Thursday, August 31, 2023


Good Neighbor Suzanne and I went to WinCo at 9:00 and boy, did I stock up. Walking to the car, we ran into our neighbor, Gordon. I hadn't seen him for a while and knew he had been waiting for a liver transplant. I was delighted to hear he had gotten it--in Arizona--and after a rocky few weeks, is doing well. Funny--Gordon said they left the idle one in, so now he has three kidneys! I wonder if any medical person reading this (hint, hint) might explain that. 

Got home, put the groceries away, then Suzanne took me to El Loco Pollo. Why? Because my co-actor, Ken, has dinner there every single day. So? So he has also picked me up and taken me home for every single rehearsal and show. As a thank-you, I got a gift card for him from the restaurant. 

I also worked out a card for our director, Karyn. Here's the little name rhyme (not sure why it photographed so dark; it's bright white in person):

I spent an inordinate amount of time making up the card, as I have no artistic talent at all. However, it looks okay and I'll take to the show over the weekend for the rest of the cast to sign. Coincidentally, Lisa, from the show, with whom I've gotten friendly, texted to ask me if I'd preview something she composed that she wants to sing at the cast party. It's a takeoff on "Home, Home On The Range," which Ken and Jeff sing in the show. 

Think I'll take a fruit salad to the cast party. It's vegan, as both Ben and Lindsay are and I like both of these young people (early twenties), I'm happy they don't treat me as if my age is the most important thing about me. I'm considering making something non-vegan, too.  

Lunched, then did some food prep, including chopping the three large onions I had bought at WinGo. Considered putting together my signature roasted tomatoes, but didn't feel like turning the oven on, as it's pretty hot out. Maybe I'll do it today.

Somebody posted this on Facebook ("Room in New York," 1932, by Edward Hopper, of course) and for some reason, I find it haunting. Two people in a hotel room, not engaged, not connected, not caring, lost in their own worlds. He, reading the newspaper--the want ads, maybe? Is he out of work and looking for a job?--she, fingering the piano, bored and lonely, wishing she had never come.

Note to myself: I had ordered printer ink from Amazon two days ago, got a message this morning that it had been delivered, but it isn't here. Hope they just sent the notice early--will check out front later.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023


Note: Internet was down when I got up at 5:00. Called Yandoo, but it was on my end. I turned things off and now it's up at 6:36 am--whew!

Another pretty busy one--but, of course, I like it that way. After breakfast, I finished the little thank-you for our director, Karyn, and will work on putting on a card. I emailed the other members of the cast to tell them and ask if they'd sign it on the sly, without Karyn noticing. 

Left at 10:00 with my load of towels, got to Goodwill via the 11 bus, dropped them off, looked around, but didn't need anything, so just stopped next door at Grocery Outlet for peaches and tomatoes. Met Diane at our usual park bence across from her place and we had two and a half hours of good talk. We said goodbye, but she's coming to the 2:00 show on Saturday, plus we'll see each other at the BCNN meeting the following Wednesday. Bused home, stopping first at CVS for the cream sherry I like at night. 

Got an email from Jeff re the show, then clean-up/cast party over the weekend. He wanted all to respond whether they'll be there and, as far as I can see, we all will. Me? With bells on.

Suzanne is back from her travels and texted to ask if I wanted to go to WinCo this morning. Sure do, as I need some bulky items, such as paper towels and tissues. 

Tuesday, August 29, 2023


A variable day, from abysmal to not bad. The former? Most of the morning, which I spent on the phone, trying to sort out several probs. I'm not going into it--it's too boring for words, but suffice it to say, it involved BMO Harris Bank, Citi, Experian, and AAdvantage. I protested Experian's report and talked to a total idiot; also sent an inquiry and they said they'd respond--a pox on all their houses.

Equalling that in annoyance was dealing with Primary Medical. Rolling Oaks Imaging. I had to make an appointment with Rolling Oaks Imaging for September to see Dr. Ficks, the osteoporosis one, in December, but Rolling Oaks said they had to call Primary Medical first and I'm willing to bet it's got to be October or later, and so what? Went on line to get an appointment at Quest for bloodwork and that's in several months, too. 

I was at least able to get some things done satisfactorily. Added thirty bucks to my credit with the Access Van, which I took to go to Dr. Sun's office in Oxnard. Paid several bills (electronically, of course), as I never carry a balance. I've decided to use my debit card instead of credit cards, at least for a while. I have several reasons for this, but the important one is regarding it as cash, which I want to do for a time.

The van picked me up at 12:40 for my 1:40 appointment with Dr. Sun, which means I was vary early, but that was okay. I had a full-body scan by the doc, a young woman with a single pigtail down her back, very personable and cheery. What's amazing is that she has a sense of humor; I like her. She found several pre-cancerous things on my nose, zapped them, and did the same on my shoulder. There was one questionable one on my back, which she says she wants to look at and if it doesn't go away after zapping, she'll want a biopsy. She took a picture of it with my camera, so I can check on it. 

I decided to cancel the van when I got out, as I would have had to wait for 45 minutes; instead, I walked the mile or so to the bus. On the way home, I stopped at Von's in order to feed my addiction--grapefruit (I just can't live without it in the morning!). I bought two, so I'll have enough for four days.

Once in, I did a fair amount of food prep, including the big cauliflower I bought the other day. Washed, trimmed, and boiled it for four minutes, slathered it with mayo/parm, and roasted it. I actually sat down and ate a large portion of it at about 4:30. Sectioned the grapefruit and pared and chopped the papaya I had and added some blueberries. Portioned out my cooked carrots and zucchini, so I could have them for dinner. 

