woods. 

My friend, LaVonne, called. Although I had mentioned it, she didn't realize I was in Jersey. She said her daughter, Regina, had just had knee surgery--no picnic, but she's recovering. 

What with the rain, much of the rest of the day entailed lolling around and tidying up, but with several hands of gin rummy included. Company--my niece and her husband--came about 8:00. They were on their way back to Florida after Thanksgiving at their son's place in Brooklyn. (Joan is my older sister's daughter and it blows my mind to know she's now seventy. Geez, I can hardly believe I'm seventy.) We had such an enjoyable time catching up, and they didn't leave until after 10:00, late for me. 

Today, it's down to Ventnor, my old stomping grounds.

Sunday, November 27, 2022


 Walked three in the nearby community of Crestwood. Lunched, then went to my house in Sunrise Bay. I had alerted Susan H., my tenant, and she greeted me at the door. We had some good conversation and she showed me through the house, which is very neat and clean. Susan and Cliff suffered the loss of the house they had intended to move to in Florida, so what they'll do now is up in the air. Cliff is 65 and anxious to retire, Susan younger. She's been at her job at the electric company for 40 years; Cliff is a lineman.

After, I stopped across the street to see Susan and Walter. Stayed to chat with them for a half hour or so. I then went across and a few doors down to see Leslie. However, Dennis was on the porch and said Leslie was not feeling well and was in bed. I just asked him to tell her I stopped by.

Went to Bordentown to see the boys and have dinner with them. After, we played that fun magnet game, then gin rummy. Left about 8:30 after a good, full day. 

Saturday, November 26, 2022


It rained in the morning, quite a novelty where I live, but common here. It was fairly mild, though--again, for here. This and that after breakfast, then it was off to "L.A. Nails," where I got a manicure, long overdue. I was surprised that the Asian people in this salon were Chinese, not Vietnamese. In fact, Emily, who did mine, was born here.

Later, it was a three-miler, just around the neighborhood. While walking, I saw a number of vultures. It was the day after, but I was thankful they weren't gathering for me: 

Texted tenant Susan, then called and finally got her. Will go down to Sunrise Bay between one and two today to see the house and say hello.

Happily, I've been sleeping very well lately. Turn in about 9:00 and get up about 5:00--that's more sleep than I usually get at home. Just as well as I've been very active here. 

Friday, November 25, 2022

Thankful For Thursday

What a wonderfully warm and enjoyable Thanksgiving! Lots of final food prep before lunch; after, a good three-mile walk around the complex. Then it was tidying up, moving furniture, and generally getting the house ready for company.

They came, in three segments, between about 2:30 and 3:00 and there was a good mix: Besides yours truly, the oldest (damn, I seem to be the oldest in any group!), there was an almost-eighty, two seventies, a sixties, three forties, three late teens, and an almost four. 

Of course, dinner was from yumsville. To top off the scrumptious turkey day traditionals, the company brought pecan and two kinds of pumpkin, regular and chiffon, plus "whipped cream." (But AAGH, it was that abomination, the aerosol kind!) Of course, there was banana bread, plus dinner roles, cranberry sauce, and so on and on, plus three of us enjoyed a good chardonnay.   

After, we older folks (grandson, the teenagers, and the little one had left early) played a fun game named "Taboo"; one person describes an object or person and the rest guess what it is. The twist is that you can't use certain words to describe. For instance, if the word is "bed," say, you can't use "sheet," "sleep," or "nighttime" to describe. Much fun.   

Son Mike face-Messaged (or whatever you call it) from Singapore and we chatted with him, Paula, and Violet before she left for school. (I was amazed to hear she takes not a school bus, but a train to get there.) Ellen also called; she and Greg had had a quiet Thanksgiving--just the two of them, but had had the usual.

Now the holiday is over, I need to concentrate on other things. I'm still puzzled as to why I  haven't heard from my tenant, Susan, after a phone message and an email. I'll try again and have tentative plan to go to Little Egg and Ventnor tomorrow.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

"Warm"* Wednesday

 Damn, I've been so busy I'm starting to lose track of the blog, but on Wednesday...

...lots of food prep, including the making of cranberry sauce, baked carrots, and roasting the turkey. All this is done the day before, then heated up anew the day of. This is a great idea, seems to me, so it isn't so frantic, as it would be if all had to be done on Turkey Day.

After lunch, it was off to Seaside Park to walk, first next to the bay, then on the boardwalk. It's a lovely place and oh, joy, it was downright balmy, with a high of 56. Walked about three miles, then home to prepare for dinner.

Had some phone visits at various times in the day from Suzanne, Vickie, Diane, Ellen, and Florida brother, Larry. He'll have THIRTY for dinner today--at his house, but entirely prepared by daughters, sons, grands, and great-grands. Hey, more power to him. He invited me for his annual Christmas gathering, December 9 to 11, but I doubt if I'll go. I'll consider visiting him sometime after the turn of the year. 

