Friday, March 20, 2015

Of Snow, Scripts, and Ava Gardner

Luckily, Susan and I got our walk in before the snow.  I put a ham bone in the slow cooker along with onions and seasonings; threw in a handful of corkscrew pasta, and had it for lunch--pretty good.
I'm reading Bowling Alone on the Kindle.  It's about the falling-off in recent years of membership in all kinds of organisations.  From the religious to the political to the social to the work-related, there are fewer and fewer members, particularly young members, in virtually all groups. It's a fascinating study.
Prepared some material to bring to the Players & Playwrights meeting today.  If I think it'll go over--depends on who's there--I'll have my adaptation of The Pukey read; otherwise, will submit Imposter or A Conversation in Summer.
Took the car out just around the neighborhood to judge how slippery it was.  It seemed okay, just slushy, so I hope we can get to the meeting today.
Yo, snow.
Faux snow?
No, Roe, snow.
Oh, no!
Oh, snow,
Blow, snow...
Aline called after dinner and we had a cozy chat while the snow fell.  I enjoy hearing the ins and outs of library lore--yeah, I'm a real geek--and she mentioned that the biography section had been very tight.  She told Arlene, one of the librarians, who checked how many times various books had been borrowed in the last several years. If fewer than three times, a book could be banished to a kind of holding area in the back.  She gave Aline the list, which included a bio of Ava Gardner.  It had been taken out only once in five years and guess who borrowed it that one time?    


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