I'll donate some towels to GoodWill today, then meet Diane at our usual lunch spot in the park across from her place.

Monday, August 28, 2023


Changed the bed, did a white wash, then a color, filed, and otherwise kept myself busy. Ellen called and we chatted--she's planning to go to the matinee (2:00 pm) next Saturday. Showered, dressed, and was out front at 3:00. Call time was actually 4:00, but 3:30 for the singers and here they are:
L. to r.: Shannon, Jeff, Amy, Ken, and Kathy. This,of course, was pre-show; the singers are always honing their performances.  

Another full house last night and it seemed a particularly good audience. There were lots of laughs which, happily, you can hear backstage, as well as other wanted reactions. When Ken and I did our somewhat cliched, but sweet and touching scene which tops off our play, there wasn't a sound in the place. That was until we embrace at the end, when we heard several muted reactive "ah-h-hs." 

After, I had a glass of wine and was introduced me to two friends of fellow cast member, Lisa. Patty and Jill are both neighbors of hers, the former a widow whom Vera, leader of Soaring Spirits, invited to our group. She may come when we meet next Monday for lunch. I kept Ken waiting longer than usual, but he seemed to be okay with it.  
And who is this? They're a wealthy society couple, who visited backstage last night. He owns a fuel pump conglomerate and she's the patron of several charities, including "Physical Therapy for The Masses" and "Bringing Up Baby." (Ha! It's Karyn, a P.T. and Mama, and Anthony, who manages the aforementioned company.)

Now, a respite of four days until we sail into the final weekend.  

Sunday, August 27, 2023


I walked to The Market after breakfast for cauliflower (I'm an addict), tissues, and mascara. When I left, I thought I'd go back Peet's Coffee to see if Greg was there. He wasn't, but I continued on past Chipotle Restaurant and who was eating pizza on the patio, but Diane. I sat down with her and we visited for an  hour or so--we always have a lot to talk about. I also had a slice of  her pizza.

We said goodbye and I continued home to prepare one of the huge zucchinis Lisa had given me after the Friday show. Found a good recipe on-line for roasting it; did so and had half for additional lunch. Took an hour's nap after. Now I have to decide what to do with the other humongous zucchini. 

Picked up at 6:00--a half-hour earlier than even early, as the call was for singers and Ken is one. That was okay, as I enjoyed seeing and hearing them rehearse. Others came drifting in and we were looking at another show. It went well and the house was all but ten filled, that is, we can seat sixty and fifty showed up. 

Backstage, here are are stalwart leaders, Shannon and Jeff. Why is he holding a kid's pony stick? Because he and Ken sing Don't Fence Me In and gag it up a little. Shannon, with Amy and Kathy, sings Danke Schoen.                                                                             

Got up once for the usual, then slept until 6:30, but I'll surely take a nap today. Much as I love my show biz career, I'm looking forward to resuming my regular schedule tomorrow.

Saturday, August 26, 2023


At home, I weighed 127.4, so a zero loss/gain; at T.O.P.S., I was 128.5, for a loss of .02--big whoops. We didn't have an actual meeting, but more of a therapy session. My friend, Lora, described her son's problems, which include addiction, schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder, and you name it. We all listened, sympathized, and that seemed worth more than any weight reports.  

Lora, who's a very successful travel agent and is leaving for Italy in a few days, also brought me this:

That gal knows me well!

In another venue, Jeff put this  on Fractured Actors' website and on Instagram: 
The play shown (one of four short plays in the show) is called After All This Time and I appear at the very end. My osteoporosis is very evident, I'm afraid, but the scene does top off a sweet and touching story and audiences love it--not a dry eye in the house.

I finally got the Amazon gift card sent off to nephew Wes; he and Heidi will be married today in Chicago. Prepared the two pounds of carrots I had bought the other day: scrubbed, trimmed, put in slow cooker, added water and several seasonings, and let 'er go. Had some for dinner along with part of the pad Thai from Thursday's dinner.

The show went on beautifully with again, a full house and--evidenced by the laughter and applause--it was a wonderfully appreciative audience. As a send-off, eight-year-old Harper rocks the audience with "I Want You To Be My Baby." This includes the audience repeating back the title words (in a roar) and is the perfect ending for the evening.

Director Karyn had to skip, as her husband was on a business trip she had to be with and one-year-old Logan. Erica (one of the many in FA I highly respect) took over for our gang and we did the "verbal Italian" with ease. Lisa brought me two gigantic zucchinis and I'll search out recipes to use them today.

I took a few photos, including this of Ken, his daughter-in-law, Amy, and grandson..
And funnies: Mandy and Amy, Jeff walking by, and a mysterious photo-bomber:

The culprit proved to be Shannon, that naughty  girl!

Friday, August 25, 2023


First off: I have no idea why I couldn't remove the extra spaces at the bottom of the previous post. It may be because I'm electronically inept or because there's a vast conspiracy against me.

As for Thursday: I spent a lot of time looking for the decorative items I used to have on my bathroom sink surround. When I had company a few weeks ago, I removed them so there'd be more room for the boys' toiletries. Now I can't find them and it's driving me nuts. After a lot of frustrating that, I walked to the post office to send a package. 

