Friday, September 30, 2022


Tuesday was slow, but Wednesday wasn't. At 8:15, I was just in the middle of breakfast when Suzanne rang my door bell. She had looked up and printed out info on Firestick and wanted to help me get my T.V. back. In truth, I wasn't all that interested, didn't want to seem ungrateful, so I asked her in. She went through suggesting several remedies, all of which I had already tried. I went through them all again, along with a number of other fixes, none of which worked. I mentioned that someone at Yandoo Communications said I probably needed to change the password of the router because I have a new one, but I wasn't able to do that, nor did Suzanne have any suggestions.  Suzanne finally left and I sat down to finish my breakfast. 

Called Noreen to confirm our teenagey type double date today--she and Gary, Jim and me--and I mentioned we'd get separate checks. "Oh, sure, two checks," she said. I replied, "No, four--or three if one of you or Gary want to treat each other, but that's not going to happen with Jim and me."  Good grief, this isn't 1952! 

I had just hung up from Noreen when Suzanne again came to the door. This time, she had on her phone something from AT & T that she thought may or not be relevant to the T.V. problem. Not. To be perfectly honest, I don't really want to deal with the T.V. thing now. I'm much more interested in getting Apple support to get BILT Rewards on my phone--long story I won't go into now.

Made my lunch and bused to town about 11:30. Stopped in a few places, then had my lunch in the pocket park as I've often done before. It was idyllic:

I bought some glass containers, into which I'll transfer the gallon jug of burgundy I just bought (not sure why) and two tops, both of which are too big and I'll take back today. 

After dinner, I did call Asurion, the place where I have a contract for electronic stuff, but no go with what they had to suggest, either. Think I'll call a computer repair guy when I get home today. I had considered asking Andy, who lives upstairs (he's a programmer who often works at home), if he'd be interested in making thirty bucks to fix the damn thing, but I prefer a straight business deal for situations like this. In truth, I probably wouldn't bother with it at all at this point if Suzanne hadn't been so anxious to help. I know very well she had all best intentions, but frankly, I'd just as soon have put it on the back burner for a time. 

Thursday, September 29, 2022


I was pleased to get a call from my friend, Nancy, early on. We had a good, long talk and she told me she was contemplating using the Access Van for the first time, specifically to meet me at The Cave for lunch. Not sure when, but the fact that she'd even consider it is a good thing. She drives and has a car, but lives in Oak View and is afraid to drive to Ventura, about fifteen miles.  Because of what seems to be her agoraphobia, I think it took some courage for her to even look at the possibilities for getting out of the house.           

Packed my lunch and took it with my book out to the middle, next to the pool. I have to say it's a lovely area and, on a weekday, with people working and kids in school, it was quiet and serene:

After, I was kind of at loose ends, so just decided to take a ride. I hopped on the 6 bus and rode to the Oxnard transit center, which took about 45 minutes. Didn't feel particularly like going anywhere, so I just stayed on and rode back to Ventura.  

Noreen called after dinner. Earlier, we had discussed going out to lunch with our gentleman friends and decided to make tentative arrangements.  After some back and forth, we decided on the Blue Agave tomorrow. I wasn't at all sure Jim would be up for it, but I called him and, to my surprise, he was. (I emphasized that we would go Dutch.) He does remember Noreen, as she had been in my acting group with him. I met her friend only when they attended Area 22 last month; can't remember his name or what he did in his other life. 

Note from Tuesday: When Suzanne and Vickie were here for our little talkfest (I got that snazzy word directly out of a 1940s movie magazine), the conversation turned to the facility where Mary lives and the tendency of the staff to assure Vickie that's everything's okay. I remarked something like, "Oh, yes, it's always CYA time." I was amused when Suzanne, innocent flower that she is, asked what it meant. When I told her "cover your ass," she actually joked "I think I'll use that sometime." That will never happen in a million years, but I was charmed that she said it.  

Wednesday, September 28, 2022


Walked  over to Von's for my 10:00 am appointment and got the COVID booster. (No reaction except a slight soreness at the site.)  After that, I stopped next door at Asurion Tech to ask if they make  house calls. No, but the guy gave me a number to call to discuss my TV outage, which has been going on for about a week now. They may be able to help.

Later, I packed several books and my lunch in my cart and walked over the footbridge to the path to Kimball Park. It's been at least a month since I've done that and it felt good. Put the books in the little lending library and took six, then sat on a bench and enjoyed my lunch.  The park wasn't crowded, but the wide path that circles it had a fair number of walkers, runners, and walkers, even on a Tuesday afternoon. Home and I ran into Suzanne. I invited her to join Vickie and me and 5:00 and she did.  

I just put out two kinds of crackers, as both my friends bring their own libations, Suzanne water and  Vickie one of her non-alcoholic wines. She wanted us to try some, we did, and S. made some polite, appreciative noises. I thought it was revolting, but sipped a bit, then reverted back to peach wine (also low in alcohol, but not non-). 

Of course, we ranged over a variety of topics, but mostly the plight of Mary, Vickie's partner. V. is terribly upset over Mary's treatment in the medi-Cal supported facility and showed us pictures of the bedsore on Mary's derrière, which is quite horrible; V. has a Facetime meeting with the staff today and asked us to suggest how to express some of the concerns she has.

Suzanne left at 6:00, but Vickie stayed until 7:30. We talked and talked about our respective sorrows re our loved ones with Alzheimer's.  V. also showed me pictures of the bedsore Mary had developed.

Note: Wordle annoyed me no end today, but I got it in 4.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Modern Life Sometimes Sucks...

 ...and some, but happily not all, of yesterday did. We in the area had been notified by Con Ed that due to the need for maintenance, electrical power would be out from 7:00 pm Sunday to 6:00 am Monday. Okay, I was prepared with my little battery-operated lantern and lots of candles (candles and throws are what people give old ladies for gifts; I'd just as soon have a good wine) and my laptop operated on its own for a time during the outage.

BUT...I got up at 6:30 yesterday, late for me, and it was still out. Good grief, I needed my coffee, what to do? I got dressed, thinking I'd bus to the mall, where the outage wasn't. Happily, though, as I was walking past Von's, I noticed cars in the parking lot. I went in and, sure enough, they were open--they have a generator. Got coffee at the Starbucks there and  happily went home with it. 

HMM...but how could I have my usual breakfast if I couldn't heat up my oatmeal? I settled for bread with pretend butter, instead. I wasn't, however, about to stay in without electricity, so I packed a lunch, got my cart and bused first to WinCo for the Greek whole wheat pita I like, then to Office Max for file folder tabs. Walked over to say hello to Greg, then to the Barnes's & Noble shopping center, where I knew there were some benches in a leafy tree area. There I enjoyed my lunch.

