Friday, April 30, 2021


AAGH! I just looked at yesterday's post and saw I had forgotten to delete the bit about the name "Ojai" and... But the hell with it and I'm going on with Thursday. 

Slept well again (maybe I should move in) and got up at my usual 6:30, feeling good. Tidied up a bit after breakfast, then decided to help my darling daughter out by cleaning this and that. Did so, interspersed with computer games. 

After lunch, I decided to ride the Ojai Trolley into town. Visited some stores and stopped at Rain's Department Store, which I've always liked. Walked a bit, but damn, it was hot, in the higher eighties. So-o-o, I took a bus into west Ventura. On the way, niece Carolyn called, but it's so noisy on my end, I waited until I got in to call her. We had a sad talk about my dear sister's and her dear mother's decline. 

Stopped at a store and bought a little soap dish, then just bussed right back to Ojai. It was after 6:00 when I got in and the poor kitties were both waiting at the door, anxious for dinner. I fed them first, then me, and, violating my rule of never drinking alone, had a beer with dinner. Oh, mama, was that good.

Ellen called and said they probably will stay in Santa Barbara until Tuesday. That's  okay by me, but I need to go home and get more provisions; will do that today .


Thursday, April 29, 2021

Valley of The Moon *

 Had a good, active day. After breakfast--for the kitties and me--I left for the bus stop (1.3 miles) and got the 9:28. Rode it to the transit center, arriving at about 10:15, then got the 10 home and walked in at close to 11:00. Immediately took a shower. Ellen has two, but I'm still a little apprehensive about a "strange" shower, although I may try it in a day or two. Anyway, as long as I was home, I thought why not. I then packed up some more suitable clothes; it had been quite chilly when I got here, but today is in the eighties. I hadn't bargained for that, although I should have. 

At lunch, I had my usual big salad and packed another bunch of romaine, plus grapes and tangerines, in the small cooler. Also packed up additional reading glasses and a few other items. All fit in my trusty little cart, which I'The city was renamed Ojai, a Chumash word meaning “the Nest” or Valley of the Moon, when the name Nordhoff was deemed too German post-World War I. The main turning point in the development of the city was the coming of Edward Drummond Libbey. He saw the valley and fell in lom so glad to have with me now. Bused back and got to El's about 4:00, after stopping at Von's for paper towels. As soon as I got in, I put the AC on. Boy, did that feel good. 

I called Jim and we chatted a bit. His birthday is today and sometime later, I'll take him out to lunch to celebrate. Had a good Bistro MD (several of which El had left), then she called. Greg doing okay, but is tired and no wonder. El herself had plenty to do: Besides getting Greg out and otherwise caring for him, she had to get her third-graders' report cards done. Also, she had to guide her mentally-challenged mother on how to work the television and overhead fan.

*That's what "Ojai" means in the language of its earliest residents, the Chumash native Americans, but it was originally called "Nordoff." Interestingly, it was changed fairly recently. Here's the info from a hotel website: 

"The city was renamed "Ojai," a Chumash word meaning 'the Nest' or 'Valley of the Moon,' when the name 'Nordhoff' was deemed too German in post-World War I."

Wednesday, April 28, 2021


After breakfast, I busied myself doing this and that. Walked to the nearby store for a Ventura Star, but they had only the Ojai Valley News, a weekly, so I bought that. However, it was the usual small town paper--mildly interesting to residents, I guess, but otherwise...

I had bought lettuce for lunch and found some tomatoes in the fridge. I appropriated them, along with tuna fish and dressing. Also snatched a yam and roasted it to eat with dinner.  

I then set out to walk to the stop for 16 bus, which is the only one that goes back and forth to Ojai. I had to wait about 25 minutes, but it was a nice day and a lively corner, so I didn't mind. Rode to Ventura to pick up Stephen King's new Later. The clerk also brought out the two basic Facebook books I had requested, but I told him I decided not to take them. I already got Jim's page to accept "friends" and frankly, I'm not going to be his tutor. I told him him could request the books and if he doesn't have the initiative to do that, that's his choice.

Didn't get back to Ellen's until almost 6:00. I had found a nice yam--or something--in her produce basket. I'm not quite sure what it was, as it was whitish in color (an albino yam?), but I pared it and cooked it and it was pretty good.


Tuesday, April 27, 2021

In Ojai At Ellen's

Here I am at Ellen's in Ojai. Got here about noon yesterday, as the Access Van was early. No prob, though. El gave me a good Bistro MD lunch and it was accompanied with a Blue Moon (I didn't realize I had left several beers at her place) and good talk. The kitties are as lively and curious as ever--or more so--and I got settled in while El washed her hair. 

She didn't leave for Santa Barbara until 5:00, after which I called Nancy and Carolyn to tell them I won't be "conducting" our Happy Hour Tuesday today. Actually, there's no reason why I can't, but I wanted to give it a rest, anyway. I asked both of them (individually) if they'd like to meet me for lunch today, but both declined. Nancy: "Richard and Erin don't want me to." Carolyn: "I've been inside for a year and I don't want to chance going out yet."* 

After dinner (I had brought turkey stir-fry), I watched TV. That included some of A Star Is Born, (the Garland version), part of an Andy Griffith, some of something else, and a snippet of MSM.* All that was accidental; I still haven't mastered the T.V. controls.  