Home, had lunch, did some household chores, showered, washed my hair, then dressed and just putzed around until 5:45 when I went outside to wait for Anthony to pick me up. He did, at 5:45 and off we went to Rice By Mama. Lisa, her husband, Allen, and Lindsey and Alphonse were already there; Christine and Christina came a bit later. Here are just some of the After All This Time cast:

From left: Allen is Lisa's husband and has no part in the play; Lindsey, a lovely young woman, is visiting Japan in March and we talked about my own visits there; Rosemary, old midget lady; Christina, our stage manager, no kids, but two pugs; and Christine, who has three boys, two of whom are in the show, as is her husband, George. Next are the two professional actors in the cast. 

Anthony, who's been in several commercials and just submitted a videoed audition to one of the studios in L.A. He has a regular full-time job as manager of a fuel pump manufacturing firm. Alphonse has been in many movies and other productions and is now appearing in The Book of Life on Amazon Prime--I'll look it up. 

Next to Alponese is Lisa, who plays the town drunk and will bring me zucchinis tonight. 

Got home about 8:30, but stayed up watching more Suits until 10:00. Ken will pick me up this evening for our 6:30 call. 

Thursday, August 24, 2023


Went out to dump my trash and ran into a resident from another building. Name is Lorraine, she's in her seventies and we started talking about the abysmal condition of the trash/recycle area. We walked to the other enclosure, which was almost as bad. A young woman named Mona came out and we included her in our conversation. We parted and Larraine walked me to my apartment so I could give her my card. She called me fifteen minutes later. Hmm...clearly, she's lonely and has little to do, but I'm not and I'm plenty busy, so I want to go slow with this new acquaintance. 

Walked over to Von's with David, the orthologist, who happened to be going there, too, and we chatted, partly about the birds. I've been feeding them every day and I love to see the little things hoping around my patio. David asked me to send him Fractured Actors website, which I did. It would be nice if he came.

I finally called Canon to tell them my new printer--I bought it in May--wouldn't print from the Internet, but only from Word. The guy walked me through a number of steps and voila!--it works! I was so pleased--should have done that a long time ago. 

Finally, I turned my attention to my hearing. Called Blue Shield and, annoyingly, I have to have a referral to an audiologist. Called Primary Medical and will go there the Friday after this coming, September 8.  Another wellness thing I'm determined to stop avoiding is balance. I found an exercise video I like and will incorporate it into my daily routine.   

After lunch, I did some filing and other paperwork, then bused to town. Walked Main Street and stopped into The Coalition. There I saw Owen, who runs the place, and we had a nice chat. His wife is Cassie, who's in our show; not in the play I'm in, but another. Owen was there on opening night, loved the show, and gave me a nice compliment on my small part. 

Tonight, dinner at Mama Rice with our cast. Anthony will pick me up, rather than Ken, which is certainly fine by me as Ken, who's seventy-seven, wants to leave early, as usual. An aside: Yesterday, the advice column for the old and decrepit in the Ventura Star included the importance of "intergenerational" interaction. It occured to me that most of my "interactions" are with people considerably younger than I am. It's a little disconcerting to almost always be the oldest in any group (thank heavens for Noreen 😜!), but aside from that, it suits me and I feel that's where I belong.    

Wednesday, August 23, 2023


Diane and I met at our usual noon at our usual spot near Hill Street Cafe. We talked our usual, too, of course, until almost 3:00. I then walked to The Market to get broccoli, carrots, coffee, and a few other things. From there, I walked the block and a bit to Wal-Mart to return one of the inexpensive shoes I had bought there--I wear the other ones in the show and they're okay. Bused home and trimmed the broccoli to have with dinner. 

Son Mike had messaged Ellen and me, as he had gotten news of the earthquake. All fine with us, we responded, and he said he'd video/message me at 5:00. He did and we had a good talk. 

Stella called asking me how to get photo restoration, but it was a frustrating conversation. I tried to tell her that, if she wanted to do what I do, she had to join Facebook. Otherwise, I only know how to do minor things, such as cropping, eliminating spots, and a few other things. The problem is, Stella doesn't use the Internet at all and, especially over the phone, it's very hard to explain things. What floored me is she goes to a weekly "computer class." When she didn't seem to understand my instructions, I advised her to ask the instructor there.  

Speaking of Facebook, nephew Steve had posted a picture of his wife, Robyn, brother-in-law Dana, and sister, Carolyn, at some kind of garden party. Their outfits were so patterned and colorful, I thought it would make a great jigsaw, and I had fun doing it:  

My fellow cast members and I text back and forth and Lindsay sent this. That's her in the middle of her hysterical routine illustrating a "bad man" who slides around stomping his feet. Behind her from left is one of the little kids who play sheriff deputies (don't ask), Kate, who plays the sheriff and love interest, and Lisa, the town drunk.


I looked up Alphonse's web site and was finally able to see his movie debut in the movie, Lethal Weapon, starring Mel Gibson. This was in 1987 and Al was six. 

Tuesday, August 22, 2023


It continued to rain for a few hours in the morning. I spent the time getting some long-neglected chores done, including moving things around and organizing closets, but I still have a boatload to do. Used the slow cooker to make the chicken breast recipe I think is so good. Had one for lunch.

Suzanne stopped in to ask how the show went and we chatted for a bit. Ellen texted me that she started school (teachers only; kids come in on Thursday), so life seems to be getting back to normal. 