Got on the bus for home and texted Suzanne to see if the power was back on. Yes, and I got in about 3:00. Suzanne's door was open and she asked me to come in, which I did and we had a long talk. Our neighbor, Chuck, also stopped in. Chuck is probably in his early seventies and has lived here even longer than Suzanne has--I think about 25 years. Long divorced, no kids and I'd like to get to know him better, especially as he was in the Peace Corps. 

After our talk, I went next door to my place, but shortly after, Suzanne knocked, as she had more to discuss, which I won't mention, as they're confidential. Later, I texted Vickie to see if she was available to chat today at 5:00 or so. She was and is, so I'll see her later.

Monday, September 26, 2022


Slept better than the previous night, but still got up shortly before 5:00. Had my coffee, did the laptop routine, then--believe it or not--went back to bed and took a one-hour nap. I felt great when I got  up--full of energy and raring to go.  Virtually completed the Sunday crossword, along, of course, with my oatmeal and tangerine. 

I've gotten entranced with the young Garfunkel singing Trouble Water in Madison Square Garden. The video is just sublime and so is he:

I had a sandwich left over from Jimlunch (yes, "jimlunch") on Saturday, so packed it and a can of beer in my insulated carrier, popped it in my cart, and bused to town. It was so very good to be there with crowds of people walking, shopping, having lunch, and generally adorning the universe on a spectacularly beautiful day. I went first to the library, then into several shops--almost bought, but came to my senses at the last minute, a lovely glass decanter that I need like a hole in the head--and enjoyed myself immensely.  I then settled down at my favorite place in the park and had lunch. 

Bused to the mall and Target to get a shampoo I like and tried to find the file folder tabs, but they didn't have any, either. Stopped at Trader Joe's for the French onion soup Helen had mentioned at the T.O.P.S. meeting. It's frozen and looks good. Before I went home, I stopped at CVS to see if they had the tabs, but no, then at Von's for fresh spinach, which I intend to put in the soup.

Sunday, September 25, 2022


As planned, Pat R. called me at 7:00 am (10 her time) and we had a long, long--almost two hours--chat. It was great to hear from her and, although we keep track of each other's doings via our blog, there's nothing like heart-to-heart girl talk to fill in the gaps. We covered a bunch of topics, including recent visitors from afar and a possible Paris trip. 

After, I had my breakfast, then strolled over to Von's for lettuce. Made up both turkey breast and cheese sandwiches and added as sides, crystal pickles and my roasted tomatoes/onions/garlic mix. Jim got here at his usual, 12:30, and we sat on the sofa and chatted for a half hour. He spotted two issues of Time magazine; Suzanne subscribes, then leaves them at my door after she reads them. Considering it's about as unbiased as Fox News, I almost never open one, so I gave them to Jim to take home.

Sat down, ate, and continued our wide-ranging talk with cabernet, burgundy, and beer. I served my homemade ice cream (left over from my little dinner party the other day) for dessert, topped with chocolate sauce and whipped cream. Jim asked for seconds and finished the last of it. 

He left at 3:00 and I cleaned  up, then just did this and that (so momentous I don't remember what they were) and generally hung out. I did, however, do something semi-productive: Looked up and read aloud, taking all the parts, my dinner theatre play, Fatal Family Reunion. Actually, it's not half bad and could easily be staged, too. I want to do a few minor fixes, then consider submitting it to Jeff and Shannon, but not until they--most likely, she--ask to see my stuff.

Son Mike PMed me (when did that get to be a verb?) to the effect that he and family will spend part of the Christmas/New Year holidays in India, from December 27th to January 5th. That's one place I've always wanted to go, but if I can't, I'll live vicariously through them.   

Saturday, September 24, 2022


Well, weird weight was--whatever. At home, I was horrified to weigh 131.5, up four pounds from last week--AAGH! Yet at T.O.P.S., I weighed in at 129.1, a loss of a pound and a half. So I'm assuming my scale, not the official one, is on the fritz. I conducted the meeting, leading a discussion on various relevant topics re weight loss and maintenance. It went well and I kept it to under an hour. 

After breakfast, I walked to The Market, then Walmart, then Ralph's for various items. Didn't get home until after 2:00, then made a pita/turkey breast sandwich, put in in the insolated lunch carrier, added a can of beer, and went to the pool. I ate poolside, reading my book, and it was very enjoyable. I was sthe only one there until Little Miles showed  up with Daddy and Grandpa and shortly after this pic, he jumped in:

As for me, I tried the water, but it seemed too cold, so I spent some time in the hot tub. Home, I sat on the patio with a glass of peach wine and continued reading my book. Called Jim and invited him for lunch today. 

Sharon had texted me on Thursday to say she couldn't come to T.O.P.S. because her feet were so swollen she couldn't drive. I called her to see how she was doing. She still not too good, but is going to a diabetes seminar today. 

Bought a ticket for Anthony's play for Saturday, at 8:00, on October 8. Now I'm not sure, but I may change it to the matinee closer the next day--I'll see who's going to that.

Made ground turkey/onion/garlic stir-fry or dinner--yum. 

So...a fairly slow day, but I need that every once in a while.

Friday, September 23, 2022


After breakfast, I walked to Smart 'n' Final and back. Got ground turkey, cabbage, and apples. Next door at The Dollar Tree, I finally found the makeup sponge wedges I'm been looking for. Cut the cabbage into wedges, the apples ditto, added cinnamon and a little water, and set them to cook in the slow cooker. 

After lunch, unusually for me, I took a nap of an hour or so. Got up and set off for CVS. The guys installing the washer and dryer next door at Suzanne's, told me she was at the pool. Actually, she was in the middle area next to it. She had been gone since Sunday and we sat for an hour catching up with each other. 

I then went over CVS to see if there was any progress on getting me a new Rx for Atorvastatin. Nope, the freakin' insurance company won't pay for it. If I wanted to pay it myself, it would cost me--gasp!--$71.49! Hey, just hold your breath until I come up with it. Called Primary Medical, but as we talked, it suddenly dawned on me that Dr. L. had lowered my dose from 20 mg to 10--I have a lot of the 20s left and I can just cut them in half!  Hey, sometimes you win one.

Lora picked me up at 6:10 and off we went to bingo at her complex clubhouse. I keep forgetting she lives in an age-restricted community, as she's only 65 and an active and very successful travel agent. I  realized it when I walked in, though, as a large number of attendees were surely my age or older. I suppose you have to expect that, considering "The Patrician" is about forty years old.  It was a large meeting room, but not at all crowded. I met Lora's sister, who lives two doors away from her, and several others. 

 Anyway, there were all kinds of bingo variations and Lora won the big jackpot--TWENTY-THREE DOLLARS--ZOWIE!! I didn't win any, but enjoyed myself in a low-key way.  Home a little after 9:00 and, since my TV is still dead, looked at this and that on the laptop, then turned in and slept well.

