Monday, March 30, 2015

More and "Mom"

Took apart a number of large pictures in frames; that is, I took the pics out of the frame and put the latter on the thrift store table in the garage. Then I started on the pics I'm going to keep in frames.  This work goes fairly slowly, as I first wrap in white tissue paper, then in newspaper, then in bubble wrap.  Also, I can't use boxes or containers that are very large because I have a problem lifting them. I filled one with some heavy stuff and almost killed myself getting it into the garage.
I'm starting to run out of space in there, so will have to consolidate a bit more.  I especially want to separate what I'm taking with me, donation stuff, and the priceless treasures I want to sell.  Put a few more things up on Craigslist and on Facebook's "South Jersey Online Flea Market."
Betty called to ask when she can come get the chair I'm giving her. She'll call a friend with an SUV to see when he can make it.
Got a call from Amy at Bonaventure Senior Living in Ventura. Ever since I went into the site, "A Place for Mom,"* I've been getting such calls.  I told her I probably wouldn't go that way, but we had a nice chat.  If I planned to live in such a facility, that's probably the one I'd choose.  It's (barely) affordable for me and is only three miles from Ellen's.
Speaking of whom:  Had a good Skype visit with her.  She's happily anticipating Spring Break, but definitely is not looking forward to the idiotic testing to which she has to subject her third-graders.  It's all privatized now and it's all about the money.
* Now who in friggin' hell ever thought up that slogan?  It seems to embody all the idiocy of the present day: "Mom," that odious substitute for "mother," because everybody has to be all folksy and warm and love little puppies; "a place," because you gotta get her put away so she doesn't start telling you how to raise the kids.  And hey, forget "Dad"; he should have kicked off by now, so Mom can enjoy schmoozing with her cronies.

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