Left to bus to the shopping center where Stone Fire Grille is located. Stopped at Kohl's first to get a pair of panty hose that might actually fit. Also saw some bathing suits and selected one, but changed my mind before I bought it. Although they can be returned, I didn't feel like having yet another thing I have to take back. I was early, so went to Barnes & Noble and sat reading a book on the scurrilous media so many seem to think is legit nowadays.

Got to Stone Fire Grille at 6:00 to join the Soaring Spirits gang. What a  pleasure to be with them again! I had missed both the lunch and dinner meetings recently, having rehearsals so often. I sat with Vera and Gayle and we had a fine time. What did we talk about? Lots, including how people reacted to our husbands' deaths, good or bad; what family upsets we've experienced; and who was a virgin at marriage (I'll never tell).

Director Karyn texted her cast to ask that we come in at 6:30 on Friday to do a verbal Italian.* Lindsay from our cast texted the rest to ask who was up for dinner this week. I am if I can get there, so I'll follow the continuing conversation. Anthony said he'd pick me up, but we're still trying to decide the day. 

Texted Diane to see if she was available for a lunch date. She is, and we'll meet at our usual: noon today near the library.  

UH-OH! Just as I was getting out of bed, there was a shaker. I hope it was an aftershock, but am not sure if it would be that much later than the original quake. 

My husband, Pat, died fourteen years ago today. Here we are at the baptism of our first child, Patrick:

* Verbal Italian: A fast-as-possible reciting of dialogue with no expression or nuances. 

Monday, August 21, 2023

Sunday And Wild Mother Nature

I spent time on mundane chores, including changing my bed, doing two washes, and making my favorite dinner: turkey stir-fry. After having a portion for lunch, I have enough for two more meals, which I stowed in the freezer. 

--It actually starting raining before noon, but it was a very gentle one and there was little wind. Although all the talk all the time is about the "hurricane" (or "tropical storm," take your pick), we haven't seen much of it yet. However, I borrowed an umbrella from Suzanne (I can't fine mine),  just to be on the safe side.--HA! SEE LATER! 

Got a nice note--actually delivered via U.S. Mail--from my nephew, Tim, and his family in Vermont. I wrote back my thanks using the same method.

I'm not absolutely sure this copied right, but I gave it a try. It's just a snippet of our show; I come on later, so don't appear in it:

LATER: I was just walking out of the bedroom, which faces a hall closet when I heard a loud bang and saw the closet move. My first thought: It IS a hurricane! I then corrected myself:


It was. Yes, in addition to the rain, which throws Californians into a tizzy anyway, we had a 5.0 earthquake, centered in Ojai, where Ellen lives. She called me almost immediately--on Greg's phone, as Verizon seems not to be able to handle earthquakes--to assure me they were okay. I told her the same, continued preparing for the show, and Ken picked me up at 3:00. Our call time was 4:00, as this was an early (5:00 pm) show, but he's one of the singers, so needed to be there a half-hour earlier. As for the "tropical storm," it was really just a so-so rain, with little wind. 

Jeff delayed the show for ten minutes to allow late-comers to get there and it turned out to be another good audience. Of course, it also entailed the l-o-o-ng waiting time, but I'm reconciled to that. Chatted with my colleagues, including Alphonse and director Karyn:

Why is Karyn in costume? Because two cast members, Penelope and Jasmine, didn't get there last night. Both live near L.A., a distance, and P. is only 16. I understand her parents wouldn't allow here to come because of weather conditions, but I'm not sure what happened to Jasmine. Both were in Flop and, incredibly, Karyn and Emma took on their roles. How they were ever able to get the dialogue with an hour of preparation is beyond me, but they did. Happily, we had another good audience and wonders will never cease, I was home by 8:15. 

Now we have a four-day hiatus and what luxury to be able to go to bed at a decent hour (for me, that's about 9:30) and get up ditto seven or so hours later. It's  now 6:15 am and, incredibly, it's still raining.     

Sunday, August 20, 2023


I dressed in my somewhat cumbersome fishwife outfit and Ellen picked me up at 11:00. Off we went to the Maritime Museum and I started my stint. Actually, it turned out to be more enjoyable than I thought it would be. I met "Americus Vespucci" AKA Chris Something, and chatted with him. As it turned out, he's president of the Maritime Museum, a very nice guy. Unfortunately, unlike in years past, the event was sparsely attended, maybe because of the dire weather prediction. However, I enjoyed reprising my role and the details of my talk came easily.

As requested, El picked me up at 4:15 and we went back to my place with plenty of time to spare. She had brought some of her third-grade school work (the kids come back on Thursday) and, while I had a bite and dressed, she got some of that done. Call time was 6:30 and she dropped me off.

The cast experienced the usual preliminaries: sit around, chat, get up and walk around, chat, mill around, listen to Jeff's address, joke and laugh, sit around, chat, get bored--rinse and repeat. Here are some pics from hanging out last night, rendered with background removed, thanks to Amy, who showed me how to do that:
George, old lady with wrinkles, and Amy.
Caitlin, Lindsay, and Christina.

Lisa, Lindsay, and Alphonse.
Everybody was talking about the big storm coming, which may have influenced the smaller audience. The house holds sixty people, which includes the higher-priced tables in the front, which seat four or five, plus the rows of seats behind them. Opening night they were completely filled, but last night, only forty were in the audience. No matter, though, because it really, really came together.

