Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Happy Day

Happy day, things are looking up.  Picked Aline up at 8:45 and we stopped first at Betty's, where I left a typed itinerary of our upcoming Virginia trip, then went off to the Margate Library.  I knew Lynne and Doris wouldn't be there--both in Florida--but the other eight were.  I put Aline and Sheila on first; they performed "The Truth, etc." and it went over big. Lots of laughs.
I followed my usual routine of dismissing the rest for break, then having A. and S. come in individually.  Critiqued their performances--gently, as I always do--orally, then I gave them the papers with my comments, suggestions, and praise.
For the second half, I threw out questions for participants: Was the course about what you thought it would be?  What was your favorite part?  Were the time and venue convenient?  Ideas and suggestions?  And so on.  They were all very complimentary and we had a good, relaxed discussion.  I ended by giving each the same letter with tips and pointers on how to proceed if they want to to pursue acting.
After, we talked over the important stuff: Where would we go for lunch?  Settled on a family-run luncheonette in the Margate Towers and we had a fine time, the food good, the talk even better.  My perfect little pupils insisted on treating me, too. We broke up about 1:30, I dropped Aline off, and got home in time to clean up a little before R.E. agent Walter and my friend came.  Which they did at 3:30 and we got the lowdown on listing the house for rent.  Lots of things to know about that, but I'm optimistic.
When we finished, my friend filled her RV with more donations for the thrift store; she left, then I picked up Aline (who had asked to go with me) and drove to Wal-Mart.  I had called the doctor to see if I could get just ten of each pill I was missing and it was done--this time, only $16 and change, a lot better than forty-two smackers.
After dropping Aline, I finally rolled home close to my 8:00 TV time, changed into P.J.'s, poured my Chardonnay, and relaxed for the rest of the evening.

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...