Sunday, May 06, 2012

Kentucky Derby Party

Took the flyers to the library and they were okay with substituting mine for theirs.  Picked up the monthly booklet listing programs for May and, of course, mine was in it erroneously for May 16 there, too.  I'll bet anything it won't be in there with the actual day, June 5.  However, I'm trying to be philosophical about it; it's better the mistake is too early, rather than too late.  Also posted flyers at the Tuckerton and Stafford libraries, as well as the post office.
Jeanne S. had asked me to stop at Habitat for Humanity to talk to the manager, Liz, as she was interested in LETCO.  I did and said we'd be in touch once a modicum of organization returns to the organization.
Decided to wear a hat after all to the Kentucky Derby party and just bedecked myself with the black straw I wore as Mrs. Soames in Our Town.  It looked pretty good, actually. 
The party was great fun.  I sat with many of the same people I had for the covered dish supper.  There were games and prizes and delicious food, all of which was what is actually traditional Derby food and which the committee, headed by Susan and Bessie F., had made from scratch.  It included little cucumber sandwiches, burgoo (a beef and pork stew heavy on the veggies), turkey and bacon on toast with a white gravy,  and three scrumptious desserts of bourbon balls, cake, and pie.  (Full of nuts and chocolate, this last was to die for.)  I was a little taken aback that all three contained bourbon, uncooked in the first two.  That could be problematic for those with an alcohol problem--hope no addiction was triggered.  For the first time in my life, I had a mint julep and hey, it was good!  So good I had another, in fact.  I was teamed up with Ray for a horse race game, where the men had to throw a beanbag into a hole to advance "the fillies" around the tables.  We played other games, too, and Marty H. took lots of pictures for The Breeze.    
Anyway, it was a lot of fun.  I had told Ray and Barb I'd drive there separately and I did.  It started at 5:30 and lasted about three hours. 
Today, I just want to veg out and relax, but may start assembling, then scanning, my Dionne stuff and shaping up the program.    

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...