Thursday, September 22, 2022


I was surprised to get a call from Jim--Downes, not Crowley--about 10:00. I apologized for being somewhat unpleasant in my annoyance at his unpredictable actions on Sunday. Now, most people would react with something like, "oh, no, I understand; I shouldn't have done--(whatever)" or "oh, no, you were perfectly fine...," or similar bullshit, but Jim said, "yeah, you showed your true nature." I laughed out loud--there's something to be said for honesty--and we had a good talk. Interestingly, there are some things Jim had told me that I suspected were untrue and in our conversation, it turned out I was correct. Hmm...I'd like to elaborate on this to my friend, Pat; will see if we can set up a time to get in telephone touch.  Also, I got his email address and later, sent him the pictures Carolyn and I took with Betty. 

Spent a lot of the rest of the morning on the phone with Amazon (I have icloud), Bilt (new credit card), and others.  Called the hematologist's office and found that they hadn't received my blood and breathing tests; no surprise, since I had only had them done two days ago. However, they had my earlier tests, so it was decided I should go anyway, which I did, via the Access Van. Dr. B. said he didn't think my platelet count was significantly low and there shouldn't be any concern unless it falls below a certain level. He mentioned, which I hadn't known, that it can vary, as blood pressure can. Okay, good news.

The Access Van wasn't due to pick me up until 4:00 and I got out about 3:15, so I spent the time in the lobby making phone calls. Called Ellen to tell her the results--she was still at school, preparing for back to school night--then my old friend, Nancy, who hasn't gone out almost since COVID became a thing. She told me she was actually getting afraid to go out--it's called agoraphobia and I knew at student at Rider who was in therapy for the same problem. I asked Nancy if maybe she'd like to me to come to her place next week and bring lunch, if she was sure she wouldn't be uncomfortable. She liked the idea and will call me so we can arrange it.

Home and I picked up my mail, which included my new credit card, "BILT," which is kind of, sorta, associated with Wells Fargo, the card I use regularly. According to the blurb, WF has "a relationship with BILT" (geez, are they sleeping together, or what?). The reason I want it is because I can pay my rent with it (there's no fee, as there is with other cards) and earn cash rewards. Why not, so I scanned the code to activate it, then walked over to Von's for t. paper and  yes, it worked. 

Lora had invited me to go to bingo--of all things--this evening and I accepted. It's at the clubhouse where she lives and she'll pick me up at 6:10.


As for show biz: Thanks to Erica, we Fractured Actors are planning to go in a group to Anthony's show. Also, she suggested--and I love the idea--the following, which she copied to the whole group:

Hi Rosemary, 
I feel remiss, as I intended to take the lead on this, and use the occasion to start a division of Fractured Actors called something (more clever than) like Fractured Actors Watch Party.
The point of the group is to support theater in the community, and actors from our community in other shows, by going to see plays together. 
1) Anyone who is interested in being on this mailing list/in the group, reply here and let me know. 
2) As far as Journey of the Skeletons goes, the run is through Oct 9, with performances Fri night, Sat night and Sun. 
I am out of town until 10/3, but would be happy to coordinate a group of us going perhaps on Friday 10/7? 
Who wants to go? Let me know.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022


Busy day. I bused to the mall to look in Ross, Target, and Penney's for a dress--tried on two, they looked terrible, so didn't buy. I may have to turn to the Internet, but I greatly dislike buying clothes that way. I don't seem to be in a particular size and things are either too big or too small. Plus, you could say I have slim hips (sure, sure, that's what it is) or be honest and say I have a thick waist, so I can't wear anything  form-fitting. 

However, I enjoyed myself because, as I've been doing lately, I packed a lunch (a Greek pita hard-boiled egg sandwich), plus a can of tangerine beer and ate in an open area of the mall. I like to take my lunch to parks mostly, but this was fun, too--interesting to watch the people walking by. And yes, I know you're probably not supposed to drink alcohol in that area, but I really don't care and it tasted good.

From the mall, I walked about a mile and a half to the Loma Vista Road branch of The Market.  Didn't find all I wanted, so bused first to Wal-Mart, then to the Victoria Avenue Market. While at Wal-Mart, I ran into my old Kimball Park walking buddy, Diane, and we had a nice chat. She's a mere kid of 77 (I swear she looks twenty years younger) and is a serious walker. She has gone to Europe frequently, with walking clubs that go twenty miles at a stretch and is considering Sweden now.    

Home about 4:00 and I noticed that the apparatus for Suzanne's washer and dryer installation was gone from the front. I texted her that she must now have them installed. Had a yummy dinner of salmon (I oven roasted it), fresh spinach, and sweet potatoes. Still can't get the T.V. to work, but at this point, it doesn't seem to be much of an issue as long as I have the laptop. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2022


Went across the street to Quest at Von's for my 7:40 blood test. I hadn't realized the hematologist also wanted a breathing test and I don't know why, but I took that, too. My appointment is tomorrow at 2:30 if, that is, the results of the tests get there in time.

Didn't get breakfast until after 9:00 and then busied myself with filing the huge pile of papers I had accumulated. Spent some time prepping broccoli, sweet potatoes, and cantaloupe. Also did a fair amount of what I still think of as "paperwork"--actually, electronic catching up.

Got a phone call from my fellow '54 HSHS grad, Jeanne Dollard Painter. She's in Florida with her paramour, John, who's 93, and Jeanne is bored out of her scull. However, she'll be in Jersey next month to attend her grandson's wedding, on LBI; too bad our visits won't overlap. We talked for some time and, ever the self-promoter, she texted me a picture of herself with an ailing friend (not her guy). It's just incredible to realize that she has passed 85: 

It wasn't until almost 4:00 that I remembered to look on my calendar and saw that dinner with Soaring Spirits was at 6:00.  No problem, but I didn't actually leave then and it took a while, so I was a little late getting to the Stone Fire Grill.

Our group was in their usual place along the back half-wall and there were more attendees than usual, probably at least twenty. Before I got up to them, though, I passed a booth and was hailed by two young women. They reminded me they had seen me in Welcome Home three years ago and praised my performance; one had also seen me in Area 22. Geez, they made such a fuss, I felt like Meryl Streep.

Vera added a small table and chairs on the end of the longer one and we had a good time. A new person, Ginny, sat with us and when I mentioned I'd be going to Jersey in November, said she had gotten her graduate degree at Fairleigh Dickinson. Vera then pointed out that Shannon had come in and was sitting in the booth with the young women who had greeted me earlier. I rushed over to see her and she jumped up and enveloped me in a big hug. We had a great time chatting and she said she was working on a variety show and I'd hear from her--YAY! I hope to interest her and Jeff in some of my own stuff, too. 

Vera took me home and, since I still have had my electronic woes, I called Ellen and she again took me through a fix-it routine. Still have no T.V. and I'll have to deal with that today. It has something to do with the fire stick and I'll get in touch with Amazon. 

