Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Met Betty and Mookie at Bed, Bath 'n' Beyond and spent a considerable time there while Betty got bath items with the gift card I had given her.  I suggested we go to Ruby Tuesday for lunch, as it's in the same mall as Macy's and I wanted to look for something to wear to the luncheon today.
Lunch was good, but after was annoying.  I must have tried on everything in the store in size I'll never tell at Macy's, then Sears, then Penney's.  Each one was more hideous than the last and I was looking only for a top, not a ball gown and accessories, fer cryin' out loud!
Finally, at long last, I got two: a plain white and a red ruffled.  I hate both of them and will probably wear something I already have and take them back.  Also got dangly red earrings that cost more than the tops.  Am I nuts?  Odds are good I'll take the whole kit and caboodle back.
Didn't get home until 4:00 to find a phone message from Susan inviting me to go with her and Bessie to the luncheon.  Responded "yes," hoping I didn't tell Barb H. I'd ride with her.
Rest of the day I just did wash and stuff on the computer.  I assume Aline and I are still on to drive up to Hopewell tomorrow to the Lindbergh house.  Guess I'd better find out how to get there.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...