Sunday, August 06, 2023


Another busy, much fun day, which I'm going to simply outline, rather than closely chronicle--it's just  too long and involved. Ken picked me up at 11:30 and off we went for head shots. I wore the following outfit, which I just casually put together, but now I like it and will add to those I'll show Karyn:


We didn't have to stay too long, no more than an hour, but I just don't know how good my shots are. I told the photographer and his assistant (Meredith, artistic director for Fractured Actors) to simply pick which they thought best of the ten or twelve they took. I wanted to get out of there, as I was anxious to see Mike and Violet on their last full day here. 

We drove over to Ellen's and, as Mike and Violet were out shopping, we walked down to an open hours near by. Nice house, and very expertly staged, but we agree Ellen's is better. Back to El's, Mike and Violet came in and we listened to Violet regale us with tales of her month-long camp experience. Here she and I are on the couch at Ellen's:

After several hours of good talk, we went to Juma, a Japanese restaurant in Ojai. I had a yummy salmon bowl and a Japanese beer. Very pricey, but excellent. After, we went back to El's and talked for a bit about a subject many would think delicate: my wishes if I should become incapacitated. This wasn't a gloomy, tearful session, but just straightforward. I may or not elaborate on that in another post. We took pictures out back and here's one:
Said goodbye to my dear youngest and  his dear youngest; they're off to LAX, then Singapore this morning. Didn't get home until almost 9:00, watched some of Suits, then fell into bed.  Today, we plan to clean and otherwise prepare for the next group of company, the three guys coming in tomorrow--WOWEE!

1 comment:

iloveac said...

I agree...I like the white top as well.


Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...