I was thrilled to be complimented on my performance by several. Spence, who is really the star of the play I'm in, After All This Time, came up and told me his sister was in the audience and she had tears in her eyes. Spence is a semi-professional actor from Santa Barbara and his comment made my day. In addition, director Karyn said she loved my portrayal of the long-time lost love; so did several others in the cast. 

After the show, I kept Ken waiting--he always wants to leave right away--while I enjoyed a glass of Chardonnay with Vera, her daughter, Kendra, and others. Finally left and got home at 11:00. Watched some Suits before going happily to bed. We go on today at 5:00--not sure how well the ticket sales are going.

Got up to see that it's raining, but so far, anyway, I see no evidence of a violent storm. 

Saturday, August 19, 2023



 At home and T.O.P.S. I wasn't terribly alarmed to see I had gained from two weeks ago. Home, I went to 127.4 for plus .08; at T.O.P.S., IT WAS 128.7, for a gain of 2. I'm still under the top of my desired zone of 125 to 130, so no prob. 

I asked Cheryl if we could leave in time for me to get home by 10:00, as we had the radio program coming up. We did, I had time to eat breakfast, and seven of us (of the combined show casts of more than 60) went on Zoom and were interviewed by Elizabeth Stewart on her Santa Barbara station. It went well, I think, although I was a little taken aback when Elizabeth asked me point blank how old I am. This was prompted by me remarking that little Harper, who's eight, and I bracketed the group. I meant age-wise, of course. I didn't really mind, though. I haven't heard it yet, but I ran into Vickie when I went out for the mail. She  said she listened and thought it was good. Here's the web site address:

I hauled out my costume for Art Comes Alive--today!--tried it on and it seems okay, but heavy and hot. What I'm really concerned about is remembering the main points of my little talk as Anke DeJong, of the Netherlands. Called Ellen and she'll pick me up at 11:00.


We had the best possible opening night: sold out, a wonderfully engaged and appreciative crowd, no obvious glitches, and the marvelous energy that results after so much time and effort. Ken's and my part went just beautifully, as I think we hit all the right notes and, significantly, when we were on, there was absolute silence in the house. 

I didn't think I knew anyone who was there last night, but Shirley Whatsername greeted me with a big hug. She's the woman who writes for the Ventura Reporter and she said she'll write another piece covering this show. 

Before the show, I was delighted to see Vera, who looked spectacular and was there hosting the wine bar. She's the one who introduced me to Fractured Actors and, aside from that, is a wonderfully warm and sympatico person. We fell into each other's arms and I asked Alphonse to take pictures. Vera is very tall (about six feet), plus she had heels on last night, so she looked like a giantess and I looked like a little person. I thought it was funny when Penelope photo-bombed us (or whatever you call it). Incidentally, that's not the top I wear on stage; I just put it on to keep the other fresh.

Also, during the lo-o-o-ng stretch of time while we waited, director Karyn called her cast together and presented each of us with a rock she painted with a word she used to describe us. Mine says "inspiring" and she said she wanted to be like me when she grew up (she's in her early forties). It was so typical of her and after, we formed a circle for a group hug. 

Later, I got to know Stuart S., who is the coroner in another play and is very funny. He's been in a lot of productions, mostly in L.A., teaches at a private school in Ojai, is Jewish, from Brooklyn, has an adopted daughter from China, and is 58 years old. Also, it was great to find he's an avowed pacifist. Yeah, you get to know a lot about people during the interminable waiting.

Now to get ready for the minor gig for Art Comes Alive at the Maritime Museum. Noon to four there, then home to change, and back to Fractured Actors by 6:00--AAGH! 

Friday, August 18, 2023


Went over to Great Clips at 10:00 and Maria cut my hair. I'm not nuts about her technique, but hey --it's okay, it's cheap, and more important, it's right across in the Von's shopping center.

I spent an unbelievable amount of time on the phone trying to fathom some credit card stuff. It was so annoying, I told Bank of the West they could shove their--well, okay, I told them I was abandoning them, as they charged me twenty-seven bucks for an overdue amount that I didn't know I owed. I may do the same with BMO. I charge virtually everything and never carry a balance, and I don't think they deserve my patronage.

Ran into Suzanne outside as she was going to the pool and we sat out front and chatted. She also came in and helped me with the Zoom info, which I was asked to go into for the radio interview. Called Cheryl to ask if we could leave T.O.P.S. early, as I have that Zoom radio thing at 10:25. Sure thing.

Wonders will never cease department: Jim called me to ask if I was okay. I called him back and explained how busy I am at the moment. We had a good talk and I told him to keep in touch; maybe we can get together next week or so. He seemed marginally less depressed, but he always does on the phone.

Stella texted to ask if I wanted to go to some kind of "cultural exchange" affair on Sunday afternoon. Called her to say I'd love to, but the show...

Took a two-hour nap and felt much revived after. Rehearsal--our last before opening!--went well, but as ever, included long, long, boring hours before going on. Here are some shots of some of my colleagues as we idled around last night:

Cassie, one of the best, and Bryan, on the right, also terrific, with Stuart, "the coroner."

Erica and Shannon with wigs.

Meredith and Amy.

Anthony, one of the pros.

Ginny, a classical pianist, and one of the (part-time) ministers of Luminal Church; she
plays the background music for the silent film segment. I had a long talk with her last night and found myself liking her a lot. At the same time, I marveled at what seem to be her unquestioning beliefs. But I cling to mine, too, don't I? 


