Saturday, April 17, 2021


It was a pretty good day, unlike the preceding one. This seems to happen a lot with me: I'm up, I'm down, I'm up again--volatile as hell. But no matter, yesterday went well.

At home and at the T.O.P.S. gathering (only Bobbi, Lennie, Lolly, and me there), I lost a whopping .02 and .03, respectively, so remained at 127 and change, which is fine by me. Betty called and that went as ever--wandering in the dark.

The high point of the day was the email from Mike, which I added below. Violet, 12, is on at about the 1.02 minute mark. She's in the second to bottom row, in red, just above the conductor's right arm. I sent the video also to Dave Perry, graduate of Westminster, and to Jim and Suzanne. 

I did some more organizing and trying this and that. Didn't change anything drastic, but I did rearrange a bit and was satisfied. Walked to Wal-Mart and The Market after lunch and got everything on my list. I had my little cart with me, so instead of going right home, I stayed on the bus until the transit center to stop at Target for blueberries. They didn't have them at the price I wanted, so I later just took a six-ounce container out of the freeze.

Stella called while I was waiting for the number 10 and we had a good talk. When I got home, Jim called in response to my forwarding him the message from Mike below. He'll be over for lunch today.

Hello family,

Violet recently participated in a virtual, international choir ensemble with schools in the U.S., Germany and Singapore. You may be interested to know that one of them was: Westminster Choir College (the Conservatory Children's Choirs.)
Violet appears fairly often throughout - she is wearing a RED shirt (there are perhaps two kids in red, but Violet is not the blond one ...)

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