Monday, September 19, 2022

Sunday In Santa Barbara

I got to the transit center and was waiting for the 10:04 bus to Santa Barbara, when Jim called (that's Jim Downes, Betty's old boyfriend, not Jim C.).  Although I had told him I'd be there at 11:30, he was already in Santa Barbara and how would he get to Villa Alamar? I told him I had no idea, but it's off State Street and to use his GPS. As promised, I was there at 11:30 and Carolyn was, too. We walked in and were told yes, a man had been in to see Betty, but he had left. 

Left? I immediately called him and he said he had left because Betty was sitting in a chair, but she was asleep. Now, Jim had driven from Thousand Palms, near Palm Springs, a distance of two hundred and fifteen miles, and had simply come in, seen Betty asleep, then left. I asked him to come back--he hadn't gotten far--and reminded him that he had called me out of the blue and asked me to meet him there. He agreed to come back and he did. 

In the meantime, Betty, Carolyn, and I sat in the atrium and I put my sunglasses on the table. Betty picked them up and put them on and I thought she looked so cute--and normal--in them, so I took her picture:

We were served lunch outside--so pleasant--and took a few more pictures:

After we had lunch, we chatted for a bit, then Jim told us his son had died of COVID "six or seven months ago." I was so shocked; in our several conversations, he hadn't mentioned that at all. I knew his wife had died five years ago, but not his son. He does have two daughters and some grandchildren. 

Jim left, and we stayed 45 or so longer. Carolyn took this picture in of us in Betty's room:

Finally said goodbye and Carolyn invited me over for a glass of wine, which I happily accepted. After chatting with her and her daughter, Claire, for a bit, I was driven to the Santa Barbara Library--there's a bus stop there--and I rode back to Ventura. A full day, but a pretty good one, all told. The long sadness of my dear sister's decline is simply something that needs to be accepted, and I do--but never, never with grace.  

Sunday, September 18, 2022


Hoo, boy, what a day. 

Walked to Wal-Mart at 10:00 am to get a new router, then took it and my laptop to Asurion Tech Repair. Tyler looked it over, did a few things here and there, then told me changing the router was up to me and so was deleting the thousands of pictures, documents, and so on I've accumulated.  That's when the trouble started...

I couldn't make head nor tail of the printed directions for the router hookup, so called my darling girl. Although she was busy with school work (yes, teachers take work home regularly), she put on a YouTube instructional thing and walked me through it over the phone. Sounds simple, heh? Well, we were on for more than an  hour, with me alternately cursing and crying--certainly not at her, but at my own ineptitude.  Ellen is one of the stars of my life. Anyway, I'm back on the internet!

Suzanne had told me she was leaving about 2:00 to meet with other Sisters in L.A., where they'd work on a mutual project of some kind and combine it with a little vacation. When we were at WinCo, I was surprised she bought so much and she said she was bringing some of the food. So I put what was left of the cornbread in an appropriate container and gave it to her to share it. 

Another problem: I had picked up my new prescription--a ninety-day supply--for Atorastatin(?) on Friday afternoon, but as I was about to apportion the pills into my pill holderss, I accidentally swept them off the table and they all fell on the floor! I had one for Friday night, but yesterday, I rushed over to CVS to tell them what happened. They gave me three and told me they'd leave a message for Dr. L. so she can order more, but for me to call Monday morning to explain the situation.  

Jumped in the shower and washed my hair, then went over to GreatClips for a trim. Gigi did a nice job on it, so I felt a little more buoyant. Got home, stripped the bed, and washed the sheets with other stuff, and re-made. Sat down to watch more of the Maxwell thing, but...

AAGH! "No network connection." Tried this and that to restore, but no luck. Went back to this laptop, played Match Royale for a bit, then gave up and went to bed. At least I slept well: Got up close to 5:00 and will be back on an even keel once I get my coffee. 

Today: Santa Barbara and Betty, plus Jimmy Downes. That should be interesting...

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Friday Also

This is a long one and probably incoherent, but I'm so sick of the whole no-internet problem, I'm just not going to try to revise. Sorry.

My little dinner party turned out nicely, but before that--DISASTER!

But before that--T.O.P.S. Lora picked me up and it was the usual puzzlement: I lost a pound at home (to 127.8), and gained one at T.O.P.S (130.6). I was pleased when Lora invited me to Bingo at her community on Thursday evening. She's a very successful travel agent, not much older than my older son, who's 63. (She has some major personal problems and we talk about that a lot.) Anyway, I said I'd like to go.

And before that--at five something, when I got up, I sat down to send off to the wide world my little doings of Thursday, but darn, once again, I had no internet. Called Yandoo and, wonder of wonders, two guys came and were here for an hour. Unfortunately, they couldn't restore it; said there was too much data on it, also, that I need a new router. Long story short, I walked over to Asurion, right in the Von's shopping center, and signed up for its monthly repair deal. Tyler, the nice young man there, said I should bring it in after I get a new router, so will do.

As for dinner: Jim got here early, about 4:45, but that was okay. We sat and chatted until Vickie came about ten later. She was carrying a large tote, which contained her non-alcoholic wine (she, Suzanne, and I have gotten in the habit of bringing our own drinks when we get together). I was taken aback to see she had also brought a quarter of a watermelon and four large chocolate eclairs. It may seem churlish of me, but I was annoyed, although I didn't show it. She had texted to see if she could bring anything, I responded "just your glamorous self," but she brought this anyway. Now I know she has little money (would love to retire, but can't afford to) and I had made the ice cream everybody likes, so really didn't need dessert. However, I tried to respond with grace and it was okay.

Served garlic chicken, fresh broccoli, and the cornbread I had made from scratch earlier in the day. Of course, I included wine--the peach and blueberry I had bought at Target, plus red for Jim--and my own beer. Added some crystal pickles and it turned out to be a simple, but really good meal. The ice cream, of course, made a big hit--Jim asked for seconds--and I did put the eclairs out, too.


Suzanne and I left for WinCo at 8:30 and were back an hour and a half later. I bought a lot of stuff, notably heavier items, and that was good. Suzanne bought more than her usual, too; she's meeting five of her Sisters ("nuns" is no longer used) tomorrow in L.A. for a work session/vacation time in L.A. and will be back Thursday.

Put my goods away and immediately used the Bona system to dust and mop the hard floors. I put my bathroom rugs in the washer, but damn, it wouldn't spin or drain--I guess they're too heavy. I laboriously put them in large plastic trash bags and took them to the laundry building, where I re-washed them, then took them back to put in my dryer.

I then packed a lunch and bused to town, where I enjoyed it in the park. Also bought hangers and some dessert dishes. When I got home, I did a few more chores, then made ice cream, which is beginning to be my specialit. Followed heat by oiling and seasoning the chicken legs I had bought at WinCo; put them i the oven to roast and had one for dinner. Boy, was that good. 