Happy Thanksgiving to all! 🦃

* That is, what passes for warm here! 😁

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Tuesday With Two Tots

Took a three-mile in the  morning, then spent much of the rest of the day in Rancocas with two little girls, one four, one three. It was fun--we played outside most of the day--but tiring. Left about 4:00, stopped a few places, helped with prep for Turkey Day, and did a lot of other stuff. Happily, I found--or re-found this site:

with historic pics: 

It included a Ventnor football team with my brother-in-law, Mike, on it.  His brother, my husband, Pat, was also on the team, but for some reason, wasn't in that particular picture.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Monday And More Of What's Good

Weighed myself and the scale here read 126.1.  Last week, I was 124.4 at home, which means I gained 1.7., but at T.O.P.S., I was 128.1, which means a loss of 2.  So which should I chose as correct? Hmm...I'll  let the reader guess 😄.

The start of food prep yesterday. Went to Stop 'n' Shop for Thanksgiving dinner ingredients--well, I got shower gel and tangerines, somebody else got the major foodstuffs. Stowed them, had lunch, then went to Harry Wright Park in New Egypt and took a three-mile walk. It was a three-layer day, that's a cinch, but still sunny and the wind has died down. Drove to Bayville after and stopped to browse at a store, then home. 

After dinner, it was a cutthroat game of Bogle, instead of gin rummy, and that was great fun.  

Monday, November 21, 2022


Spent most of the day in Bordentown. Back south, stopped at Stop 'n' Shop for salmon, beets, and other goodies. Good dinner, then gin rummy, then I was taught the first steps of who to play Backgammon. Seems like fun, but I have a lot more to learn.

During the day, Ellen called to say hello, Olivia ditto, and Bobbi to tell me she had had a problem with her pacemaker and had developed A-fib. She was in the hospital overnight and that, combined with the radiation she has to get overnight, is tough. Hope she'll be okay before too long.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Saturday Still Lots Of Activity

Went to a craft fair in the morning and bought a few trinkets.  Changed, had lunch, and about noon, left for the party in Mendham, way up in north Jersey. It took two hours to get there, but was fun. It was in a barn owned by the birthday boy's wife's family. Great food and interesting people. Got home about 7:00, then watched Frankie and Grace (or Grace and Frankie), with Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin, Martin Sheen, and others. I didn't find it as amusing as others might; not sure why. 

Saturday, November 19, 2022

A Fun Friday

Did the three-mile walk again after breakfast; cold, cold, cold, but with three layers on, it was okay. After a quick lunch, it was off to Ewing. I knocked at the door of 1155 Lower Ferry, where we lived for forty-one years, and which continues to be a group home. The nice supervisor lady, Yolanda, showed me around, but I didn't stay long. It's been almost 20 since we moved to Little Egg, and as good ol' Thomas Wolfe assured us, You Can't Go Home Again. (Besides, that's no longer home, anyway.)

From there, it was Lawrenceville, where I tried to track down the plaque with my name on it on the chair in the theatre. Talked to some nice people there and went into the theatre, but unfortunately, it had been renovated several years ago, and the chairs replaced. Most likely, they were discarded, so that's that. My only regret is that the picture I have of "my" chair is very blurry.

Did I contact and look for any of my old colleagues? No. For one thing, the only one I know of still there is Terri M., my former secretary. I spoke to her a month or so ago and had more or less intended to get in touch again, so why didn't I? I just didn't want to and with 20 years gone by, there really isn't much desire to do so. 

Anyway, it was a good, full day, with gin rummy at the end and a good, deep sleep after, so I'm feeling tip top.

Friday, November 18, 2022

Avenue Q on Thursday

Here in south Jersey and loving it. Took the Ativan and was okay on plane. Picked up, got in, ad good things to eat and good conversation, then to bed and slept like a stone.

Yesterday, Thursday, went to Deal, NJ, to see Avenue Q, a Broadway hit. It was different to say the least, but I greatly enjoyed it. Dinner first in Bradley Beach, one of the lovely little towns, with which my native state abounds, then off to what could be described as puppet porn, maybe (well, you'd have to see it).


Home very late and didn't get to get to bed until midnight, but a full, fun day, and yay, yay, YAY!

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Tuesday And An Angel

Heard from Little Egg Township about my mercantile license (which you have to have when you have your house rented, along with $50) having my late husband's name on it, in addition to mine. I called to say Pat had died 13 years ago and the very nice person said it wasn't a big deal, but she'd change it and she sent me a new one with just my name.

Got a message from management to the effect that fire extinguishers would be installed in all apartments in the coming week under the kitchen sink. No prob, I had just cleaned under there and I shifted the items to under a chair in the dining area. I sent the office an email saying I'd be away and giving the guys--or gals or gays or goofs or--okay, I'll stop--permission to come in.