Thursday, August 17, 2023


Still pretty busy. I again walked to Wal-Mart (but bused part way back) and bought two pairs of shoes. At Wal-Mart?!  Yes, because I just want them for the show and doubt if I'll ever wear them otherwise, so why pay an arm and a leg? It turned out one of them is a good match for my outfit and I'll return the other. Home, I cleaned up some business/financial stuff, which I've neglected lately, what with company coming and going and the show. 

Re the show: As ever, it's now all-consuming and boy, I have to keep on my toes. Last night, I actually forgot my pivotal line: "After all this time?" which is the play's title and is essential to the ending. Director Karyn and I laughed over it, but geez, how could I have forgotten? We were again there until 10:30, which meant it was midnight before I got to bed. As I can't seem to sleep longer, I got up at 5:30--I'll definitely take a nap today, but not before I get my hair cut and--maybe--nails done. 

One more pic. This is Anthony, dead last night in one of the funnier plays:

But no worries--he revived to play a few other roles. 

Wednesday, August 16, 2023


Went over to Von's for this and that in the morning, lunched, then bused to the mall to 1.) return the across-the-body handbag I had bought--it's too small and 2.) buy another small flashlight, as backstage is dark and I enter from stage right. Home, I took a thirty-minute nap and felt revived. After that, I just putzed around until I was picked up for dinner.

We went to Jasmine Thai and got what turned out to be a smorgasbord (different country's language, but the reader gets the drift) of satay chicken, avocado wrap, garlic edamame, pineapple fried rice, crab rangoon, and another one or two I can't remember. We ate, shared, talked and laughed, and it was so good to be with them. 

Any additions or corrections for Monday? Yes, I mis-wrote: Art Comes Alive is actually on Saturday, not Sunday--I had switched it so I had more time to leave the Maritime Museum at 4:00, get home and change, and maybe get to the Fractured Actors call time of 6:30. I'll explain to Karyn I may be late, but I think that'll be okay. Dress rehearsal again tonight and tomorrow, then--opening night! 
Here's my window with poster: 

Tuesday, August 15, 2023


Because I've been so busy with company and rehearsals, I haven't had a chance to take my usual jaunts around town. Yesterday, I did: Walked to The Market to pick up some minor items and to Wal-Mart for--incredibly--panty hose. We had our first dress rehearsal and the skirt I'm wearing has such a deep slit in the front, I can't wear knee-highs.

I also bought sunglasses at The Market, as I've mislaid the ones I usually wear. When I left the store, I was able to remove the tag, but the attached string wouldn't come off. I stopped in to Peet's Coffee to ask if they had a pair of scissors and who was there but Greg. What a nice surprise and we sat a chatted for twenty or so before I went on my way.

When I got home, I immediately seasoned and roasted the cauliflower I had bought and ate half for lunch. I then tried to pull together some of the things I'll need for Art Comes Alive on Sunday (why in the HELL did I ever say I'd do it again?) and realized I don't have my bonnet. I'll have to ask Ellen to see if I left it in the storage shed at her place.

Noreen called to see if I would share one of the programs for T.O.P.S. I've done. Sure, but how to get it to her? We'll have to meet next week some time, as she doesn't use text, Message, or email. 

Showered, washed my hair, and tried on my outfit. I'm having trouble with the shoes; I'll wear my ugly ones, but may buy new before the show. 

Dress rehearsal went well, but we started at 7:00 and didn't end until 10:30. That meant I didn't get home until almost 11:00 and, as I can't go directly to bed, didn't sleep until--gasp!--midnight. Just got up at 6:30. Going to dinner tonight, but I'll surely take a nap before that. 

Here are some pics from last night:

This shows the first scene of After All This Time, the one I'm in. Spence plays Albert, Caitlin is Rose, the star-crossed lovers Ken and I play as fifty years older. In real life, Spence and Rose are a couple; they live in Santa Barbara and Spence is a semi-professional actor. Note the screen; in this scene, Spence and Caitlin mouth the words that appear, as the scene is set in the silent film era.
Caitlin, Lindsey, and Christina, in the second act. Screen now simply has scenes of early Hollywood and others appropriate to the script.

Alphonse and Anthony, both members of Actors Equity.   
Below is the full cast of Flop, the play I think is funniest. It depicts the film biz in the roaring forties.  


Monday, August 14, 2023


Although most of the big chores were done, I still had a few hours of washing, rearranging, and so on, but that was easy enough. Also did a little food prep, including my two patty pan squashes that I roasted. Had some of them and a hard-boiled egg for one of my weird lunches.

Ken picked me up at 12:30 for our 1:00 start and we again went through cue-to-cue, i.e. setting up lights and music, a huge chore; didn't get home until 6:30. Here are a few scenes from yesterday's session: 

Above is a scene from what seems to me is about the funniest play. It's called Flop and the guy on the right plays a Hollywood mogul haranguing his staff to come up with a great idea for a movie. Predictably, they suggest something about the Titanic, which he pooh-poohs and superheros which ditto. It's really hysterical, partly because of the silly plot and partly because of the sterling acting of the guy on the right (whom I hadn't known before).
This play, Paper Cut, includes my pal, Anthony, seated center with a knife in his chest; he is presently in two TV commercials. On the left is Bryan, a real doll and fabulous actor. He's actually a minister, although he's never sanctimonious. Bryan is one of the religious people I like and respect--there aren't many.  
Just a random shot of part of our casts. On the far left is Jeff, our leader; the little girl is his and Shannon's daughter, Harper, a remarkably good actress at the age of seven. (Her big brother, Hudson, who's 15, is also in the show and is also good.) The other two kids are briefly in After All This Time, the one I'm in. 

