Monday, June 11, 2012

Great Weekend

What a great weekend!  Mike arrived a bit after 2:00 and we caught up with each other at our leisure.  He showed me a darling Wentworth Times, composed by 7-year-old Vivian, which included "breaking news" and ads on the back page.  Mike also gave me a colorful mug and a glass wine holder, both commemorating the sixtieth jubilee of Queen Whatsername. 
I took him out for dinner for a commemoration of his own coming up--Father's Day.  I had assumed a fancier place, but he wanted to go to Brothers' Pizza, a real dump, if you ask me (similar to what Pat used to call "Villa Craphouse" in Ewing), but the pizza is good.  We had pepperoni over all, plus sausage and meatballs on some.  After that, big spender that I am, I took him to The Pine Cone for ice cream.  We then called Ellen and had a good chat and looksee (I'm at it again!) with her. After, we both went to bed very early and slept soundly.
Yesterday, Mike accompanied Susan and me on our walk, a nice change.  The Tokyo Two called on Skype, always a pleasure.  I had invited Betty and the northern dweller for lunch, so beforehand, Mike and I went to
B &B for produce and to Acme.  Home, Mike made a delicious guacamole and I, two salads, green and fruit; also served turkey breast, provolone, crystal pickles, two kinds of bread and iced tea.  As a "favor," Mike gave each of us a pen with British flag on it.  Company arrived promptly and we had a great time over a leisurely lunch. 
Mike had no walking shoes with him, so had asked his sis to borrow some from her husband.  She did, plus socks, and although a half-size small, they fit okay.  The three of us decided to go for a hike, but Betty declined and left beforehand.
We went to Wells Mills Park and walked roughly a total of three miles.  Nice trail, but lots of roots and ruts and boy, was it hot.  Sis went home and we did, too.  Mike packed and--sob!--we said goodbye about 5:00.  After that, I immediately jumped into the shower--it feels so good after a hike!--and later turned on the AC.  Hadn't while Mike was here because he thought it felt wonderful when warm, the weather in the U.K. being as cold, rainy, and overcast as it usually is.  No prob, but I did use a fan in my room Saturday night.    
Ellen called on the web cam and it was good to see her and Tillie, who seems to be comfortable, at least.  Popcorn and wine, bed at my usual early time, and slept like a log. 
Now I'm ready for some idle time.  The woman who borrowed one of my Dionne books after the program called and said she'd return it this morning; wants to borrow another, which I'll give her. I'm thinking of attended a Red Hats lunch tomorrow, and want to go down to the new farmers' market in Ventnor on Wednesday, but aside from that, have nothing planned for the week.    
WIDER:  From Chris Hedges in
"Our highly choreographed campaigns are bizarre spectacles, sterile and empty acts of political theater. The personal narrative of candidates is the central point of debate, not issues, programs or policies. The rhetoric and style is different – in short the brands are different– between Republicans and Democrats, but the substance is the same. It is impossible within the political system in the United States to vote against the interests of Goldman Sachs or ExxonMobile. Political debate is dominated by opinion rather than fact. Lies are true."

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Washed the linens during breakfast and changed the bed after. Even after all this time, I'm still grateful for the washer and dryer in m...