I decided to serve garlic chicken at my little dinner party tonight, plus I have some crystal pickles, and will add deviled eggs and maybe another side.  

Did a few financial odds and ends after dinner, then settled in for another hour of NetFlix'es documentary on Ghislaine Maxwell and her involvement with Jeffrey Epstein. 

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Wednesday's Goings On

After breakfast, I tried on the dress I had bought at Ross, but darn, it was small--a medium and I probably need a large. I doubted if they'd have one--Ross'es prices are so low, I guess, because they just buy odd lots or something. I had several other errands to run, so left with my cart about 9:30.  

Walked to Telephone Road and on my way, brother Larry called. He said Holy Spirit was having a 100th anniversary celebration at the end of the month and was I going?  I wasn't notified about it and no, I wouldn't want to go, anyway. I remember my high school years as a mix--some good memories, but plenty of teenage misery and I have no desire to relive it.

Bused first to Ross, where I returned the dress and, yes, they had only mediums. I tried on no fewer than eight other dresses and considered two of them, but they really weren't what I wanted, so I left empty-handed. Walked the half-mile or so to Target and returned the blouse I had bought there last week. I then picked up no fewer than four bottles of the California Roots (maker) wine--three blueberry and one peach.  These are the low-alcohol contents ones and they're really pretty good and at clearance prices.

Home, had lunch, then piled six books which I've read into my cart and walked over the footbridge to the library. I was pleased to see many children there, some with adults, some not. I left my books in the donation box, then picked up an account of Hillary Clinton's failed presidential campaign, sat on the pleasant patio to read it for an hour. I didn't borrow it--it's past history and I'm already deep into several another books, including Perrin's, mentioned below.

I called Jim Downes to see if he wanted to go see Betty on Sunday, which he had suggested. Left a message and when he called me back and I answered, he said, "Who's this?" We then had an odd exchange, on which I won't elaborate. He also said he didn't want to pick me up because he didn't want to deviate from the freeway. Fine, I'll take a bus--rather, the total of six buses there and back that I have to take when I go to Santa Barbara. Actually, I'm not anxious to drive with him, anyway--I'm beginning to think he belongs at Villa Alamar with Betty. I suggested we have lunch there and he agreed. 

Texted Suzanne and Vickie, and called Jim to invite them to dinner tomorrow. All accepted and now I'll look for a quick and easy slow cooker recipe. I'll make cornbread and ice cream to add to it.


Dennis Perrin is my former fellow blogger and fellow pacifist. Here's a note from my blog entry of 14 years ago:
"Let's not forget whose interests Obama truly serves, that Wall Street chose him over McCain, and worst of all, that Joe Biden is a heartbeat away. I know -- better Biden than Sarah Palin. Scumbag trumps psycho, one of liberty's many blessings. Again, you gotta work with what's lying around."
Love that "scumbag trumps psycho," Dennis!

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Tuesday With Stella And Suzanne

Quite a day, in equal parts enjoyable and frustrating. I intended to go to Office Depot to have somebody look at this laptop; for some reason, I couldn't get into my Office documents. It occurred to me that it's been much too long since I've gone out for lunch (okay, two days, but still...), so I called Stella. Yes, she'd like to, so let's meet at 11:00? I protested that I couldn't eat that early, so we seesawed back and forth, then finally agreed. We'd meet at Ross (a sort of department store) at 11:00, which is near Office Depot, then walk the half mile or so to The Cave wine bar, where Nancy and I used to go pre-COVID.

Eddie, at Office Depot, got me back into Office, then I started strolling down to Ross. I hadn't gotten there before Stella called at about 10:45. She hadn't left yet, as she was delayed (don't know why), then left without her shoes--had her slippers on. She went back in and had a message from UCLA having to do with one of her medical concerns, had to call them back, and so on. Fine, just get here when you can. She called a second time to say she was leaving then--now it was about 11:10--and a third, to say they were thinning trees on the highway and there was a delay.

She finally got to Ross at 11:45, at which point she wanted to browse and look for a dress. So did I, actually, and we did. She then wanted to go over to Dollar Tree for something or other, then to WinCo. After that, I thought we'd finnaly get to The Cave, but no, she just wanted to stop in at a shoe store she like. Now it was after 1:00 and I was HUNGRY!

But things improved wonderfully after that: We sat outside under umbrellas and I, for one, had a marvelous lunch. I don't usually order pizza, but at The Cave, you get it individually made at the site and they are supurb. When it was served--it was the size of a large dinner plate--I was sure I wouldn't be able to eat it all, but I did. Had the perfect accompaniment with it: a tangerine Hazy IPA . They don't have draft here--it is, after all, a wine bar--but this was excellent.

We ate at a leisurely pace, then Stella drove me home. Having slept so poorly, I decided to take a nap. Dozed for only an hour or so, but felt revived when I got up. Suzanne then texted me to ask if I'd like to pour a glass of wine and come over. Sure thing, so I took my little low-alcohol blueberry wine and we had one of our little talkfests. She showed me and lent me the book her cousin had written about the "inspirational" women in their family, including Suzanne's mother. I'm always leery that word--it often equates with "vapid"--but I'll be interested in delving into it, at least to read about my friend's mother. I'm into several other books right now, but will get to it soon. 

Suzanne and I will also be going to WinCo tomorrow and I'll stock up on heavier items. Slept like a stone, I'm happy to record, and just awoke at 5:30--yay!

Tuesday, September 13, 2022


Left at nine and walked to The Market and Wal-Mart. I was dismayed to see the price rises in almost everything--and not by 10 or 20 percent, but more like 50 percent and higher. I'm going to keep buying the food items I like best--vegetables and fruit--but what about those who have lower incomes and big families to feed? 

Bused home, had lunch, then went into town. It's been a long time since I've had time to do that and I greatly enjoyed it. Bought a blouse--I'm going to take the one I got at Target back--and otherwise looked around. I stopped into The Coalition and said hello to Ben, my fellow fractured actor, who works there when he's in the area.

Home at 4:30 and looked up the weather forecast; happy day, it's supposed to be much cooler today, down to a high of 71. 

Got a group email from the Fractured Actors gang about when we'll go to Anthony's play. I'm available almost any weekend and it won't be on a Sunday, so I'll call Jim Downes and tell him next is okay.

Darn, it's now 4:50 am. I woke up an hour ago for the usual and couldn't get back. I know you're not supposed to get up, but I get antsy just lying in bed, wide awake. I can always take a nap later.

Okay, now it's 6:03 and I'm going to post this sorry entry.


Note to myself: Influence of Pentagon on Hollywood:

Monday, September 12, 2022


Followed the usual Sunday morning ritual: breakfast and the crossword puzzle. Got most, then left for the bus. I was glad to catch the 10 because after it reaches the transit center, it turns into the 16 and goes straight to Ojai.  