Most of the rest of the day was all packing and preparing. I hope I have everything--I think I do, but it's remarkable how much I take, probably half of which I won't use. Can't seem to help myself.

A nice interlude: Vickie texted me about 4:00 to see if she could come over for a minute, as she had something for me. Sure, I was glad for the respite. She came and gave me a darling little pin--an "airplane angel" that, it says on the card, "may help all your flights be on time and free from turbulence."  (But it doesn't say anything about going down in flames. 😨) What a charming idea! Vickie stayed for a half hour or so and we had a good talk. I pinned the angel to my coat, but unfortunately, the tack thing that held it fell off and now I can't find it. Instead, I'll just keep it in my pocket. 

Ellen called to wish me a good trip. She has parent/teacher conferences this week and is pretty busy, but doing okay. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Monday with Julie, Jersey, and Jim

Went over to Von's in the morning for grapefruit, then spent some with packing--well, starting to pack, anyway. Also started the process of getting the apartment in reasonable shape. I hate coming back from a trip to a messy place or old food in the fridge  

Julie picked me up at 12:45 (much as I like Diane, her preference for an 11:30--or earlier--lunch is a bit of a drag) and off we went to Transmission Brewery. It's kind of a partner with Topper's Pizza, as they flank a  combined dining area. The idea is to order your pizza (or sandwich or salad bar) at Topper's, which will be brought to you, then pick up your beer at Transmission. The pizza was so good--not the usual kind, but a single serve, round, but with an unusual crust and whatever you want on top.  The beer? Sublime. Unfortunately, we were unable to sit on the high veranda or whatever it's called, which Lora had mentioned, because they were doing some sort of work on it. The street level had an interesting setup, too, though, and I'll get to the other another day.  

Julie was as reticent as usual, but I'm used to that. I asked if she's stop at the library, so I could drop two books back and the post office (overseas stamps for my Thanksgiving cards) and, as ever, she was nice enough to do that. 

Home, I moved my darling dancers to the hall; not sure if I'll keep them there, but they were a little too in-your-face on the coffee table. Hey, they're dancing on the A.C. boardwalk!

I watched the rest--I think--of The Watcher, then turned to a documentary adapted from The Good Nurse. I had read the book a few years ago and it's harrowing. It's a true story of a male nurse in and around Somerset, N.J. who killed a number of his patients. Geez, what with him and John List in Westfield, Jersey seems to abound in murderers. Maybe I should cancel my trip? 😨

And I'm off--TOMORROW!

Additional Note: Wonders will never cease. I got an voice mail from Jim, wishing me bon voyage and saying he'll miss me. That was so heartening. I called him back to thank him and we had a good talk. 

Monday, November 14, 2022

Sunday, Olivas Adobe, and A Doll Adoption

The Access Van picked me up, all right, but dropped me at Olivas Adobe at 10:00, a full hour before I was due. Got acquainted with some of the other docents and volunteers and took a few pictures:

The paintings above are very large and so interesting, I thought.
The guy above is a actual historian and is also active in reenactments. 
Good ol' Shari, who with her husband, Ken, practically owns Dudley House.

The theme for the day was old-fashioned toys that the children of the Olivas Adobe era would have enjoyed. Of course, there were lots of wooden ones and dolls for the girls.  There were also some for sale.  So...I'm embarrassed to relate this: Donna, the woman who volunteered at the gift shop had some wonderful Spanish dancing dolls on display, which were also for sale. I could not--just couldn't resist these two, and I bought them:
Good grief, they're twenty inches high and spread out below, too. But look at her face! It's so full of exuberance and flirtatious life, I just had to  have her. And him? Well, I couldn't separate them, could I? 

As for the festival--or whatever it was--it was a complete bust. Besides our table, there were only four others and the most interesting were the wood carvers. The real problem was that there were almost no attendees, at all. I can't imagine where, if at all, they advertised it, but it sure wasn't effective. 

There was a possible plus for me, though: I met a guy named Dan Gregory--with his white facial hair, a dead ringer for Colonel Sanders--who is an actor and voice over performer. We chatted and exchanged cards, so who knows, maybe that will lead somewhere. Another plus was that Deanna took me home, so I was able to cancel the Access Van.

Just had time to change before I went next door to Suzanne's. Vickie came soon after and we had a good social session. I showed them my Dad's draft notice from 1918 and Vickie brought her "yearbook"--kind of a commemorative of her time in the military. (I refrained from pacifist remarks.) They then stopped over my place to see my dolls--both thought they were beautiful and I couldn't agree more.

Lunch with Julie today. 

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Red Letter Saturday

I'm not sure where the expression came from (and no, I'm not going to look it up),  but it means a good one and that's what I had yesterday.

