Thursday, May 10, 2012

Pretty Pink Inpatients

It rained steadily until late afternoon, which was fine by me.  Usually, I dislike the stuff--it gets my glasses spotty--but I was glad for this, as I have plenty of planting to do.  Went to Staples to enlarge and copy Marge's picture.  As I suspected, their color is much better than mine.  Will give Marge both.
Stopped at Shop-Rite to retrieve the things I had left on Tuesday (and, of course, added more) and saw they had pretty pink inpatients.  Now I love pretty pink inpatients, so I bought a flat.  The rain obligingly let up late in the day, so I planted my pretty pink inpatients around my little cherub (or something) statue in the front shade area.  Had some left, so I filled one of my huge clay pots with soil and added them.  Ran out to Ace Hardware to get Liquid Fence--this year, the deer are not going to wax fat off my pretty pink inpatients!
Marge had asked me to look at her "A Strange Welcome" piece for The Breeze.  She had cut it down from her first draft, but it was still very long.  I shortened it and I honestly think it's clearer, sharper, and better.  Will ask if she'll allow it to run in this version.
Today, I'm meeting Jeanne P. (HSHS) for lunch at Lambertville Station, then we'll go see Elva B. (St. James) at her art gallery nearby.  It boggles my mind to realize I've known Jeanne for sixty- one years--until it hits me I've known Elva for seventy.
WIDER:  So O. has come out in favor of gay marriage. Great hosannas from the faux-progressives, as if the murderer-in-chief had pondered and prayed and searched his soul and finally chose the nobler path.  Well, maybe he chose the nobler path, but you'd have to be simple-minded (the electorate at large?) to believe the latter.  In fact, as anyone not besotted by His Holiness knows actually happened, he and the other fellas (and gals, let's not forget the gals) conferred and discussed and weighed the political risks and how it would impact his upcoming second coronation.  Morality had nothing to do with it.
But what if Romney--oh, come on!  Wealthy beyond reckoning, locked into a cockamamie religion that's considered by all right-thinking Christians practically at the threshold of atheism, and a stuffed shirt to boot.  He's a dream candidate--for the dems.     

1 comment:

iloveac said...

I couldn't agree more. I believe almost everything any of them say or do is based on political gain. Obama may really approve of gay marriage, but I think it was determined that now is the time to use his belief to gain votes.
I don't care what any of their personal beliefs may be....I care how well they can run the country. I would like to think decisions are made for the common good, but we know that's not happening.
I've given up on all of them.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...