Friday, March 06, 2015

Snow Can Go

Susan and I were smugly complacent as we walked our usual.  It was raining, sure, but we had umbrellas and it was relatively warm. We remarked on how glad we were it was rain, not s....
Damn.  By the time I picked up Aline for breakfast, the other thing was coming down, but gently, and I had no problem driving home after poached and pancakes.  Problem was, it continued...and continued.  At night, it was still coming, just as steadily as it had for hours.  
So I was stuck in the house.  I packed the good china, put chicken legs in the oven for lunch, did wash, talked to Betty twice, changed the date to see r.e. agent Walter, (my friend had forgotten a previous engagement on the first date), and paid on-line for our tickets to go to D.C. next week.
All that sounds super busy and efficient, but nah.  I spent the major part of the day on the computer, either looking things up in relation to Kathy's story, playing hidden object games, or digging into Craig's List for suitable apartments in California.  Sent info on five or six to daughter, Ellen, and she was able to fill me in on good neighborhood or bad, distance from her, and other particulars on which I wouldn't have a handle otherwise.    
Now the snow can go and for all of me, stay away for good.

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...