Got to Ellen's about noon and we sat and talked for a bit, one of those lovely little mother/daughter chats more and more precious to me. We then dug into her shed where she allows me to store a lot of my docent stuff. Got what I need for the Olivas Adobe thing today and piled it in the trunk, then went off to The Hip Vegan for lunch. We both had their burgers--non-meat, of course, but about the best I ever had. El had iced tea, I a seven-dollar beer, even more outrageous than Stone Fire Grille, but so what? We sat outside in the sunshine, I was with my dear girl, and it was delicious.

We went from there to the new age shop, which has lots of unusual and interesting stuff. El bought a birthday gift for her sis, which I'll bring to Jersey and I bought a sticker to put in  my window:

Then we sped off to Wal-Mart for items a lot more mundane. El came in for a few minutes, we talked, I walked her out, we embraced, and it was a fine day. 

Today, Sunday, should be good, too. Suzanne texted Vickie and me, with an invitation for one of our little social sessions, bringing our own drinks. She said 4:30, so I should be back from Olivas Adobe by then.

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Friday And Dad's Draft

Good news on the weight front: At home, I weighed in at 124.4, a loss of 3.4 pounds, at T.O.P.S., 128.6 for 2.9 off.  Sharon called me in the morning to say she wouldn't be there, leader Lennie still away, so it was Lora (who picked me up), Bev, Helen, Julie, Carol, and me. We had more of a support session than a formal meeting--fine by me--and it wasn't bad.  It seems my resolve to skip eating while watching my one hour of T.V. (8 to 9 am) is working. 

Lora mentioned a place at the wharf where she had been recently: Transmission Brewery and Topper Pizza share a roof patio where the view is marvelous and the food and brew superb. Julie promptly asked if I wanted to go on Monday and three guesses as to my response. 😊

Jim came early. He seemed more cheerful than he had been--reticent as ever, but there was a noticeable lightening of mood. I served the pizza I had had in the freezer, which was pretty good, and the rest of the ice cream for dessert. Jim really didn't care for the cabernet I gave him and drank only half of the small bottle.  We sat and talked until 3:00, then I walked him out. He actually allowed me to give him a hug when we said goodbye, as I won't see him again for more than two weeks. (And if one of the planes go down, longer than that.)

Cleaned up and took a short nap. Texted Vickie to ask how her conference with the people caring for Mary went. She called me and she's somewhat hearted that they were so responsive. She also mentioned their noticeable tendency to be upbeat and to emphasize how much they appreciate Mary. The same is true at Villa Alamar where Betty lives. I didn't tell her this, but I'm quit sure this is part of their training. That's not a bad thing; I just think it's just not as spontaneous as Vickie thinks.

I looked into, the site Suzanne had given me. Idly put in my father's name and was amazed to have this come up:

It's his draft notice for World War I. Note the date issued: September 12,1918. My father, I was told, had finished basic training was on a train to a base in the south (Alabama?) when the war ended on November 11. He came home, enrolled at Villanova College, and the rest is history.  

Friday, November 11, 2022

Thursday And Concern For A Friend*

I again called Jim at about 9:00 am and again, he didn't pick up. As he hadn't Wednesday evening either, I got a little worried. I resolved to try again later. 

Met Diane at 11:30 for lunch at the Urbane. We exchanged clothes--I gifted her with my fur-trimmed sweater and another top and she gave me a nifty black and white top with touches of red. We talked and talked and talked on a wide variety of topics. By the time we parted, it was almost two.

Walked to WinCo from there to get the things I forgot on Wednesday. Bused home and blanched my five-dollar cauliflower, then prepared the dressing I like. I was about to pop it in the oven when the doorbell rang. It was Vickie, who just came in to report on Mary. I asked her to sit down and we talked for a bit, then I expressed concern about Jim. I knew he had some current worries and I was afraid he might...well, I was afraid. Good Neighbor Vickie than proposed that we go over to his place and try to see if he's there. I first called him again and, as before, no answer.

We got in her car, drove to his place, rang the bell, knocked on the door, and otherwise to see if he was home--no response. We were about to leave when one of Jim's neighbors--an old man with a cane--walked up and said he hadn't seen Jim lately, either. Now I was really worried, until...  

...Jim came up the walk. I had called him later than usual in the evening and he had been in bed with the door closed. Since he had only a landline, he didn't hear the ring. As for the morning, he was in class and when I last called, he had walked to Trader Joe's at the mall.  Remarkably, he invited us in and we sat for ten minutes or so and chatted. I invited him for lunch today and he accepted. 

Didn't get home and my cauliflower dinner until almost 7:00, but that was okay; I'm relieved that my friend is all right. 

* I'm thinking that labelling these posts simply with the days of the week is boring. I'm going to deviate from the formula and maybe experiment with other constructs. 