Ellen and Greg picked me up and we went to lunch at Sea Fresh, one of my favorite restaurants in Ventura County. El and I both had the salmon bowl--pricy, but worth it--and Greg the salmon platter. She and I also had Margaritas (Greg still abstains), then I had a Stella (beer) with the food. I took a pic of them:

After a leisurely and luscious lunch (alliteration!), we went to Bart's Books (more of it!). There, they know Greg by name, as he's such a frequent visitor:
I bought a Jonathan Kellerman and Dead Air, about the attractive young television anchor in Iowa, who was abducted in 1995 and never seen again. 

We went back to their place and Ellen opened her gifts, assisted by Gwennie and Cessy:

The three of us then chatted, Greg and I discussing Catholicism and its various goodnesses and evils. We don't agree, by any means, but with Greg, one can have a civilized discussion, which we did. El and I had chocolate ice cream topped with chocolate cake, then just hung out until the Access Van came (late) and took me home. I got in at 6:30 after a fine day with my girl and her guy.

Sunday, September 11, 2022


Not a bad day, now that I'm back in the game, electronically speaking. I've been re-reading my cousin, Marifran's book, Up From Concrete (ever wonder how life with a schizophrenic mother would feel? That'll fill you in). We talked for a full hour, bringing each other up to date on our current lives first. Marifran is seven years younger than I am, married to Ed, and they have one daughter, Ilona, who I guess is in her early fifties and hasn't married. We then discussed our childhoods. That last is always fraught for me, although it wasn't anything like hers, that's a cinch. Marifran was born with serious lung problems, not only severe asthma, but congenital emphysema. She rarely goes out because of the COVID thing, but counsels clients and is active in several other groups via Zoom. We'll keep in touch.

Decided to take Greg up on his invitation and left for Lassen's about 10:45.  I had intended to walk to Telephone Road, then bus to the site, but it was so incredibly hot--and this time, there was more humidity, almost like Jersey--that I took the bus. LaVonne was on, too, and we chatted until she got off.

Saw Greg and we embraced, but I stayed only a few minutes. Since he's new and a member of the vitamin and supplement "team," he has a fair amount to do and learn. Went from there across Telephone Road to Target, where I picked up a grapefruit, tangerines, and a bottle of blueberry wine. That certainly wasn't on my shopping list, but it was on clearance for a remarkably low price, so I figured no harm done if I don't like it and toss.  

From there, I walked the several blocks over to the WinCo shopping center and got a few things at The Dollar Tree, then two-bused home. Just had a hard-boiled egg sandwich for lunch and went on this laptop for a time. 

After, I galvanized myself to re-pot the plant that, a year or so ago, blew off Leah's patio above onto mine and she told me to keep it.  She's single, in her twenties, and surely doesn't have much interest in plants, so sure, why not? I think it looks good:

After dinner, I poured myself some of the blueberry wine and it's not half bad. It's a semi-sweet, light, and 7.5 alcohol, which is very low.  I think I'll go back and get a few more bottles, maybe to give as gifts eventually.

 Felt good when I got out of the shower, especially as the heat was going down and my floor fan was doing its job. And--I'm almost afraid record it--I've been sleeping well lately.

Saturday, September 10, 2022


**I think--I hope--I'm back on the GD Internet for good now. So, yesterday, what went on?**

Nice News Department: All eleven (twelve? Didn't see 21-year-old Finn) of Betty's children, grandchildren, and spouses or significant others. are staying at 15 South Rosborough Avenue, in Ventnor, my childhood home, now an AirBnB,  I was thrilled when her oldest, Wes, texted me pictures of the interior and even more when they contacted me in Facetime and walked me through the house. Here are some pics:

That is the wrong door; it's not supposed to be that trendy, fancy, pseudo-Victorian thing, it supposed to be just a solid wood, big, heavy front door! (Wes'es SO, Heidi, pictured.)

Heidi contemplating the fact that the decor is all, all wrong; it was never that airy, beachy, too-much-white-paint ponderousness. 

The fireplace white? Oh, no! It's a beautiful pale beige and, yes, there's a mirror over it, but a much bigger one with painted scrolls at the top. 
Flooring in the--dining room? Upstairs bedroom? Not sure. rug is all wrong, of course; should be heavy, heavy royal blue, about three inches thick and a dust magnet.

In first upstairs bathroom (there were no bathrooms on the main floor). Funny, I have no recollection of this style of radiator there, but I assume this was original. I'm not sure if the tile is, or not. 

The Halpins' memorial service is today, so I'll wait until later, then ask Wes to take a few of the upstairs.

Called Ellen and we had a long and fruitful talk. I was pleased when she said Greg had suggested I visit him at his new job at Lassen's. Will do today, as I want to go to Target nearby, anyway. We also decided that tomorrow, for Ellen's birthday, I'll take them out for lunch. 

Other than that: I called my pal, Patti R. and we had a good chat. As a kid, she told me, she had lived in several of the Absecon Avenue municipalizes, including Ventnor, Margate, and Atlantic City. I hope to see her in Jersey in November.


This is from yesterday's (Friday's) post, but belongs here, I guess:
 NOW, it's 4:34 pm on Friday, September 9. Finally, at long last, Internet is on; Yandoo guy was just here. Saw the PA yesterday, she looked at the bumps or hives, prescribed a steroid, and they seem to be helping. TOPS this morning; 128.6 at home for a loss of a pound, 129.6 at T.O.P.S. for the loss of .01--no, I can't understand it, either, but I don't care. Stayed in the rest of the day, waiting for the tech. Carolyn and Wes at my old home on Rosborough Avenue; they just walked me all through it; I'll try to post some of that tomorrow.  

Friday, September 09, 2022

Oddity Day (Tuesday), Plus Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, September Sixth to Ninth

Okay, it is now 6:05 on Thursday, September 8, and I have had no Internet since yesterday morning. I called lousy Yandoo Communications, talked to a tech, he said it's on my end, they'll send a person--next Wednesday! Said they'd "try" to have somebody there yesterday, but of course, person never showed. Called again later, but no promises and no show. Since my t.v. is on that "service," too, I can't watch that. I re-watched my DVD of Up In The Air on this laptop, but it wasn't the same. 

Developed bumps that itch on my upper back and neck; will call the doctor at 9:00. Had Suzanne take a picture of them. Had Jim for lunch yesterday--sounds as if  served him up on a platter--the usual, although he seemed in a slightly elevated mood. The ice cream I made turned out great--took some over to Suzanne after dinner. 

NOW, it's 4:34 pm on Friday, September 9. Finally, at long last, Internet is on; Yandoo guy was just here. Saw the PA yesterday, she looked at the bumps or hives, prescribed a steroid, and they seem to be helping. TOPS this morning; 128.6 at home for a loss of a pound, 129.6 at T.O.P.S. for the loss of .01--no, I can't understand it, either, but I don't care. Stayed in the rest of the day, waiting for the tech. Carolyn and Wes at my old home on Rosborough Avenue; they just walked me all through it; I'll try to post some of that tomorrow.  