I've always found Ellen's guest bed so comfortable and last night was no exception: Slept like a log and feel good this morning.

* This quote comes to mind: "How they cling to the very chains that bind them." I used to apply that to the Church, but it fits here, too, I think. 

** As for MSM, I was amazed. Having skipped what passes for news on television for more than a year, I wasn't prepared for the extreme bias of the neo-lib "commentators." In newspapers, it's been evident for some time (yesterday's front-page headline in the Ventura Star was simply a teenagy gush of admiration for Biden's first 100 days), but that doesn't even come close to the garbage that was on MSM. It was a Trump bashing--by name and no innuendo allowed--by two men, one of whom I presumed was the "anchor." I understand the other side is represented by Fox News and that channel's as biased against democrats. The mind reels...     

Monday, April 26, 2021


Did a wash while I had breakfast and the crossword (aced it), then walked to The Market. Since I had been such a slug on Saturday, I was glad to get three in. Got the frozen pepper/onion combo I like and used in my turkey stir-fry for dinner. 

Called Ellen and we discussed my visit. I'll leave here (via the Access Van) at about noon, before El will have left for Santa Barbara. She'll fill me in on the kitties' feedings, plus how to operate the television. Hmm...I remember the days when you just turned it on and off or up and down. Maybe you'd fiddle with some kind of tuner, too, but that was about it. Now you have to practically be an electronic genius to...Oh,  can it, Mimi, it's not that hard.

Gave Suzanne my mailbox key (not that I expect anything interesting) and told her I'm not sure how long I'll be gone. It's quite possible I'll come back for part of a day or days. Went to Von's for a few things after lunch, but more-or-less hung out the rest of the day.  

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Erik And Jim On Saturday

I awoke up a bit too early for me: 5:15, but had slept through, thank Zeus, so I didn't mind. When it got to 6:30, I called Anchor Appliance and was told they no longer service anything they hadn't sold. Called Bill Galway (who was in Florida) and he recommended Erik's Appliance Care. Called him and he went to see fridge. Happily, he was able to go yesterday. He looked at fridge, did something so it would stay cool for a time, but will have to wait until Monday to see if it needs parts. Service call was $84.00, which will be deducted from parts and labor costs, if they're necessary. (Office person's name is Michelle and I had an excellent impression of her: very nice courteous and pleasant.)

Jim called early. He suggested he come for lunch today--well, sure--but was unable to follow Patrick's directions re the problem with Facebook. I looked, but can't find an FB page for him at all. When he got here, we ate, then spent two hours trying to remedy the problem. No luck. I have no idea how this happened; his Facebook page can be brought up, but there's no information on it; no intro, no posts, no friends, no other info. Why? Because he never put any on and we couldn't find a way to do so. His page kept coming up with some of my stuff on it. I'll try to ferret some more direction out later. In the meantime, I looked into the library site and found two books on Facebook, so requested them.

It was almost 5:00 before Jim left and I hadn't set foot outside the door all day except to get the mail. Put my coat on--it was chilly--and walked over to Von's. I had a free package of turkey bacon coming re my Von's app, so I got that. 


Saturday, April 24, 2021

Draggy Friday

After staying pretty steady weight-wise for weeks, I'm up either 1.8 (home: 129.4) or 1.7 pounds (T.O.P.S.: 130). couldn't have anything to do with the fact that I ate out, with beer, five days in a row, could it? No, of course not.  Anyway, I'm not too concerned.

Kind of a draggy day. The weather is still overcast and too cool for my liking. I went over to Von's for lettuce and grapes and was sorry I wore only a light jacket. Looked over a few of my billions of family photos, but just didn't feel like getting serious about organizing.

After lunch, I bused to the transit center and walked a bit down Telegraph Road to see where Dr. Mark B.'s office is. He's a dentist and I know I have to get serious again about that unpleasant stuff. Found the office, but they must close early on Fridays, as it wasn't open at 3:45. Toyed with the idea of continuing into town, but the weather was so unpleasant, I didn't and just bused home.

Got an email from Susan H., my tenant, to the effect that the refrigerator isn't getting cold enough. She said the freezer and ice maker are okay, though. I'll call Anchor Appliance shortly to go look at it. 

I emailed Jim with the following, asking him to come for lunch, but he hasn't yet responded. I put it in Gaelic, since I figured because he's Irish, he would understand it. Oh, I'm a devil! 😈

Bíodh lón againn!
Dé hAoine, Dé Sathairn, nó Dé Domhnaigh - sea?

Friday, April 23, 2021


For the first time in weeks, I walked to the park over the foot bridge. Met Suzanne as I was going out; she was on her way to the laundry place. We wondered where the good weather had gone, as it was overcast and cool.

