Friday, March 27, 2015

Breakfast and OGP

We walked in a drizzle, then a downpour, but had umbrellas, so no prob.  Picked Aline up at our usual 9:15 and we went to Dynasty for breakfast.  Dropped her at work after, then spent several hours at the usual.
It occurred to me that the guest room closet still had costumes and props in it, so I called Bruce B. to see if Our Gang Players would take them.  Yes, and we met at their gigantic warehouse in Parkertown.
Good grief, the place is jammed!  Bruce does a lot of the sets for OGP and told me he had also organized the warehouse.  Well, I don't know what kind of "organization" he was talking about, because the place--thirty feet high, I'd say, and surely as big as a football field--is just as chaotic as it was when I was there getting costumes for Arsenic. There are three or four rather haphazardly knocked together wooden tiers throughout, with clothes hanging rack-on-rack, hats, shoes, gloves, accessories, suitcases, containers, furniture, and it seemed, any other object imaginable, all jammed together.  I'm no judge of space, but this was definitely warehouse-size and through a door was another the same size where Bruce makes scenery.
Bruce is a big guy--maybe six three--paunchy, and a big talker. He's about right-wing as it's possible to be, but I don't care, as I find him amusing in small doses.  He told me he's 61 and can no longer remember dialog, but still sings and plays the guitar.  I was shown around the cavernous place and we chatted for fifteen or so, then I left, having unburdened myself of yet more stuff.  
Home, I took a number of personal pictures off the walls and substituted generic ones, including paintings my Uncle Frank did of his farm.  Moved some things around to stage the place better and emptied the big "hope chest,"* that used to be my Aunt Maggie's. I had kept extra blankets and decorative pillows in there, but out they went into the donation realm.
* I wonder if anyone under the age of sixty knows what a hope chest is.

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Monday Matters of Business

Just ignore this entry, and go to the next:  Having absolutely VOWED to quit procrastinating, I got these things done on my list: 1. Called ...