I call it that because of some of the unusual/unexpected/funny/annoying/gratifying things happened. To wit:

1. My left calf had developed an annoying itch the other day and it was pretty persistent. Bought itch cream and looked up the symptoms of blood clots (oh, yes, my mind immediately gravitates to worse case scenarios). I was relieved to read about pain, swelling, and redness, but not itch. It was still concerning, but today, the itch is completely gone and leg is back to normal--except, there's a red oval on it now. Just not sure if it's a bite of some kind or what, 

2.  A week or so ago, I got a notice from Prime Management to the effect that bushes around my house in Jersey was in need of trimming.  I called my friend and neighbor, Susan, and asked her to take pictures; she did and yes, trimming was imperative:

I called landscaper Tony C., and asked him to take a look. He called back today and naturally, I assumed it was to give me an estimate. I was amazed when he said, "It's already done." What? How could that be? Clearly, somebody--I have to assume it was my tenants--had it done. I called neighbor Susan and she said she had noticed, but assumed Tony had done it. I called tenant Susan and left a message, asking her to call me back to tell the cost--but I'm willing to bet she'll say they'll handle it. This is the same couple who refused a $75 rent increase and insisted on $100, Wow, I hope they never leave. 

3. I had a can of sweetened condensed milk left over from the Irish Creme I made and found a recipe for it to make ice cream. It's very simple, calling for that, plus vanilla, and whipped cream. I decided to try it and when I was in Target, bought--I thought--heavy whipping cream. Of course, I chilled the bowls, utensils, and container, then proceeded, as instructed, to combine the first two ingredients; put that aside while I whipped the cream. And whipped. And whipped. What the hell--! I've whipped oceans of heavy cream in my day and this just wasn't cooperating. I glanced in the trash--AAGH--I had accidentally bought half and half! I poured that into a container--nothing wrong with it and I can probably use it for something or other--and rushed over to Von's to get actual heavy cream.

4. Called Jim and issued an invitation for lunch today, which he accepted.  Wonder of wonders, when I asked him how classes were going, he said "pretty good." Considering his usual gloom and doom attitude, that's an oddity, all right, and I was glad to hear it. 

5. The very best one: I've been sleeping--for me--well. True, I probably get only seven, not eight, hours, but I awaken very close to five, which is fine for me. 


It's still pretty hot, but not quite as bad as it had been. As mentioned above, I walked to Wal-Mart after breakfast, then bused to Target.  


Business Note: Called the SOB BOA early on and talked to someone in North Carolina named David. I explained I had gotten a letter from El Paso to the effect that "were unable to provide photocopies" of what I requested because they're "from electronic transactions." Yes, that was established before. This time, I fervently hope, I impressed on David that yes, it's easy to see the rent--of a year ago, now--was taken from my bank account, but the apartment people said they didn't get it. Upshot of a 45-minute phone conversation: David said he'll send photo copies of what SO-FI endorsed, proving that they got it. Then why did I get the letter mentioned above? Oh, who the hell knows and I don't even care.  

Tuesday, September 06, 2022

Sunday and Monday, September 4 and 5

Sunday early: Cleaned the bathroom sink alcove, then went to Von's to pick up the free plant-based cheese--ha! For the third week in a row, I was told I was awarded a free item--and for the third week in a row, they didn't have it. Got a rain check. I made a quart of crystal pickles to take to the party. 

Went to CVS and picked up two tunics...*

Okay, that's as far as I got writing this blog on Sunday night. Got up yesterday--Monday--and the Internet was down. I finally, just now, resumed writing (7:30 pm Monday night).  

I just don't have the inclination to recount everything as I would have if things were normal, so I'm just going to quickly recap:

Sunday: The cast party was SO MUCH FUN!  The Access Van got me there a little late, but in plenty of time to dive into the buffet. I added my crystal pickles, poured my mango Blue Moon (love it!), and proceeded to enjoy myself with my tribe. Took some pictures:

Shannon singing, with Jared about to man the keyboard.
Maggie, Amber, and Bea doing a little ditty.

Maggie, Ben, and Amber about to give the Paper Plate Awards.

Me coming back with my Paper Plate Award; Amber and Ben, the presenters, on stage. 

The Paper Plate Awards were just a funny innovation by Ben, Maggie, and Amber. They were presented with great hilarity, to most in the show. Here's mine: "It's not my fault" was my tag line, after "Henry" accuses me, the year 2023, of allowing Monkey Pox to come into the world. Well, you had to be there....

Everybody in the production, cast and crew, got Area 22 tee shirts and here I am in mine:
On the back it has the name of our company--"Fractured Actors."

I was asked to recite the poem that won the Cowboy Poetry Contest at the fair and I got up on stage and did so. Naturally, there was much applause--hey, I could have recited the Gettysburg Address and this crowd would cheer, but it made me feel good. 

Amber and her friend, Bea, took me home along with Maggie, and I didn't get in until 9:30. Since the Internet was down, I didn't even watch my hour of T.V.--read, then went to bed. be perfectly honest, I had brought to the party two cans of mango beer, which I drank with dinner; later, Sandy made a concoction for me of what she was drinking: champagne with vodka. Good thing I'm no longer driving.  

I took a lot of videos, too, but damnit, none of them would transfer--too big or something, but I don't really know why.    

MONDAY: Vera picked me up for Soaring Spirits, our usual first-Monday-of-the-month lunch and I enjoyed it. I wore my new tee-shirt to it and we had two new people, both in their fifties, whose losses are pretty recent. 

* Took them back Monday, as they were too big.

Sunday, September 04, 2022


I had a horrid time sleeping over Friday to Saturday. Woke up at 1:30 and am not sure if I got back at all. Got up at 5:00, but didn't feel too bad, so maybe I drifted off for a time without realizing it. 

I have a regular ritual in the early morning, after bathroom ablutions: I top off this blog, then read Patti's, and follow with email and Facebook.  I was pleased to get an email from my dear friend, Leslie R., just saying she was thinking of and missed me. She and Dennis still live in Sunrise Bay and I saw them when I was in Jersey last November. I wrote back and suggested we call and catch up with each other.

Spent most of the morning making and decorating the little poem card for Shannon. Here's the verse I came  up with:

S howtimes with you and Jeff, my dear,

H ave always been a blast,

A nd there are other precious perks,

N otably, the casts;

N ot to mention all the fun

O f all the Suite J work you've done--

N ow, those are memories that last!

("Suite J" is what they call the theatre.)  Not one of my better ones, partly because of the near rhyme, which I don't like, but it is what it is and it'll serve to accompany the Irish Creme I made her.