There were slim pickings (another oldie!) at the lending library, but I picked up two. One contains mystery short stories and the other is called The Media Lab: Inventing The Future at M.I.T., published in 1987. Now, why would I be interested in such a treatise?  Two reasons: one, I want to see if what they "invented" is flourishing 34 years ago and two, because my granddaughter, Vivian, had said a while ago that she wants to go to MIT. I'm going to ask her Dad if she still does and maybe eventually, will send her to book.

Took the 11 and 10 buses and got home about noon. Had lunch, then, since I hadn't slept well the night before, I actually took a nap. Slept for only an hour, but felt much better when I got up. I then bused to the mall and looked around, but didn't buy anything. Before I went, I chopped two onions and stowed them in the freezer, then zapped a bag of fresh spinach. I put that in the fridge with the tilapia filet I had gotten out earlier and, with leftover rice, had a satisfying dinner.  

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Botanical Gardens

 I enjoyed the day, I guess because it was different from the usual. Got to City Hall and met Stella at 10, then trekked up to the Botanical Gardens. What a lovely place and what an invigorating climb!  I'm not sure what the actual grade is, but it was just challenging enough. Gorgeous views and lovely flowers, especially the daisies, which I love. There were some varieties and combinations of colors I had never seen before. 

We probably hiked upward about two hours, then down. Stella has an app on her phone that records miles and our total was two something. I suggested we have lunch at Finney, which we did.  We walked to it, as it's just below on Main Street. Stella and I had some good discussions involving our childhoods and personality quirks; her fears and worries and what seems like paranoia drive me crazy. I, of course, am the soul of calm and virtuous rectitude--HA! I know my impatience and angry reactions to various annoyances disturb her and I often apologize. Actually, though, we were honest with each other and that was good.

After lunch, we went to WinCo and I was able to pick up the tilapia I had wanted. Stella is looking for Lysol Concentrate, which she hasn't be able to find anywhere. Every other Lysol product was at WinCo, but not that. I told her I'd look it up on-line and when I got home, I did. Finally found it at  the Ace Hardware in Ojai and called to tell her.   

Here's Stella looking over one of the lovely vistas we encountered:

Wednesday, April 21, 2021


Walked to WinCo in the morning. Usually, I walk part of the way, then bus, but this time, I went all the way, a little more than three. Got cottage cheese (I like their big tubs) and other stuff, then went to Burlington. I bought two more individual servings casserole dishes with lids (my current craze).  then bused back.

Other than that, I continued my campaign to clean things up and clear things out. I actually typed out a list of where I'm storing different things. I have an annoying tendency to need something, can't find it, buy more, then come across a trove. To illustrate that, I now have eight rolls of Scotch tape. But--aha!--I put them in the basket on the filing cabinet and now I not only know where they are, but even have them on the list.   

Did the Zoom Happy Hour thing with Nancy and Carolyn at 5:00. Neither of them have gone out still--anywhere--for more than a years. We talked about what we're reading and what current knitting contest Nancy is in. Not exactly stimulating. I told them I would not be "there" next Tuesday, as I'll be at Ellen's. 

I'll leave for the Botanical Gardens and Stella in another two hours.


Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Another Lunch With Lolly

 Had a fine, unwakeful sleep, and got up a little early--5:30--but felt wonderfully rested. Changed the bed, re-made, and did a wash. After breakfast, I jumped in the shower and washed my hair. Impulsively, I decided to go over to Great Clips and get it trimmed. Did so, and it looks okay, but not really much different.

Left for town at noon and met Lolly at Rice at 1:00. This time I had the Pad Thai and it was good, but I suggested next time we meet that we go to Finney's Crafthouse ("craft" as in "craft beer," not "arts and"). I like a variety and I've had enough Thai for a bit.

We ate and talked until 2:30, then parted. I toured Main Street, as I frequently do, stopping into shops here and there, but I didn't buy anything. After an hour or so, I bused to midtown and got off to go the The Market for rice cakes and bathroom cups. 

Stella called--several times, in fact--and we'll meet tomorrow at the Ventura Botanical Gardens, where she said, everything's in bloom. We'll then go to lunch and that means--AAGH! I'll have beer five days in a row! What a lineup:

Saturday, when Jim was here for lunch; Sunday at Suzanne's suggested Happy Hour; Monday lunch with Lolly; Tuesday, virtual H.H.; Wednesday, lunch with Stella. Hey, that leaves Thursday and Friday--maybe I can fill them in. 😄

Monday, April 19, 2021


After the usual Sunday (all but two in the crossword), I tackled my financial stuff. I successfully transferred some dough to Vanguard, thanks to consulting my financial advisor, son Mike. I also consulted my electronic advisor, son Patrick, about Jim's Facebook problem, so that's done.

PLUS: I think I finally, finally, finally resolved the Ventura County Star billing problem, but at the cost of my remaining few brain cells. We'll see how it goes.