Thursday, November 10, 2022


When I got to WinCo with Suzanne, I horrified to see that a single head of cauliflower was five dollars. That's just incredible, but, addict that I am, I bought it anyway. Driving home, Suzanne told me about the Mormon site "" She asked me in after we put our goods away and showed me the website, with many of her ancestors listed. That ignited my interest in my heritage and I showed her the binder my cousin had put together on the Irish side, which purports to show our list our direct descent from Adam. It's funny in a lot of ways and incomplete in others--fun to read, but very dated; it ends in 1968, which means the last 54 years isn't covered. I called my cousin in Cincinnati, Marifran, and got some info from her. Haven't yet looked at the Mormon site, but will. Emailed my friend, Pat, about Muckie and heard back from her.

Packed lunch and bused to the library in town. I'm a little embarrassed to admit it, but I've started watching The Watcher on Netflix.  It's fiction, but "inspired" by the John List murders in Westfield, NJ, which happened in 1960. He murdered his mother, wife, and three teenaged children, then went missing for something like 18 years. Was finally apprehended after his case was on America's Most Wanted. I had been fascinated by these murders (I'm a fan of true-life murder) and read the book about it ten or twelve years ago. That's why I requested it at the library. Picked it up, ate across from the mission, then bused home. 

Stopped at Vickie's to get the latest on Mary and we chatted. When I got home, I made refried beans and, boy, they're good--so much better than what you order in a restaurant. I also diced three onions and did a few other food prep chores.

The GOOD news is: My little pat, Laptoppy, has recovered! I ran the cleaner, it said it wanted to re-start, I let it, and happy day! 

Lunch today with Diane at Urbane Café. 

Wednesday, November 09, 2022


Wonder  of wonders, I got Wordle in two yesterday. Put it on Facebook (only on twos, do I list it) and got congratulatory comments from Duane, Ari, and others.


🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 (word was "spell")

More Wonder of Wonders: It rained and a little more vigorously than the usual California mist. That was okay, I guess, but now I've had enough. 

Got texts from Duane and Ari regarding Greg's toenails, plus unrelated ones from Jeanne Painter, telling about, and sending me pictures of, her grandson's wedding on the beach at LBI. She added a old pic of her and Muckie when they were kids, along with other children, but I can't seem to get any of them to come up here. Still having problems with Google, which I hope Ellen will fix on Saturday.

Julie and Regina picked me up at 11:30 and off we went to the the Ventura Women's Club meeting and luncheon. The speaker, Mary somebody, sat at our table; after lunch, she spoke on a charity called "Step Up," which helps needy children five and under. That's certainly a worthy cause, but to be honest, this organization just isn't interesting to me; seems a little boring. As far as I can see, it consists  exclusively of white, affluent, older women with not a black, Latina, or Asian face to be seen. I was also put off--as I was when I attended before--by the prayer offered at the beginning. It was a thank you for the food and so on, no problem there, but the woman giving it ended with "in Christ's name." That suggests there are no members of the Jewish, Muslim, or other non-Christian persuasion, let alone non-believers. For that matter, since this is not a religious group, why include a prayer at all? (Regina mentioned that she's Buddhist, although brought up R.C.) 

Interestingly, though, I was greeted by several people I know, including Shirley Lorraine (that's her full name), who writes for The Breeze and, I found, is also the president of the club. I mentioned her here before because she had also entered the Cowboy Poetry Contest I won and she attended and reviewed the Area 22 show.  Anyway, she greeted me with a hug, as did Kathleen Somebody, as well as Somebody Somebody, both on the Dudley House board. Lunch was okay and, happily, we left before the business meeting, which Julie said would be a real bore--long-winded committee reports. 

I was pleased that Mike sent pictures when he met Patrick, Natsue, and Koushin for dinner in Tokyo, although I was disappointed that they either had masks on, or K. was making silly faces. He's nine, but isn't much shorter than his parents. 

Walked over to Von's for milk and got my Atorvastatin at CVS.  Much as I dislike rain, it's kind of cozy to be inside, snug and warm while it comes down. Going to WinCo with Suzanne at 9:00 this morning. A week from today, I'll be on my way, going back east, and I'm very excited, to say the least! (Well, that sure as hell doesn't scan! 😜)                                                                                                                                                                       

Tuesday, November 08, 2022


After breakfast, I impulsively called Muckie Datesman and we talked for one hour and ten minutes. Muckie* had been one of Betty's best friends and had been a bridesmaid in her wedding. I always liked her and still do. Muck has lived with her son and his wife in Virginia for quite a few years. I hadn't spoken her for about a year and she had important news to share. But not good news. 

It rained, which comes across as something of a miraculous event around here. I wore older shoes--I have boots, but they're fur-lined snow boots, which would have been silly--but as it turned out, I didn't even open my umbrella. Yes, a poky California rain.

Only Vera, Dennis, Greg, and I were there, unlike the usual Soaring Spirits lunch crowd (Californians think water falling from the sky is toxic), but we had an absolute ball. The guys couldn't have been more fun and the four of us just talked and talked and laughed. We all use some pretty "salty"--as the euphemism goes--language, Greg in particular. Frankly, that appeals to me a lot more than the sanctimonious types that seem to populate elderly ranks. Not that my companions are elderly--the guys are in their middle sixties and Vera's a mere kid of 43.  Dennis is the one who has a different theme painted on his toenails every month; I had posted his October skeleton ones and here they are for Thanksgiving--teeny turkeys!

