Sunday, May 20, 2012

Full Day

Arrived in Ventnor early, so stopped at the supermarket to get just a nibble.  Bought small amounts of corned beef and Jarlsberg cheese already packaged and ate a bit in the parking lot.
Players And Playwrights went from noon to three, an hour earlier than usual, and the first two hours were taken up with plans for the June third show.  Darn, I wish I could be there!  However, since I'm going to the wedding at which Joel will be best man and Tristan ring bearer, can't do it.
We had time to read the three pieces submitted, including the long, turgid, and unbelievably boring one in which Mary Baker Eddy and Mark Twain squabble about religion after death.  This was only one of the many interminable scenes that author Linda Whatshername thinks represents deathless scholarship.  We then did a very short frog one (don't ask) in which I was Julia Croaker.  That, actually, wasn't half bad.  My pal Dayle (pronounced "Dale"--her parents should be boiled in oil) and I staged Employment Opportunities, a short skit which went over pretty well.
Meeting broke up at three and I went down to Betty's; she and I walked down to the corner store and got beer.  Muckie, whom she had also invited, came in and we had a nice convivial chat before Betty served dinner about 5:30.  The salmon, salad, and broccoli were good and so was the talk.  After, Betty wanted to test her (three) blood pressure devices and did so on all three of us.  The cuff ones may have been defective, but the others are okay.  I had the best pressure and pulse by far, a result of daily exercise maybe.   Betty's was high--no mystery, as she said she hasn't bothered to take her medication for some time.  It's incomprehensible why she ignores it, but she was alarmed enough to swallow one then and there.  But what about today and tomorrow and subsequent days?  I just can't understand it.
Left about 7:15 and stopped at Mary H.'s on the way home.  Stayed for just a few minutes there and chatted a bit.  Got home just as it was getting dark after a full and pleasant day.
Opera today, which I guess I'll attend, although I'm not too anxious to sit through L'Elisir d'Amore (The Elisir of Love) for two hours, even with Pavarotti in the lead role. 
Dine-Around tonight.  Leslie and Dennis aren't going, as they'll be up north for their little Amelia's baptism.  Think I'll call Sid and Rae--or maybe Judy and Roman--to see if I can ride with them.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...