Tuesday, May 08, 2012


I was just about to go out when I got a Skype call from London.  Saw the darling little girls--Violet is just adorable--and talked with them and their Dad.  Went to Shop-Rite and B.J.'s for supplies.
The northern dweller came in the afternoon and--yay!--got rid of the big ugly bush that was partly covering the front walk.  She also cleared out the leaves and weeds in the front beds and started on the side.  Today, I'll get mulch and she'll put that in.  I also want to do something with the area around the front tree.  Geez, when you start this stuff, there seems to be no end to it.
Susan started in to planting begonias at 10 am and was still at it at 5:00.  Her house and grounds look unbelievably beautiful; I must ask Mary S. to take pictures, as she's doing a piece on spring flowers for The Breeze.
Got an e-mail from Marge telling me she had revised and shortened her "memoir."  Told her I'd stop over and get it today. 
Other than that, just the usual domestic and bookkeeping chores went on.  I want to go to rehearsal tonight, but early, so I can get some pictures to accompany the article for The Breeze and not have to stay too late.
WIDER:  Thanks to Chris Floyd and his incomparable "Empire Burlesque," I added a blog to my favorites:
It's a cartoon blog, but so, so un-cartoony in its depth; it perfectly illustrates my disgust with representatives of both political parties and the moronic reasons for supporting them.

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