Vera dropped me off at Von's after, and I bought a bottle of Drano. Poured it into the sink, but to no avail, so I called the office. Jose, one of the newer maintenance men, came and happily, used his magic--and other items--to unclog--YAY!  I took a two-hour nap and felt good when I got up.

Lunch today with Julie at the Ventura Women's Club. Not sure if I want to join--most likely not, but I never pass up a chance for an outing. 

Monday, November 07, 2022


The crossword was absorbing, but tough; I got about ninety percent. Set up my meds for the next six weeks. Called Carolyn and we chatted. She asked me to send her the letter from my father to my sister, so I scanned and did. I called niece Joan and told her it was actually Jim who had sent me the copy; she said she realized it wasn't her after we talked and she'll look for the original. I sent her the scan, too.*

Diane emailed me, asking if I could meet at the Urbane Café on Thursday. Sure, so I'll be at the Soaring Spirits lunch today, the woman's club tomorrow, with Diane on Thursday, at Ellen's on Saturday, and at Olivas Adobe on Sunday. Think I'll ask Jim for lunch on Friday, so that leaves only Wednesday unscheduled. Hmm...maybe that's a good thing.  

Walked to Ralph's and got a 12-can of IPA. Also saw these cute little glass wine holders--with wine in that, that is. They were on sale, so I bought some; will give one to Diane along with some tops when I see her on Thursday. Stopped at the bank to get some cash; I almost never use it, but like to have some on hand.

On my way home, I remembered that my gal, Maria, works on Sundays, so stopped into Great Clips and got a trim. Looks good. 

Darn, I had been sleeping so well lately, but this morning, I woke at one something for the usual, may have dozed until three something, but now it's 4:45 and I'm up. Maybe I can take a nap later, before or after lunch with S.S. PLUS, I went to change the time on the clock in my dining area and now it doesn't work. Changed the batteries, but it still doesn't. Woe is me. 

On a cheerier note, I saw this in the parking area yesterday: 

*It occurred to me that it's possible my mother or my father himself had the letter copied years ago--or that my sister did, since the copy is so poor. I can imagine that Daddy sent it to Gene, but first copied it for Mom. Alternatively, Gene may have done it. What's a little depressing to realize is that, in the family, only Larry and I are still able to remember 1943--sigh... 

Sunday, November 06, 2022


Went to Von's to get a few items and saw Suzanne on her way out. We chatted a bit and I expressed concern at our neighbor, Patrick's, odd behavior. I'll see if I can find his son and family; I know they live in Ventura. While I was at Von's, Julie called to say 1.) that she'll take me to the Soaring Spirits lunch tomorrow and 2.) would I like to go to the Ventura Women's club meeting and lunchon on Tuesday? Yes and yes, so the week is shaping up.

Jim here at 12:30. When I cautiously asked him about his evaluation, he didn't want to talk about it, which didn't surprise me. I served the creamy egg salad I mentioned before and boy, was that good on sour dough bread. We sat on the couch and talked after. I gave him the info on a Parkinson's support group nearby and he actually said he was interested. He can't go this Tuesday, though, because he has class; maybe next week.

I had stopped into Great Clips (next to Von's) to see when my favored hairdresser, Maria, is in. She is today, so I may go over after breakfast and get a trim. Or may not. 

Happy day: I was sure the time change would screw up my sleeping, but it didn't. Woke up at 5:00, which is fine by me.   

Re the 1943 letter from my father to my older sister: Still bemused that neice Joan should ask for it back, as it's a copy, I looked on this blog and found that a few years ago, my brother, Jim, had sent me letters to and from my father. I mentioned "a letter to my sister, Gene, when she was 19." Surely, that's the letter Joan mentioned; she didn't send it to me, he did. Trying to again find that blog entry.

Found it! From April 19, 2017:

"Got home and opened a packet I got from my brother, Jim. It had in it copies of a letter my father wrote to my older sister, Gene, in 1943, when she was 19; an account by Gene of her bout with melanoma almost fifty years later; the letter (original) my Uncle Tom sent my father in 1938 when the family farm in Roxborough was being sold..." .   

Cranky old lady note,appropo of nothing: I truly wonder about animal-lovers. It seems to me that, more and more, they attribute human charactaristics to the furry ones--dogs and cats, in particular, of course.  If a bow-wow bares its teeth, that's no smile, honey.

Saturday, November 05, 2022


Went to Von's for ingredients to make "creamy egg salad," a recipe I found on the Internet looking for soft foods. I was thinking Diane could join Jim and me today, but as it turned out, she emailed that she was having some unpleasant after effects of her dental procedure, so we'll have to put it off. I made it anyway and then made my signature ice cream. This time, I decided agains strawberry and made half chocolate swirl and half caramel.

