Friday, March 13, 2015

So Long

                                So long for awhile,
                                That's all our song for awhile...
In the Neanderthal days of television, Snookie Lanson* and company used to sign off Your Hit Parade that way.  Now I'm saying so long for a bit; leaving for Virginia shortly.
As for yesterday: Picked up my bestie (I think that's the new, trendy way to designate "best friend,"and boy, I'm as trendy as all get out) and we went to John & Sonia's for breakfast.  After, viewed the water at Graveling Point as we often do, stopped off at Rite-Aid, then I dropped Aline at work.
Busy after: Washed the bathroom rugs and otherwise cleaned in there.  Prepared in various other ways for my weekend in Virginia, such as clearing the fridge, doing a wash, and so on.  Finished up the packet for Harry Woosley, sent that off, and got some cash at the bank.
I'm currently embarked on trying to find Nan Sloan, widow of Jerry Sloan, as I have several letters to Pat from him.  They were friends practically from babyhood and these letters date back to 1951. Both graduated from St. James and Holy Spirit, then joined the military directly after high school.
I knew Jerry had died shortly after Pat did, because I attended the funeral. Couldn't remember the year, but was able to find on the Internet it was 2010.  With the aid of White Pages, plus other machinations, I know Nan now lives in Virginia. I got an address, but it's a P.O. box; I'll continue to try for e-mail or a phone number. I'm also pursing the Jim McGurk connection and may have found a son in Brigantine.
* Here's Snookie singing a favorite of mine:

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