Friday, May 25, 2012

More DQ

Worked most of the day on the DQ project.  I was interrupted by a call from Eric E., a writer for The Sandpaper; he had heard about the program and interviewed me--very lightly, it seemed to me--to do a piece on that paper.  Said I'd send a pic of the quints and I did; think I'll send him what I put in The Breeze--why not?
Called Meticulous to be told the guy had come and looked at the chewed-up-by-the lawnmower drain pipe in the backyard.  She suggested I put stones around it.  Drove to Clayton's and bought some--cost: a quarter.
Other than that, not a lot. Got a call from Betty, who was on a hospice case.  Now today I must buckle down and finish setting up the DQ pics--pool opening party tomorrow, then I go up north to have them put on a flash drive.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...