Wednesday, April 28, 2021


After breakfast, I busied myself doing this and that. Walked to the nearby store for a Ventura Star, but they had only the Ojai Valley News, a weekly, so I bought that. However, it was the usual small town paper--mildly interesting to residents, I guess, but otherwise...

I had bought lettuce for lunch and found some tomatoes in the fridge. I appropriated them, along with tuna fish and dressing. Also snatched a yam and roasted it to eat with dinner.  

I then set out to walk to the stop for 16 bus, which is the only one that goes back and forth to Ojai. I had to wait about 25 minutes, but it was a nice day and a lively corner, so I didn't mind. Rode to Ventura to pick up Stephen King's new Later. The clerk also brought out the two basic Facebook books I had requested, but I told him I decided not to take them. I already got Jim's page to accept "friends" and frankly, I'm not going to be his tutor. I told him him could request the books and if he doesn't have the initiative to do that, that's his choice.

Didn't get back to Ellen's until almost 6:00. I had found a nice yam--or something--in her produce basket. I'm not quite sure what it was, as it was whitish in color (an albino yam?), but I pared it and cooked it and it was pretty good.


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A lot of goings-on yesterday. I washed the sheets and changed the bed before breakfast and otherwise neatened up a little. Left for Telephon...