Thursday, May 31, 2012

Wedding Dress

Finally got an outfit for the wedding.  Went to Kohl's and tried on a lot of stuff until I picked up a long dress in a kind of mottled black, brown, and cream.  It has a halter top, so exposes a lot of skin, including upper arms.  I'd cut them off rather than let them be seen, so I got a "shrug" in putty, my lease favorite color, but at least I got something.
Called my new friend, Flo C., who does alterations and she said I could come over to her place right away.  I put the dress on, she pinned it, and will have it ready tomorrow or Friday.  Flo was in the last graduating class in her very small upper Pennsy town AND graduated with a home ec degree from Temple, the last year that august institution offered that major.
As Flo was pinning me, I glanced out the window and saw Aline walk by.  Caught up with her when I was finished.  She was coming back from the Chinese restaurant with dinner for her and Susan.  I drove her the rest of the way home, then stopped in to chat for a few minutes.
Rest of the day was all Dionne.
Re the NYTimes article yesterday on Obama personally signing off on who's to be murdered next, Ray Mc Govern writes in
"The authors understate this as 'a moral and legal conundrum.' It is, in fact, a moral and legal impossibility to square 'kill lists' for extrajudicial murders with traditional legal and moral American values."
This extraordinary information has been, so far, greeted with utter silence by the lapdog press, the Obama worshippers, and the ever-vigilant-against-abortion fundamentalist and Catholic clergy.
The entire piece needs to be read, although to what purpose, I'm not sure.

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