Incredibly, it seems to me, I've gotten a lot of compliments on my (miniscule) part, which I perform with Ken. Jeff gave out publicity posters and postcards. I'll put the former in my window and give the latter to  friends:
Dress rehearsal today and Ken will pick me up at 6:00 for our 6:30 start, which means we won't get out until who-knows-when. That's okay, though, because we're off tomorrow and I have a dinner date with two gals whom I love.

Sunday, August 13, 2023


The guys left, we hung out in Ojai for a bit, then went back to my place where Ken picked me up at 10:30. That was the start of--dum, de dum dum: TECH WEEK! 

It seems to me this consists of three equal parts: serious concentration on a goal; bonding with fellow players (that "we're all in this together" feeling); and complete and utter tedium. Yesterday was no exception as we waited for--oh, eight hours--while the lights and music were calibrated, scene by scene, of all four plays. Almost all had to be done over and over. Our little vignette tops off play four, which means we bring up the very end. 

During lunch break, my new-found friend, Lisa, and I went to Blaze Pizza for a quick dinner; she plays the town drunk (don't ask) in the same play I'm in, and we hit it off, although she's younger than one of my children (sixty something). More about her--she has an interesting background--in another entry. Here are some scenes from last night:

The last is my play partner, ride provider to and from rehearsal, and pal, Ken, who sings Don't Fence Me In, at one point dueting with Jeff. Today--groan--the call is for 1:00 to 11:00. Dinner will be provided.

Didn't get home until 8:15 to find that a good fairy had washed the sheets and towels, cleaned the kitchen, and otherwise put the apartment back to rights. I did a few things, showered and washed my hair, watched a half-hour of Suits, then fell into bed and slept until 4:30. 

We open in five days.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Fast-Paced Friday

Yet another---yes, busy, but good day. We drove over to my place, gathered the guys, then went to Santa Barbara, but in two cars. Met niece/cousin Carolyn at Stearn's Wharf, where cars are actually allowed to park on the pier. Spent an hour or so catching up, then took off for the Douglas Preserve, an idyllic area donated to the state (or city) by the Michael Douglas family. Some pics from yesterday.

We hiked to above the water, then said goodbye to Carolyn (and the boys, until later) and high-tailed it back to Ventura just in time for me to meet Ken at 6:30 pm for our 7:00 rehearsal. I was tired, but it was wonderfully exciting and fun to be there. For the first time, we did a full, no pauses, run-through of the  play part of the show, sans the singing intervals. We cast members served as audience for the ones in which we were appearing and they were terrific. Of course, that meant that Ken and I were the very last to go on and, as it was almost 9:00 by then, I was somewhat tired, but it was great.  

Got back to my place, had something to eat, the others were playing gin rummy, I kibitzed for a while, then said goodbye to the guys, who leave today, and went home. Rehearsal today from 11:00 to 7:00. 

Friday, August 11, 2023

Thrilling Thursday

Because pickleball and the county fair! Those were the two major activities for the day, the first at Fort Humeme, a nearby community, where the company played a number of games and the granny/great-granny (that's me, folks) watched, took pictures, and cheered them on. Two interesting happenings occurred in my court:

First, an older woman came up to me and said she recognized me. What? But I didn't know anyone in that community. She explained that she was Carol (Something) and she had been in "Art Comes Alive" at the Maritime Museum, as I had (and will again next week). She had impersonated a Dutch princess (I a Dutch fishwife) and later the wife of a WWII sub commander. I was charmed to see her again and we had a good conversation.

Second, and more remarkable, I was chatting with a woman named Christina; she and her husband own a forty-acre farm up in the hills. She asked where I was from and I said "New Jersey." She told me her father had been born and brought up there. "Where in Jersey? I asked. "Ventnor," she said--yoicks! She explained that her Dad is now in his nineteens and that he had been a judge. Now, his grandson, her cousin, was also a judge. The name is Robertson; I don't remember them, but will look them up. Both went to ACHS, so our paths didn't cross; besides, the father is considerably older than I am (nineties) and the cousin, younger. Anyway, it was a wonderful coincidence and I enjoyed talking to her so much.

Back to Ventura, we had a quick lunch, then took off for the county fair. It was fun, if not terribly exciting. There were hordes of people there and we saw lucks of displays, animals--pigs, ugh, the smell!--and incidental other attractions. 

We left about 7:00, went back to my place, and to the hot tube, then left back to Ellen's. Long day, but a wonderful one with my nearest and dearest. Today, we go to Santa Barbara, meet Carolyn, and hang out there for a bit. Then, we zip back to my place, where Ken will pick me up at 6:00 and go to rehearsal.

One more day until the guys leave--SOB!--and one more week until we open--YAY!


Thursday, August 10, 2023


 So-o-o much went on yesterday, I can barely record it, let alone go into any detail. (Oh, by the way, my "D" is fixed.) 

Anyhoo, after breakfast, we took a walk, after which, we drove back to my place, reunited with the fellas, went into town, shopped around, ate at Rice, a Thai restaurant, then drove to Juanmaria Park off Kimball. There, five played pickleball--three pros, one occasional, and one old lady, who just sat and enjoyed watching (guess who).  

Niece Carolyn called, saying she'd like to see the company, meaning her first cousin, first cousin once removed, and first cousin twice removed. Sure, and we'll get back to her.  