I walked to Smart 'n' Final for produce, came home and put cabbage and apples in the slow cooker. I'm not sure why I wanted to, as I think of that as cold weather food, but I had some with dinner and it was good. Also made rice. I can never understand why anyone would buy instant; it's so simple to prepare the real stuff and it's a million times better. Other than the above, it was an interaction day, which for me, is always a good thing; to wit:

For one, my brother, Larry, called to tell me that Andy McElroy had died. I was so sorry to hear that. I remembered when he, Larry, and Jack Bihlmier had visited us in Sunrise Bay; in July, 2007, as I saw on this blog. I'm not sure what Andy died of, but saw his obit on George Wimberg's site. I'll write a note to Katherine. 

For two: Suzanne texted me to ask if I wanted to have Happy Hour out front at 4:30. Sure thing, and we did. The weather was wonderful: about 80, but with no humidity. We caught up with each other's lives and it was enjoyable.

For three: Sharon R. called to ask if I wanted to have lunch with her and Carolyn M. today. However, I told her I'm already book with Lolly for lunch. Asked her to call me next time because I would like to see both of them.

For four: niece Carolyn called and we had a good talk. She has some "issues" with the administrator where Betty is and it's being dealt with, so that's progress.


Sunday, April 18, 2021

Jim And Jeanne

 Took some mail to the P.O. early--too early, as it turned out, as it doesn't open until 10:00 on Saturday and I was there at 9:40. No prob, I just walked around the block. 

Mailed the stuff, then went home to prepare for Jim's visit. That consisted of nothing much, as he brings his own lunch. He came at 1:00 and we had an enjoyable time. Jim mentioned some problems he had with Facebook--and he isn't even on Facebook. I just don't feel like going into the long and involved story, but he and I went in the other room to look some things up about it. The "other room" is my bedroom.

I was slightly uncomfortable about that, but that's probably silly. Jim and I have never been anything but  friends--real friends, not Facebook "friends." Anyway, he showed me what he was talking about that and I said I'd consult my son about it.

Jim left a bit before 4:00 and I just hung out. It seemed too late to bus somewhere and I didn't feel like walking, so hopped around (figuratively speaking) on the Internet until 6:00 and dinner.  

Big surprise: Jeanne Dollard Painter called me about 7:00. She said she's still in Florida, but she and John and going back to Jersey in a few days, then he's going to Lake George and she's "taking a breather" for a week or so. John is now 92 and drinks a lot. Jeanne is 85 and--well, interesting. And hour after we said goodbye, she called me again. Said she had forgotten to tell me about her brother suddenly finding that he has a daughter and granddaughter. She also texted me pictures of a wedding--not sure who's, as she had a lot of siblings. She slurred her words a lot and I'm hoping she was drunk, rather than having a neurological episode. 

Saturday, April 17, 2021


It was a pretty good day, unlike the preceding one. This seems to happen a lot with me: I'm up, I'm down, I'm up again--volatile as hell. But no matter, yesterday went well.

At home and at the T.O.P.S. gathering (only Bobbi, Lennie, Lolly, and me there), I lost a whopping .02 and .03, respectively, so remained at 127 and change, which is fine by me. Betty called and that went as ever--wandering in the dark.

The high point of the day was the email from Mike, which I added below. Violet, 12, is on at about the 1.02 minute mark. She's in the second to bottom row, in red, just above the conductor's right arm. I sent the video also to Dave Perry, graduate of Westminster, and to Jim and Suzanne. 

I did some more organizing and trying this and that. Didn't change anything drastic, but I did rearrange a bit and was satisfied. Walked to Wal-Mart and The Market after lunch and got everything on my list. I had my little cart with me, so instead of going right home, I stayed on the bus until the transit center to stop at Target for blueberries. They didn't have them at the price I wanted, so I later just took a six-ounce container out of the freeze.

Stella called while I was waiting for the number 10 and we had a good talk. When I got home, Jim called in response to my forwarding him the message from Mike below. He'll be over for lunch today.

Hello family,

Violet recently participated in a virtual, international choir ensemble with schools in the U.S., Germany and Singapore. You may be interested to know that one of them was: Westminster Choir College (the Conservatory Children's Choirs.)
Violet appears fairly often throughout - she is wearing a RED shirt (there are perhaps two kids in red, but Violet is not the blond one ...)

Friday, April 16, 2021


Got to Santa Barbara at 11:00,. Carolyn picked me up and took me to Villa Rivera. She left and I spent the next excruciating three-and-a-half hours with the imposter.  

Betty is getting more and more paranoid about people taking things from her (actually, she goes into other residents' rooms and takes their things). She also insisted on taking a lot of wholly unnecessary things to the activities room: two large purses, her barrettes, some kind of plug, several magazines that aren't even hers, plus a wooden plaque on her wall that reads llegitimi non carborundum.  That must have been old when Caesar was a kid and isn't even real Latin. 

When I just refused to go down to the activity room while she was carrying that load, she accused me of not liking her. (Believe me, in that moment, I didn't.) I finally got her to just take her (large purse) and off we went.  I wasn't permitted to eat lunch  in the gathering room, so we sat out on the very lovely veranda. However, Betty thought it was cold and we later went up to her room to eat. 

Well, there was a lot more, one incident more disheartening than the other, but there's no point in elaborating further. Carolyn came to pick me up at 3:00 and drove me to the bus stop and we had a good conversation before it came. She's the best thing that ever happened to Betty.

