Wednesday, April 14, 2021


Agh, what a day! I spent hours in the morning on financial matters, going back and forth between BOA and Vanguard. Did manage to clear up a bit more of my "stuff" and even revise a poem. I had written it--I think--two years ago, thinking I'd enter a cowboy contest at the Ventura county Fair. Of course, the fair hasn't opened and is maybe gone for good. The verse isn't bad, though.

After lunch, I intended to walk to Smart 'n' Final, but it was so unpleasant out--not rainy, of course, it never rains--but overcast and with a chill wind. Just went over to Von's instead for produce and so on.

Called Betty to tell her I'd be seeing her tomorrow. Her conversation is now so disjointed and hard to follow, I just try to respond in some reasonable way, but it doesn't help much. She's still complaining of bad treatment by the staff, which I believe is bogus--I hope it is.

Did the Happy Hour thing at 5:00 with Nancy and Carolyn. It was the usual--not exactly stimulating, but okay, I guess.  


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A lot of goings-on yesterday. I washed the sheets and changed the bed before breakfast and otherwise neatened up a little. Left for Telephon...