All this took all day, of course, but it was a good one. I've been sleeping soundly here at Ellen's and no wonder. I'm pretty active ordinarily, and this has been--well, not ordinary, but a lot more than that. Lots of fun and no sittin' around, that's a cinch.

Rehearsal tomorrow and I'll have to figure out a way to get there and back.

Wednesday, August 09, 2023

Tues ay

This will be very short, due to content restrictions and the fact that I have to switch to other other keyboard to use the "d" letter--what a pain. Anyway, two of us went to L.A. to play in a tournament, one stayed in Ojai, and the other three of us went hither and yon, all around town. We walked around and shopped around, one of us bought a guitar, we had fried bananas in town, a quick dinner at my place, then back, for two of us, to Ojai, reunited with the one, chatted, went to bed, and I slept like the proverbial log, got up at 5:30, feeling tip-top.  

Note: I just read my friend, Pat's, blog, as I do every morning. She lives at The Evergreens (independent living) and wrote that an old St. Jameser, Bernadine Nichols, just moved there. I remember Bernadine very well--she was a a pretty blonde and had at least one sister--I don't think any brothers. If I'm not mistaken, she was a little younger than Betty and me. Hmm...come to think of it, maybe she was a little older--not sure. Anyway, it was interesting to learn this.   

Tuesday, August 08, 2023

Mon ay

Early on, a shopping trip to WinCo, which resulte in a yummy chicken pesto pasta ish for inner. New company, the three guys, arrive about 4:00, after which much talk, laughs, an fun, then to the hot tub for others (I went, but in't inuluge, just observe). Sai goobye until toay, rove to Ellen's to stay over an am sitting here at 6:10 am, to see the fourth letter of the alphabet is NOT WORKING! 

Monday, August 07, 2023


Oops! Almost invariably, I write most of this blog the evening before I publish, but yesterday, uh-uh. We were out most of the day and later, I just had to defer. Okay, here's a quick synopsis:

Early on, we rearranged some of the setup in the living room and tidied up otherwise. Lunch, then it was off to town to first, browse the shops and stroll Main Street, then walk The Promenade. The ozone layer prominent, it was overcast there next to the ocean, but nicely in the low seventies and with a light breeze. We saw this little guy there:

Stopped at Von's on the way home, where they finally had the Squirt grapefruit soda I like. We then sat on the patio with glasses of white and chatted. I made a stir-fry for dinner, then it was off to the hot tub, which felt great.

Home, an episode of Suits and bed. I've been sleeping soundly over the last several days, which is so good.

I just stripped the bed in preparation for sheet-washing and today, company comes in, then it's off to Ellen's.

Sunday, August 06, 2023


Another busy, much fun day, which I'm going to simply outline, rather than closely chronicle--it's just  too long and involved. Ken picked me up at 11:30 and off we went for head shots. I wore the following outfit, which I just casually put together, but now I like it and will add to those I'll show Karyn:


We didn't have to stay too long, no more than an hour, but I just don't know how good my shots are. I told the photographer and his assistant (Meredith, artistic director for Fractured Actors) to simply pick which they thought best of the ten or twelve they took. I wanted to get out of there, as I was anxious to see Mike and Violet on their last full day here. 

We drove over to Ellen's and, as Mike and Violet were out shopping, we walked down to an open hours near by. Nice house, and very expertly staged, but we agree Ellen's is better. Back to El's, Mike and Violet came in and we listened to Violet regale us with tales of her month-long camp experience. Here she and I are on the couch at Ellen's:

After several hours of good talk, we went to Juma, a Japanese restaurant in Ojai. I had a yummy salmon bowl and a Japanese beer. Very pricey, but excellent. After, we went back to El's and talked for a bit about a subject many would think delicate: my wishes if I should become incapacitated. This wasn't a gloomy, tearful session, but just straightforward. I may or not elaborate on that in another post. We took pictures out back and here's one:
Said goodbye to my dear youngest and  his dear youngest; they're off to LAX, then Singapore this morning. Didn't get home until almost 9:00, watched some of Suits, then fell into bed.  Today, we plan to clean and otherwise prepare for the next group of company, the three guys coming in tomorrow--WOWEE!

Saturday, August 05, 2023


Cheryl picked me up for T.O.P.S. and I actually won the "biggest loser" four bucks with 126.7 for a loss at 1.1. At home, my cockamamie scale being what it is, I came in at 125.6, a mighty three pounds less than last week. 

Home, we started on our busy and fun day. We had a bite at Ellen's, then decided to walk the shelf road. It was very hot and the trail, after rains a year or so ago, is rocky. El and I turned back to find a less  challenging route, while the other two went on. El and I walked a hilly neighborhood, marveling at the views, not to mention the big, multi-bucks houses here and there. El took pics, but hasn't sent them to me yet.

After, we stopped at the Ojai Von's for various supplies. Back at El's, we played several games of Blockus (or whatever it's called) then a hand of gin rummy. After that, I left to do some things at home. Emailed Karyn that I wanted to skip rehearsal tonight because that's Mike's and Violet's last full day here. K. responded and assured me there was no problem. I will be there for head shots today--Ken will pick me up at 11:30 and I hope we get out of there early. After that, we'll zip over to Ellen's. 

Yesterday was such an enjoyable day to be with my kiddies, but I'm not going to put in more detail--too much to record! 

P.S. Aced both yesterday:  

Wordle 776 2/6 




Puzzle #54






Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...