Wednesday, March 25, 2015

A Done Deal

Okay, my house is available for rent, and can be shown as of April 15.  R.E. agent Walter and my friend came a little after 3:00 and the deed was done by 4:30.  Lots of things to talk over, find out, and sign, but it was surprisingly simple to understand it all.  It will be in multiple listing by the fifteenth, Walter will take pictures before that, and boy, I have a slew of things to do.
Earlier, I had galvanized myself to spruce up the kitchen. I removed the baker's rack and took away the plants, doodads, and cute little figures I used to like so much.  Moved the very small corner unit to the other side and boy, it's incredible how much more spacious it looks.  It's a nice-sized kitchen to begin with and this opened it up enormously.
Now I'm really under the gun to get this place ready to be shown. My friend agreed to come on April 3 (yes, I know it's good Friday, but that has no significance for me) and April 10.  By then I hope to have as many superfluous things as possible out of here, either donated or sold.
Saw part of International Day at my granddaughters' school in Singapore, Stamford American School.  There were lots of kids from lots of countries, included one child from Iran, and a surprising many from Korea.  The U.S. had by far the most ex-pats, presumably because it's called....  Well, yeah.

1 comment:

iloveac said...

Scary, but no doubt a relief to have it done.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...