Friday, June 01, 2012

DQ And A Letter

DQ in the morning.  Lunch, then I stopped in the library, went to Acme and ran errands.  Saw Leslie on her porch and went down to chat with her for a half hour; other neighbor, Johanna, joined us for a time.  I was shocked at he appearance: She had always been slender and quite attractive, but she has gained forty pounds and I almost didn't know who she was.  She explained it was because of a medication she's taking for depression.  I admired Les's yellow flowers in the front and she said she got them from J., who promptly offered to give me some, too.  Think I'll take her up on it--they're perennials and they'll spread.
Went back to to library to dismantle the display case and remove the LETCO items.  Got a call from Flo that my dress is ready.  How much?  Seven dollars!  Good grief, I almost refused to pay that--it's much too little.  Got it, though, and will spread the word that Flo does alterations.
I was completed disgusted to see that Julie L.'s letter maligning our board member, Joan C. was printed in The Communicator, the "rival paper."*  Julie, a spoiled brat of an idiot, had submitted it to The Breeze and, of course, Virginia wouldn't print it, so she sent it to Jim N.'s paper!  What's incredible is that she's a member of our editorial staff--the least effective member, true, and she's practically illiterate when it comes to writing anything worth reading,but still--.  Julie doesn't refer to Joan by name, but she might as well have: She trashes "a female board member" and Joan is the only female board member.  She's a mean, self-absorbed woman and I fervently hope she resigns from the editorial board.
* The Breeze is the official Sunrise Bay paper; Jim is the sole proprietor of his.

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Washed the linens during breakfast and changed the bed after. Even after all this time, I'm still grateful for the washer and dryer in m...