Sunday, May 13, 2012

More Planting

On this Mother's Day, I want to give a nod to my good fortune in the reason I am a mother.  Got a Skype call from the oldest of those reasons and, using team viewer, he restored several items that had mysteriously disappeared from this computer.  I'm enjoying the pretty orchid his younger brother sent and am contemplating being with his big sister today.  Little sister will surely call me on Skype, and I'll open her gift later.  Icing on the cake: the three grandchildren and two great-grandsons I love.  I'm a lucky woman and the great part is, I know it.
Well, enough of this sentimentality; it was back to the grind yesterday.  I realized I didn't have enough plants to fill the front bed, so drove to Bob's yet again and got more Bacopa and dahlias.  I also picked up a beautiful, dazzlingly red New Guinea impatient, which I put on the table on the front porch. 
Before I planted, I walked over to Marge's to give her a hard copy of the article I had revised.  It seems it goes into Docx on my (new) computer and she can't open it.  Fred explained why and my comprehensive on that lasted about as long as it took me to get to the sidewalk. 
Had a big salad for lunch, then threw myself into planting.  What a job; I worked steadily from three until after five, but got them all in.  Watered, fertilized, then quit.  I still, believe it or not, have to add a few flowers around the tree, but the bulk of it is done.  Once they all start growing--and damn, they'd better start growing, I think the place will look great.
After dinner, I went into Word, but just couldn't see how to modify the format.  Called Fred, who came over and fixed the problem, which I fervently hope is fixed for good, and that was my day.
I'm amazed that I don't have sore muscles today.  Guess I'm in pretty okay shape.
WIDER:  A stunner from my friend, Jon V.:
I know the temptation to compare--or equate--the present-day U.S. with Nazi Germany should generally be resisted, but the quote from somebody who lived through the latter era is so pertinent, it must be emphasized.

1 comment:

irvingia extract said...

Becomes more lovely too see trees and plants growing.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...