Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas Eve

Here I am at Ellen's in the snug little Meiners Oaks section of Ojai. Yesterday, I walked Kimball, straightened up around the apartment, then prepared my lunch, packed, and took off.  El already had the turkey (fresh) in the oven and a lot of dinner made.
After we ate lunch, I watched and kibitzed while she decorated a pretty little gingerbread house. It came with the frame already put together, and with various icings and other doodads. After, we added  ornaments to the tree and tidied up. Greg came in and we sat for a bit with the Pinot Girgio I had brought, then sat down for dinner.
Boy, was it good. The turkey was very tender, the stuffing was made-from-scratch like my mother used to, and the sides were tasty.
After they cleaned up (no, I'm a guest, so I sat), El and I played two rounds of Blokus, a fun and simple (that's the only way I like them) game, then the three of us settled into gin--the game, that is, not the booze.
An hour or so later, El put on Fargo, one of my faves, and we watched about half before I fell asleep. Turned in and slept soundly.

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