Packed my lunch and walked over the footbridge to the place on Telephone Road near the Hill Street Cafe. Ate, then stopped into the library. I hadn't intended to stay, but sat down to read and stayed for an hour. I took the book out, notwithstanding I have about nine tenths of the Stephen King book to go. I just couldn't When Breath Becomes Air,  written by a young neurosurgeon in training, Paul Kalanithi, who devloped lung cancer in his thirties. It's heart-breaking, but it's also a riveting story. He was a wonderful writer and his ideas and thoughts about life and death and what it means to be human are enthralling.

As I was leaving the library, my niece, Joan, called me. She is writing a book about the family and asked if I'd send her back a letter my father wrote to older sister, Joan's mother. I was surprised when she said she thought it was the original, but of course, it isn't. After an hour of digging, I found it--a copy and a poor copy at that. I can't imagine why she'd ever send me the original, anyway, and am surprised she wasn't sure it was a copy.

Called Ellen to tell her I need my Dudley House costume for next Sunday, the 13th, at Olivas Adobe historic site. We decided that, since the buses don'r run on Veterans Day when she's off, I'll go on Saturday. 

Weight report: No, we didn't have T.O.P.S., but I still weighed in at home. I was thrilled to see 127.4, a loss of 3.4. My new regime is working, I'm happy to note, but at this point, I don't want to write about it. 


Friday, November 04, 2022


 Some out of the ordinary things happened yesterday:

1.) My nephew, Steve Johnson, who writes for the on-line "Lifehacker," did a piece on Thanksgiving and mentioned me. This is what he said:

When I was a kid, my Aunt Mimi would start Thanksgiving dinner every year by serving everyone a small helping of rice as a way of remembering the people in the world who had little to eat that night. I’m not sure how it helped alleviate world hunger, but I did enjoy the injection of a little pathos into Thanksgiving, and thinking, “Better them than me!”

This was accompanied with a bowl of rice; I got a kick out of the article. To read it, go to my page on Facebook (or his). 

2.) Both Lora and I decided to skip T.O.P.S.  today. Sharon called me to say she isn't going (preparing for a trip to Arizona); Julie is back from Europe, but has a doctor's appointment; leader Lennie is in Belize; Bobbi is getting chemo and has to go at 9:00 every morning. I called Bobbi and she feels okay so far. Also called Bev to tell her. I had no contact informatin for Helen, Sylvia, or Carol, so if they go, they're out of luck. Later, though, Bobbi was able to find Helen's number and called her.

3. Coming back from town, the bus I was on had an accident. As it was turning into the transit center, it hit a bike, or the bike hit it. A man was hurt, but I hope not too badly. The bus windshield cracked.

4. I should be ashamed to include this in "out of the ordinary" (but I'm not): I cleaned the hard floors and washed the throws (it's been a while).

5. Best news: Shannon wrote back that she got the scripts and will read them over the weekend. She said she was "honored" to receive them, so good. That doesn't mean she and Jeff will want to produce any, but it was great to know. 

Okay, now for the uninteresing stuff: I called Lynne, the docent director, and changed the time to work at the Dudley House Christmas Boutique as a wrapper to 1 to 3, December 11, so I won't be getting home in the dark. 

Packed and took my lunch to town and ate, as I often do, across frm the mission. Bought some  Christmas decorations (but Mimi, didn't you donate a lot of Christmas decorations not too long ago?  Yes, but these are so cute!). Picked up Stephen King's new Fairy Tale; started it last night and was immediately drawn in. (It's 597 pages long and this isn't large print--typical of King.) Strolled Main Street, but it was so chilly and windy, I didn't stay long. 

Emailed Diane, who said she got through the dental procedure well. My new friend, Bernice, from BCNN, called to tell me about her breakfast "date" with a man who's been pursuing her.  She's 73, he's 79. Incredibly (it seems incredible to me), he kissed her goodbye with tongue and tried to touch her...uh, upper body. She recoiled and said he was going too fast. Can't wait to hear more about this. I can see the movie: Senior Saga!  Can these two stay stay awake long enough to ...?    

My front walk and door, dressed for Thanksgiving:

Thursday, November 03, 2022

Wednesday and BCNN

A fun day. Julie picked me up at 9:00 and we went to the BCNN meeting at the yacht club. I was pleased to again see Bernice, whom I had met there before. I was also pleased to realize Connie Korenstein was doing the program. I had just seen her at the Dudley House thing and yesterday, she did a presentation on hats. Here she is at the podium, explaining the "herstory" of women's hats, and some of the ones she owns:

Unfortunately, the one I took of Connie and her two helpers went to video and the still I got from it is blurry, but here it is:
That's Connie in the middle.

After, we went to the Boathouse Pub for lunch and I had a good time talking to, and getting to know, a woman named "El" (for Eleanor), as well as others. Didn't get home until after 2:00 and just did this and that after taking a short nap. 