Got home at 5:30 and, after dinner, called one of the best things that ever happened to me: Ellen, of course, whose school experience continues to evolve. I went to bed early, even for me, but that was a mistake, as I had a very restless night. I'll now get ready for T.O.P.S., to which I'm not looking forward.     

Thursday, April 15, 2021


I was so sorry to get this email from Mike yesterday:
You all will have met our former domestic helper, Vicky Tejero, over the years. As you recall, she left Singapore to return to the Philippines about 5 years ago after learning that she had inoperable cancer of the lung lining.  We heard from her husband that she died this morning after having been taken to the hospital yesterday. She was 51. Vicky never had children of her own but asked yesterday (via her husband) for photos of Vivian and Violet. She had lived fairly comfortably over the past years on her farm in a northern province of the Philippines but became progressively ill in the past 9 months. We are sending some notes from the kids and some money for the funeral and a headstone.

Mike put many pictures of Vicky and the girls on Facebook. I like the one above so much. And, before she died, after she had been taken to the hospital, she asked for pictures of her charges, my darling granddaughters. Vicky never had biological children, but those two were hers, just as much they were Mike's and Paula's. What a loss. 

Yesterday, I did a wash, walked to Ralph's for salad dressing, then home. After lunch, I bused to town, walked Main Street, and bought a few things. I guess I got five miles in, so that was good. Shortly, I'll be leaving for Santa Barbara and will see Betty's new home. I'd like to see Betty, too, but she's long gone--somewhere I can't follow. 


Wednesday, April 14, 2021


Agh, what a day! I spent hours in the morning on financial matters, going back and forth between BOA and Vanguard. Did manage to clear up a bit more of my "stuff" and even revise a poem. I had written it--I think--two years ago, thinking I'd enter a cowboy contest at the Ventura county Fair. Of course, the fair hasn't opened and is maybe gone for good. The verse isn't bad, though.

After lunch, I intended to walk to Smart 'n' Final, but it was so unpleasant out--not rainy, of course, it never rains--but overcast and with a chill wind. Just went over to Von's instead for produce and so on.

Called Betty to tell her I'd be seeing her tomorrow. Her conversation is now so disjointed and hard to follow, I just try to respond in some reasonable way, but it doesn't help much. She's still complaining of bad treatment by the staff, which I believe is bogus--I hope it is.

Did the Happy Hour thing at 5:00 with Nancy and Carolyn. It was the usual--not exactly stimulating, but okay, I guess.  


Tuesday, April 13, 2021

The Star, Soda, And Stella

After breakfast, I removed most of what was in the big container, organized the scripts and other paperwork related to my acting classes, and decided to store them here, instead of at Ellen's. I now have room on my closet shelf, so they fit--also, the container is now easy to move.

I then spent about an hour with the Ventura County Star, trying to figure out the bill pay problem that's been going on for a long time. I don't even want to explain the ins and outs, but I contacted Gannett Newspapers and heard back from someone would get in touch. 

It felt so good to walk to the market after--just to get out was a treat. Got broccoli and diet Coke. I don't drink much soda, but in the late afternoon, if I'm on the laptop, I like a small glass. When I got home, I found the bottles of soda didn't fit in the fridge, so I tried to lower the top shelf. I couldn't. I looked on-line for information, got some, tried it, and I still couldn't. Called an appliance store in Oxnard and the woman was very nice, but she didn't know, either.The upshot was that I got the damn shelf out, but when I lowered it and put it back, it left a gap in the back of about two inches. AAGH! Oh, the hell with it, I'm just going to try not to put anything small on the top shelf.

Called Stella back and we talked for--well, for too long, by my lights; we really have little in common. She wants to walk with me, but I begged off for this week, telling her I had a lot to do. True, to an extent, but I could have made time. Just can't tolerate hearing about some of her phobias. The world can be a scary place, it's true, but people don't have to emphasize that to the exclusion of its wonder and fun. However, I don't want to hurt her feelings, so asked her to call me next week and we'd plan a walking date. 

Monday, April 12, 2021

Lunch With Ellen

After breakfast I disassembled most of my carefully packed container. I'm determined to make it lighter and I'm pretty sure how to do it. 

Left for the bus stop at 10:15 and got to Ellen's in Ojai at 12:30. It's remarkable how the temperature changes from Ventura to Ojai; it was pretty chilly when I left home and and it must have been twenty degrees warmer at El's. 

We sat and talked for a bit, played with the kitties (who are getting much friendlier), then walked to Lemon Something (?) for lunch. I had a good chicken wonton salad, plus an IPA, El a Margarita pizza, which she shared. Yum, and it was so nice to sit outside in the lovely sunshiny patio.

We walked back and settled down to watch the first part of The Crown. I found it, in equal parts, interesting and absolutely infuriatingly idiotic, so enjoyed it. Stella called while I was at El's to ask if I wanted to go for a three-mile walk, I explained where I was and said maybe on Wednesday and I'd call her later.

