Thursday, June 07, 2012

The Day After

Got to the library just as it opened at 10:00.  Collected and packed up my
DQ stuff in three large containers, several cloth bags, and various boxes.  Had to make four trips to the car, but finally got it all in.  Without stopping at home, I drove to Edible Arrangements in Manahawkin and ordered a box of chocolate covered strawberries as a thank-you for the library staff.  It was $25, perfectly okay, but when I went to pay for it, I was told it was thirty-nine and change!  What?  Why?  Because the delivery charge was twelve dollars and now there's a tax on "service."  Hell, that was half again as much as the thing cost, so I just decided to deliver it myself.  Did so, and was greeted with thanks by the gals on the front desk. 
Home for lunch, I realized I still had a lot of quint stuff spread out in the guest room, the kitchen, the dining room, and the study.  I hadn't used these items--mostly paper and some dups--but wanted to keep them.  Left the boxes in the garage, had lunch, and promptly fell asleep on the couch.
Woke when the doorbell rang; it was Fed Ex with yet another package for Mike, who's coming Saturday.  Took that in, then got a call from the library telling me a woman named "Marie" was there to give me another spoon.  Said I'd be there in a flash--I was and met her.  Very nice, she lives in Barnegat and said she was so disappointed that she had written the wrong day down, so wasn't there for the program.  "No prob," said I--or words to that effect--and told her I was doing it in Stafford on November 1.  She promptly wrote that down in her appointment book and we had a nice chat.
Nothing much else going on in these parts.
WIDER:  You think our leaders are too serious?  Here's a story on how the U.S. is losing patience with Patistan and see the quote at the end.
"The defense secretary joked with the troops in Kabul about the U.S. strike that killed an al-Qaida leader Monday, saying, "'the worst job you can get these days is to be a deputy leader in al-Qaida, or for that matter a leader.'"
Panetta is such a fun guy!  He can josh the troops about murdering people with such jolly good humor!  Aren't you glad he represents us?  Nobody can say we're too serious about deliberate, no-due-process killing!  Hey,three cheers for Leon!

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Washed the linens during breakfast and changed the bed after. Even after all this time, I'm still grateful for the washer and dryer in m...