Talked to Sheri and she asked me 1.) if I'd serve on the Dudley House board of trustees (I said I'd think about it); and 2.) if I'd represent Dudley (along with others) at the historic Olives Adobe open house on November thirteenth (I agreed). Finally, at long last, I was able to send Shannon three of my scripts. Sent the pictures above to Connie and she was glad to get them.

By the way, I know somebody who impersonated a lion for Halloween, so for her, am adding this of my great nephew and his family, obviously all of the leonine persuasion, too.

Wednesday, November 02, 2022


Met Diane at Urbane Café at 11:30. We both ordered salmon "bowls" and they were so good. Besides a generous piece of salmon, they include seasoned rice, sweet potato chunks, tofu, and spinach, all cooked to perfection and seasoned with a wonderful sauce. Plus they're very large portions--I couldn't finish all of mine, but Diane ate hers. However, I'm pretty sure that was her lunch and dinner combined. Naturally, we brought our own wine and beer.

We stayed until after 2:00, talking and talking and sharing some of our family backgrounds. I told her about Jay--with tears, of course--and she mentioned some problems in her siblings (she's the oldest of five). She told me an anecdote about when her mother was pregnant with her brother--who is seventeen years her junior--which almost floored me. I suggested she come to lunch on Saturday when Jim's there, as I'd like to give her some more tops; then I hope Jim will agree to drive her home. (She's having some dental surgery today, so I'll make soft food.) I had mentioned Pat R.'s lion costume and later, sent her Pat's pics with those feet and that fabulous mane--Diane loved it. 

I bused to town after and stopped in a few places; bought a desk organizer and a carafe. By the time I got home, it was 5:00. 

I was happy to hear from Julie, who's back from her (two-month long) trip to Austria and Germany. She called to ask if I wanted to go to the BCNN meeting today, then lunch. Sure thing and she'll pick me up at 9:00.


The following is just some "business" stuff I've been doing. I like to put it here in case I need to refer to it later.

Mailed ballot yesterday, resolved BOA two rent payments in August--watch for refund of one of them; suspended paper for when I'll be away; called Groendyke and told Maureen I'll take pics re letter; received the 2019 Anchor Benefit Filing Information from my tenant, Susan, but am not eligible for the rebate because I don't live in the house. Changed the automatic payment to Chase to reflect my new, considerably higher, mortgage amount starting next month. Still to do: Send Shannon scripts!

Tuesday, November 01, 2022


I spent the morning on a bunch of pesky stuff, including battling Microsoft Word; I want them to get their mitts off my scripts, so I can send them to Sharon. Decided to get some advice from the tech at Office Depot. Discovered he wasn't in until 2:00, so packed my lunch and walked to Telephone Road. Stopped at the bank, then settled a bench on the county government grounds. I've eaten there before and it's okay--grass, trees and other foliage:

From there, I bused to the mall. It wasn't quite late enough to go to O.D., so I walked to first, Trader Joe's, then Target, in search of grapefruit. Later, I stopped at Audi's. None had grapefruit--fer cryin' out loud, this is California, citrus practically grows in concrete, so what's the deal? Last stop was WinCo, where I FINALLY found a bag of five grapefruit and snapped up. Bought a big butternut squash, too. 

At Office Depot, I discovered I can't prevent Microsoft Word from what they do, but I can either subscribe--I'll consider it--or try another way to send. Well, I'll try. If all else fails, I could simply print the scripts out and send them to Shannon via the U.S. Mail, I guess.

Didn't get home until almost 5:00, but I got plenty of exercise in and I feel good. I'm almost afraid to add that I've been sleeping well, too--hope I didn't jinx that wonderful fact.

Meeting Diane for lunch today--we'll both splurge and order their "bowls"--I love the salmon--but, of course, will bring our own drinks. I agreed to meet at 11:30, and that was a compromise, as Diane usually has lunch at 11:00 (and my usual is 1:00, but I'm okay with it). She keeps odd hours: goes to bed at 8:00, gets up 3:00 or 4:00 am, and is finished all her meals by--I think she said 3:00 pm.

Speaking of, they're having a Halloween party where she lives and she sent me this--Diane as Cruella DeVille. Love it!

About 6:30, when I was having dinner, the doorbell rang and I opened to find six or seven Halloweeners, all in costume, of course. I'd say they ranged in age from about six to ten or so. They were adorable. I don't buy candy, but have a lot of change--gave them each a few quarter and they all said "thank you" and "happy Halloween." Suzanne came out at the same time and she had bought candy to give out. (I don't dare.) We chatted a bit after and she told me Vickie had called asking for prayers. Why? Because now Mary has developed blood clots. Suzanne asked if I thought it was appropriate for her to--gently--bring up the idea of palliative care only. Sure, since Mary is mentally gone and can't make such decisions herself. 


Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...