I had called the Access Van to take me home, although I could easily have taken the bus. El took me to Von's, which I was picked up. I was pleased to see driver Chris, whom I've had before, and we chatted all the way home.

I'm now watching Evita and greatly enjoying it. Even better, I slept soundly through the night, so am hoping the waking-up siege is over.

Sunday, April 11, 2021


 Well, things are looking up: Jim called at 8:00 am, asking how I've been and asking about a lunch meeting (I don't want to write "date.) I was very pleased and we decided on that very day--yesterday. He came at 1:00 as usual and stayed until close to 4:00 after our usual gabfest (now, that's up-to-date slang--or would have been in a 1940s Silver Screen). I walked him out, then took off for the 99-cent store to get white tissue paper. They had none, so I walked further to Wal-Mart and got it there.

I had texted Carolyn about seeing Betty and we decided on Tuesday. That means Nancy, Carolyn, and I won't have our Happy Hour, but frankly, for me, it's no great loss. It had been getting tedious for some time trying to think of things to say to people who don't do much.

Aside from that, I ran out to Von's for romaine, after spending most of the rest of the day continuing my stowing of the acting/impersonating stuff. Boy, was it a chore, but I finally did it. I had an enormous number of pictures in frames and I took some out, then invited Suzanne over to take some, which she did. 

The problem now is that the container is so damn heavy, I actually don't think El and I can get it into her car. Hmm...I'll have to think about remedying that in some way.

Saturday, April 10, 2021


Weight stayed the same at home (127.8) and was up .01 (128.5) on the T.O.P.S. scale. I rushed home after getting weighed, so I could change clothes and have breakfast before 9:30. Did so and was ready for Suzanne, who took me to Wal-Mart to get the 30-gallon container...

...except they had no more! They had had FIVE of them when I was there on Wednesday, but they were all gone.  Asked somebody to check to see if they had any in the back, but no. He checked to see if they had any in Oxnard and they did, but I didn't went to ask Suzanne to drive there. Dejectedly, I went out to tell her and she suggested herself that we go to Oxnard. We did and I finally got it--YAY!

This is a thirty-gallon, but it's anything but too large. I spent all morning and part of the afternoon on finding, consolidating, and organizing my acting stuff and what a job. I'm still not finished, but at least I put a big dent in it. 

After lunch, I bused to town (had to get out). At the Santa Paula Animal Rescue thrift store, I came upon a real find: a nice wicker-like box thing with a lid that's exactly the right size to fit next to my dresser. I already have a less attractive one there, but I'm going to clear that out and get rid of it. 

Ellen called about 5:00 and we had a good talk. She invited me over for lunch tomorrow--we'll go out, I'm thrilled to say--and of course, I'm happy about that. 

I haven't spoken to Jim since exactly a week ago when he was here for lunch. I'm just going to see if he'll have the initiative to call me, instead of, as it's always been, me calling him. 

Friday, April 09, 2021

Clearing Out

Oh, what a good girl am I! I spent hours and worked my fingers to the bone hauling out my acting paraphrenia from the high shelf in the closet, under the bed, and a few other places, in order to prepare to stow it in the thirty-gallon container at Ellen's. I'll get it today at Wal-Mart. 

I was a little disappointed when Suzanne said she'd take me at 9:30 today after I had called her on Wednesday; I really wanted to go immediately. Also, it's going to be really late before I get breakfast. On the other hand, that probably worked out better, as once I have everything out, I can look it over and decide to keep or toss more easily. I forced myself to refrain from reading over my plays and/or roles. I have a tendency to get waylaid, thereby avoiding a chore. 

I suspended it long enough to walk to The Market for three pounds of tomatoes, a bag of onions, and rice; bused part of the way back. Cut up my tomatoes, two large onions, oiled, seasoned, and popped them in the oven. While they cooked, I continued my clearing out chore. I still have some to do, but my apartment, especially the bedroom closet, is ever so much neater and better organized. 

I'm now watching Before The Devil Knows You're Dead, starring my favorite actor (sob!) Philip Seymour Hoffman. It's bizarre and unsettling to see him playing a business man who's a druggie, considering he died of a drug overdose in real life. Albert Finney, of all people, plays his father--with an American accent, of course, Ethan Hawke his brother. I find the movie very absorbing. 

Thursday, April 08, 2021


I wrote a letter (a real one, on paper!) to my brother and SIL in Bangkok, so walked to the P.O. for stamps and mailed it off. From there, I walked to Wal-Mart and happy day, the container I want is in. There were five of the same on the shelf, in fact, so I'm not too worried they'll be gone before I get there. When I got home, Suzanne's car was gone, so I knew she was out. In fact, she didn't get home until about 2:00 and, since I know she takes a nap in the afternoon, I didn't want to disturb her, so didn't ring her bell.

After lunch, I did some computer stuff and read. Close to 4:00, I got restless, so bused to the mall and Target. Got blueberries and broccoli, two of my favorites.

Called Suzanne and she said she'd take me to get the container at 9:30 tomorrow. Damn, I was hoping to get it today, but okay--I'll look over some of the stuff I want to store and get it out.