Thought I'd walk to Smart 'n' Final for various, so took my little cart and started out. I hadn't even gotten to Telegraph Road when I realized that wasn't a good idea. It was an incredible 90 degrees and without a breath of a breeze. Walking a mile and a half there, then back the same distance would have been foolhardy, so I just went over to Von's and got the items I needed.

Home, lunched, and I toyed with the idea of going to the pool, but decided against. I was really beat, so I took a very refreshing nap of about an hour and a half. It's amazing how such a short time will revive me--got up and went out to get the mail...

...of which there wasn't any, but Suzanne was sitting on the lawn outside our front walk. I joined her and we chatted happily for an hour or so. Then Andy, from upstairs, came out and he stayed for twenty or so to talk. Leah and Chuck passed by and said hello--I have such nice neighbors. 

Just had soup for dinner and as I was finishing, I received a call and voice mail from somebody I didn't think I knew. The message was garbled so, just on a hunch, I called back and left a message. Of all people, it turned out to be Jim Downes, Betty's old boyfriend from high school! He asked about seeing Betty and I told him the particulars. He asked me to go with him and yes, I will, but he wanted to go today and I have the cast party. He wants a Sunday and next is Ellen's birthday, so that's out. We'll try for the eighteenth and I said I'd call him in a week or so. (For an earlier--rather snide--mention of Jimmy D., see my entry of 10/22/14.)

Last night, Saturday to Sunday, I slept well--yay!

Saturday, September 03, 2022


Hot, hot, hot, which is unusual in these parts.  

As for the weight thing: I was heartily annoyed because according to my scale at home, I was down 1.6 to 129.6, but at T.O.P.S., I was actually up by 1.8 to 130.5. No, I don't understand it, but I'll take the home number, natch. Six of us at the meeting; leader Lennie will be gone for the next two, as she'll be attending her husband's college reunion in Idaho or somewhere. Julie, who picked me up as usual, is leaving for two months in Austria next week. I gave her a bottle of champagne in an attractive container and a card of thanks. 

After breakfast, I washed the bathroom rugs and dusted and mopped the hard floors, for which I didn't have time when the play was going on. I then walked to Wal-Mart, thinking I might find something there to wear to the party tomorrow. No such luck--crapola abounds everywhere. Well, the hell with it, I'll wear something I have--just not sure whether to dress up or down.

Bused home and stopped at CVS. They did accept the twenty-buck voucher from Cover Girl (owned by Coty, by the way) and I bought two "ageless" lip liner/lipsticks. Once I got in, I considered going to the pool, but decided it was just too much trouble. Instead, I poured a glass of Blue Moon Mango Wheat beer (love it!) and sat on the patio reading. 

Emailed Sheldon Brown, the publisher of the Ventura Breeze to ask if he'd give my contact info to Shirley Lorraine, who wrote the excellent review of Area 22 for the paper. I'd like to get to know her, especially after reading her profile: She has been into acting, also. Sheldon wrote back to say he had forwarded my email to Shirley. 

I PMed Vera to see if we have a Soaring Spirits lunch on Monday. Yes, but the buses don't run on Labor day (that makes no sense at all to me), so how would I get there. I could walk, I guess, but it's a good three miles and if it's as hot as predicted, that may not be wise. Dunno.

Friday, September 02, 2022


I wanted to get something new to wear to the cast party on Sunday, so bused to the mall after breakfast. I went to Target, Macy's, and Penney's, tried on lots of stuff and didn't find one single thing I wanted to wear. Either the fabric was chinzy, the color was horrid, or the fit was way off--or all three combined. I'll have to look elsewhere or choose from my wardrobe. After spending three whole hours there fruitlessly, I was glad to leave. I did buy some cans of Blue Moon to take to the party, along with two small bottles of Prosecco--may take one there, also.

Home, I made the Irish Creme for Shannon and it turned out--natch--very good. I poured it in the fancy decanter I had bought and there was just enough left over to fill a smaller one. Think I'll have Suzanne and Vickie--maybe Jim, too--over one of these days and everybody can have a thimble full.

I decided to give Julie a going-away/thank you present and found a fancy wine holder, put in the bottle of champagne I've had for ages, and added a card:

I called my cousin, Sally, in San Diego and we chatted. Unfortunately, she fell while walking her dog last week and suffered bruised ribs and scrapes, but luckily, no worse damage.  

I decided to make the crystal pickles to bring to the cast party, after all. Rushed over to Von's for cucumbers, julienned them when I got home, then realized I didn't have an onion. Since you have to put the prepared cukes and onion in the fridge for two hours, then add vinegar and sugar and freeze, I didn't want to take the time to run back to the store. Knocked on Suzanne's door--no answer. Called Vickie and yes, she had an onion and insisted on bringing it over to me. Got the stuff done, then did a load of wash. For dinner, I made the pasta, peas, and tuna with oil that my sister, Gene, had told me about. Had it for dinner, and it was yummy. Put the extra in the freezer. 

So some pics: Here are Anthony and me as years 2022 and 2023, with our little pal,  Alieno. (Gawd, I look like a dwarf next to them.) Can't wait to see Anthony next week in Journey of the Skeletons at the Elite Theatre in Oxnard.  Fractured Actors will go as a group.


This guy got tired of waiting for the show to start:

Made from start to finish, of course, by Meredith alone; she's really a remarkable artist. Here's more of her work:

Thursday, September 01, 2022


I went early to the Barnes & Noble shopping center in order to 1. look for something to wear to the cast party and 2. go to Michael's for decorative stickers for the card I'm making Shannon. Couldn't find a thing at the former, but got the latter. Also bought three sizes of the card stock I like to use for homemade cards. 

Met Noreen at 11:30 and we had a good lunch and good conversation. I was relieved that she said she feels a lot better emotionally than she had. We lingered until about 1:30, then said goodbye. I went back to Kohl's--still nothing I liked--then walked the mile or so to WinCo, where I bought blueberries. Bused home after that.

It was only quarter of three when I got home and, since it was hot, I went to the pool. Swam around a bit and sat under an umbrella and read my book. Called my cousin, Sally, in San Diego, but no answer, so I left a message. Then called Stella and we had a long talk.

When I got home, Suzanne texted to ask if I wanted to meet and chat at 5:00. Sure thing, and we did. She had her O'Doul's, I brought some cream sherry, and she served sliced avocado on crackers. She showed me the pictures on her phone of her recent trip to see her sister in Seattle, and we had an enjoyable chat after.

Jeff sent particulars of the cast party on Sunday: It'll be at the theater at 5:00, food and water will be provided, we'll bring our own adult beverages, and, if desired, a side to share, although this isn't mandatory. I'm debating whether to make crystal pickles. The only hesitation I have is logistical: I'll probably get the Access Van and I'll have the Irish Crème for Shannon, which will be in a very heavy decanter. Can I handle that, along with a container for the pickles? Hmm...if I ask Suzanne to take me, it could work--I'll think about it.


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...