Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Lots More Going On

Determined to get back in the healthy groove, I walked our usual mile and a half at 7:00 (by myself, as Susan's in Canada), then did the exercise at the clubhouse at 8:00.  After my regular breakfast, I drove to Atlantic County.  Went to Shop-Rite and Santori's to pick up veggies and stuff.  Went to the cemetery, but there was certainly no need to water, as it had rained so much.  I must tidy up Pat's grave and re-plant at Jay's; the begonia looks bedraggled. 
Rain started again by the time I stopped at the library.  Got the recent bestseller, The Help, which is proving to be absorbing.  I don't usually read fiction, especially bestsellers (no question I'm a literary snob), but this is good light summer reading.  Took a short nap after.  Did stuff on the computer and finally got my tickets for California.  Forwarded reservation info to Ellen and her sister. 
Heard from Helen C. at Rider, who e-mailed me that Pat K., whom I knew well when I was there, has died.  I saw her last year at the reception, but not in May. I'll go up to a "visitation" today at her home across from Rider, which is from 3 to 8.
On a similar somber note, I went over to the viewing for Maureen W.'s husband last night; got thoroughly soaked coming from the parking lot, but I didn't care.  Lots of people there and I met Terence Donavan, Maureen's nephew, who had met Mike in Manhattan last year. 
Looking forward with great pleasure to the arrival of grandson, his lady, and the four little boys on July 3.  There are also tentative plans to go to the lake tomorrow, and a birthday outing for the soon-to-be ten-year-old on Friday.
Skipped the wine last night in favor of iced tea; had the popcorn and some rice cakes.
It suddenly dawned on me that today is N.'s birthday and tomorrow is P.'s!  Oh, no!  What with all the Funny Money and other stuff going on, I thought I had time for cards and gifts!  Tried to get them on Skype, but had no luck; will keep calling, as it's evening for them.  So sorry!  I'm the world's worst mother!

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 Down a tad (.02) to 127.2 at home and a tad more at T.O.P.S. (.07) to 128. Meeting was so-so, consisting of each of us reading a paragraph ...