Again, I had a problem sleeping last night. Darn, I hope this passes, as it always had before. 


Wednesday, April 07, 2021


A kinda draggy day. Changed the sheets, did a wash and a few other chores, then spent a fair amount of time on financial matters. Transferred some dough to Vanguard and got the utilities bill problem straightened out. That took a lot of the morning.

I walked to Smart 'n ' Final and back, so got three in. Put black beans in the slow cooker, along with onions, spinach, and spices, and let it cook. Had some for dinner over the rice I had made before.

Did the virtual Happy Hour thing at 5:00 with Nancy and Carolyn, which was semi-enjoyable. I'm still pondering about how they could be so content following the mandates of Big Brother for avoiding COVID. It's understandable that they're compliant, I guess, but they seem never to rail against it and/or try to strategize to modify. Okay, each to her own.     

Called Ellen after dinner and we chatted. Aside from all that, ain't nuthin' much going on here. 

Tuesday, April 06, 2021


After breakfast, I put the Easter decorations away, emptied the dishwasher, and otherwise cleaned up. Took off for The Market about 9:30, walking both ways. It was another nice day: breezy, but warm, which felt good. I got broccoli and Equal, among other good things.

Betty called with yet another litany of complaints about the staff at Villa Riviera. I can understand how people can be so easily made to believe whatever politicians and their minions, the "newscasters," want them to believe. If you hear something repeated over and over with great conviction, you begin to consider the idea there must be some truth in it.  I'm positive the staff there is kindly, but every once in a while, I have to force myself not to believe otherwise.

I got an Easter card from brother and SIL, Jim and Therese yesterday. Gee, only a day late--maybe the P.O. is improving. Also got a long email from my old Rider colleague, Dave Perry. I'll write him back.

Hopped a bus to town after lunch and browsed here and there. I found a darling little shadow-box type Christmas decoration, which I just had to buy (AAGH!) Also picked up the DVD The Others, which I started watching last evening. 

Ugh, I had a terrible time sleeping last night. I was stressing over a few things, woke up about 4:00, and couldn't get back to sleep for an hour or more. Maybe I'll take a nap today.

 On Easter evening, I put this on Facebook: 


Snooky Lanson used to sing that on "Your Hit Parade," but this is from me: I'm stepping away from Facebook for a time. I enjoy seeing posts and pictures from family and friends, and it's going to be hard to give it up, but I think, for me, it's healthier. I take comments too much to heart, maybe, depending on who's writing. Anyway, it's no big loss to the Internet world. I'll probably get back into it some time, but not very soon.

Monday, April 05, 2021


 A lovely Easter, but I'm going to skim through it quickly: 

Got out the prettier china and glasses and set the table. 

Prepared the salad and put it in the fridge.

Tidied up the place a bit.

Ellen came at 1:00 and we sat a talked for a bit, then walked over to Von's, as she needed cat food. Met Suzanne on the way coming out of the pool area (she went in the hot tub) and said hello.

Came home and, as planned, we had a Margarita beforehand. I popped the lasagna in the oven about 2:30. We had another Margarita.

Ate and El had diet Coke while I had the half bottle of red wine Suzanne had given me. All of it, in fact.

After lots of mother/daughter talk (my favorite thing to to) El left and I cleaned up.

The Zoom call came at 6:00 and was about equally depressing and enjoyable. Participants included the three who aren't there anymore, Larry and me, plus a few assorted children.

So that was my day. I loved spending it with my darling daughter and hope to see her again before long.

One other thing: I made the decision to withdraw from Facebook for the time being. There are reasons, which I may or may not elaborate on later.  


Sunday, April 04, 2021


Good grief, I did it again--labelled yesterday's post "Easter Saturday" when it was Friday. Losing it, I guess.

Suzanne took me to Wal-Mart at 9:30 and wouldn't you know, they had none of the container on wheels I wanted. Talked to somebody who looked it up and said they'd get more in next week and should be out on the 6th or 7th. Okay, I'll check then.

I got an email from my niece to the effect that a Zoom meeting is planned for brother Jim and Therese in Bangkok. Looks as if lots of nieces and nephews and so on will be included. I'm not too crazy about the cast-of-thousands idea. It's one thing if it's a seminar or other planned program with a speaker and audience, but for a gathering like this, it's awkward, I think. However, of course, I'll participate.  Also got a text message from other niece, asking if I would let brother Larry know. I called him and we had a good talk; also sent him the email with the link. 

Video messaged cousin Marifran because my return email didn't go. She said that happens a lot. I enjoyed seeing her and we had another nice chat. Called El and happily, she seems not to have gotten a bad reaction from the second COVID shot.

Jim came at 1:00 and we had our usual session, talking over a variety of topics. He left at quarter of four, at which point I went over to Von's to get an Easter meal for Ellen and me. Not exactly in the traditional mode, I bought already-made lasagna, Hawaiian rolls, salad fixings, and Ben & Jerry's Karma sutra, which includes fudge and caramel. El's bringing the important stuff: the Margaritas and hard-boiled, dyed eggs. 

