Saturday, September 17, 2022


Suzanne and I left for WinCo at 8:30 and were back an hour and a half later. I bought a lot of stuff, notably heavier items, and that was good. Suzanne bought more than her usual, too; she's meeting five of her Sisters ("nuns" is no longer used) tomorrow in L.A. for a work session/vacation time in L.A. and will be back Thursday.

Put my goods away and immediately used the Bona system to dust and mop the hard floors. I put my bathroom rugs in the washer, but damn, it wouldn't spin or drain--I guess they're too heavy. I laboriously put them in large plastic trash bags and took them to the laundry building, where I re-washed them, then took them back to put in my dryer.

I then packed a lunch and bused to town, where I enjoyed it in the park. Also bought hangers and some dessert dishes. When I got home, I did a few more chores, then made ice cream, which is beginning to be my specialit. Followed heat by oiling and seasoning the chicken legs I had bought at WinCo; put them i the oven to roast and had one for dinner. Boy, was that good. 

I decided to serve garlic chicken at my little dinner party tonight, plus I have some crystal pickles, and will add deviled eggs and maybe another side.  

Did a few financial odds and ends after dinner, then settled in for another hour of NetFlix'es documentary on Ghislaine Maxwell and her involvement with Jeffrey Epstein. 

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 What?? Who?? Okay, Jose and Panther were on the 10-16 bus I took to Ellen's. They got off at the transit center, though, because Jose i...