Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Taxes and Playlets

Happy day, my taxes are filed.  Arrived at St. Mary's well before 9:00, but there were already ten or twelve people before me.  It went pretty quickly, though, and a nice, former finance officer named Dolores, did my return.  I'll get a refund and wanted it put directly into my bank account.  However, for the second year in a row, I forgot to include a check with the routing number.  Went to the Ocean First nearby and requested a copy of a paid check; they acquiesced and that was that.
I had a list of errands I wanted to complete in Manahawkin and I got all of them done.  Didn't get home until 2:00 for lunch. After, I cleaned up a bit, put together some boxes, and made a list of (minor) repairs that need to be done around the house.
Spent a good portion of the rest of the day going over some of the playlets I want to do at the Shalom House show on April 16.  Sent a message to my acting group about the date, asking them to let me know if they'll be there.  I already know two of my performers will be away and I got messages back from two more who can't participate.
This is a dilemma.  I hate to try to get another day, as the Shalom House activity room is heavily booked.  Instead, I'm toying with the idea of adding my adaptation of The Pukey, possibly with a discussion after of its meaning.  The more I think of it, the more interesting that sounds.  Hmm...
Today, Walter and my friend will be here and I'll sign the rental papers.  I'm nervous about it; hope I'm doing the right thing.

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