Mike video-messaged me and I had a wonderful time interacting with the Singapore quartet. Oops, I mean quintet, because I was treated to the meows of one of their cats. Snickerdoodle speaks up often and very loudly, with a noise like a rusty garden gate. So funny!     

Saturday, April 03, 2021

Easter Friday

Home: 127.8, so up .08; T.O.P.S. 128.5, so up by about a quarter pound, but I'm not concerned. Only Lolly, Lennie, and I were there and we stayed talking for a half-hour or so. I walked Lolly to her car and she surprised me with a gift: a bottle of vodka. I had forgotten that when we had lunch the other day, she mentioned putting vanilla beans in vodka to make vanilla for baking. I said I'd like to do this and she said she had two bottles of vodka (she seldom drinks) and would give me one. She did and I appreciate it.

Had breakfast late, as ever on Fridays, then was delighted to get a call from my "Cincinnati Sis," my cousin, Marifran. She had come across a St. Patrick's day card to Aunt Maggie from my mother. She found it in her mother's things, but why Aunt Frances has it is a mystery. She said she'd sent it to me, then we talked for almost an hour. I don't appreciate it enough, but I should: I'm so lucky to be part of this big extended family of ours. 

Went to Vons for a bunch of stuff and ran into Suzanne, who was trying out her new Sketchers. Unfortunately, they bother her leg (she has fibro neuralgia), but she'll offer it up, I guess.  Later, I gave her a container of yogurt that had been free for me at Von's. Also asked if she'd take me to Wal-Mart today, so I can get a big container to store my acting paraphrenia in Ellen's shed. Said she would and we'll go at 9:30.   

Ellen called--happy day, she got her second Moderna shot, so if all goes well, she'll be here for Easter. Even if she has a reaction, it shouldn't last two days. We decided she'd come about 1:00, we'd have Margaritas, then linner--or dunch. That is, we'll eat about 3:00. I told her I'd provide it: think I'll just get rolls, cold cuts, and some sides, plus dessert.

I charged my phone and it takes so long, I just hung out most of the afternoon. I did take a walk all around the inside of the complex, so about a mile, I guess. Geez, I was so idle, it felt like Sunday. At least, I did sleep pretty well and have been lately. Jim will be here for lunch today, so that'll be good. Must clean up a bit before he arrives.

Friday, April 02, 2021


I packed my laptop, keyboard, and mouse, loaded them into my cart, added information from Vanguard and BOA and started for the bank at 8:45. It's only a mile or so, but it was very warm--actually about 80 degrees that early.

Anyway, I was introduced to Liz, whose title is "relationship manager and lending specialist." (Where in the HELL they come up with these designations, I don't know; sounds as if she's a marriage counselor.) However, we set up my laptop and got onto the site and she walked me through it in about fifteen minutes.  I was pleased to finally have done with it and transferred a fair amount to Vanguard then and there.

Walked to The Market after for carrots and rice cakes. I had intended to bus home, but none came, so I walked. Boy, was it hot. Happily, though, my apartment is cool and comfortable. 

After lunch, I bused to town, not for any particular reason, but just to get out. Walked Main, bused back, and got home about 4:30. I surprised even myself by plunging into food prep--usually, I do that earlier.  I cooked spinach, stowed half in the freezer in one of my new little casseroles, and the other half, I reserved for dinner. Scrubbed and cut two pounds of carrots, mixed with olive oil, garlic, and seasonings, and popped them in the oven. I had bought a great big yam a few days ago, so I scrubbed and pierced that and baked it, too. I now have the middle shelf in the fridge stocked with veggies, which I'll enjoy for a vegan dinner or two. 

Thursday, April 01, 2021

Lunch With Lolly

Did a white wash, then putzed around until noon, when I left to meet Lolly for lunch. We went to Rice, a Thai restaurant and I was pleased to see they had Singha, a good Thai beer. I ordered that and something called bahr, which was a kind of rice salad. Lolly had pad Thai and insisted on giving me some. Boy, was it delish--I'm going to order that next time I go Thai.

We talked and talked, of course; Lolly's been married and divorced twice and has two sons. Besides the condo she just sold, she has three others, one of which she's moving to. I was surprised when she told me we aren't, after all, meeting at Trinity Lutheran next time. Lennie, another member, who husband is the retired minister there, had told us we could go back there, but Lolly found out only church groups could. Just as well for me, as we'll meet here tomorrow again. I told Lolly that I may very well drop out after that. Now that I have a scale, I don't need to be weighed there anymore, plus I don't really get much out of it.

We parted about 3:00 and I walked to the library to pick up If It Bleeds, a year-old Stephen King book, which I had requested. Actually, I may have read it already--don't quite remember. I want to read his new one, Later, but will have to wait until earlier requesters are served.

Back to Ventura Avenue for the bus and on the way, I stopped at a few of my haunts and bought three more DVDs, including a documentary on The Enchanted Hill, the William Randolph Hearst castle, where I've been several times.

I meet the bank person this morning at 9:30 and fervently hope I can get this wire transfer thing settled.      


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...